Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 02 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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by C&S Publishing Co•• Post Office Box 498. Long Beach. California, also publishers of State Cycle News for the Eastern states. -. • America's Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper- Publisher••••• Charles C. Clayton Business Manager•• Sllaron Claytoo Manapng EdltoI". Wayne F1emlnr;ton Production Manager••Dennls Greene Assistant Editor &< j.ab Technictan •••••••••••••• 8lJ1 Peltigrew Bookkeeper•••••• Susan M1itelaw Circulation Depl. • Jenny McDonald RecepUonisl. •••••• Sandra Purdy Published weekly except the first and last week of the calendar year VOICES OF THE WEST QUESTION REMAINS MERRY MOOSE RUN Mr. Dye, I'm flattered tbat my questi9D rated one of your two and a balf dollar letters. However I can ooIy guess wbJ my question bas gfYell rise to a publlc accounting of your enterprises. Mr. Dye. WbateYer the reason it's ent1rely irre1eftnt. ~ to the point Mr. Dye. My letter s1mpIy 1lll8ed the questIal 01. wbether or DOt the west c:s-st AMBlUCAN riders were being gouged, relat1ft to their Just ~ted the motorcycl1ng world to kIlow that they missed one of the lunnest mud wompin' runs in a long time - the 4 Aces Moose Run Sunday, Jan. 26. ETeryone rea1l.zed their cloo bad no control over the weather, and this was the ooIy drawback...and ooIy at times. We talked about the race all the way bome, and the more we t:a1ked, the more we rea1l.zed wbat a fantastic job this club did. Although only one of my SODS l1n1sbed the race, our helmets, as muddy as they are, are off to you, 4 Aces. THE DARRELL WEYLER FAMILY Los Angeles, cal. east coast COQlllerparts. Tbe lDtierDat10aal riders were spec1l1c:ally omitted - that's an allogether different slpry. Tbe lIIaet10us sucgesttoo about the BIll Second Class Postage paid at Long Beach. Calif. Editorial stories. cartoons, photos, etc. are welcomed and will be paid for upon publication (except press releases and ·Voice· letters.) Addressed. stamped envelope assures return. Slope copy price•••••••••• 25¢ ubscrlption: one year 2nd class mail • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• S7.50 My busband and brother (who races) lave been street riding several years. They've been stopped on occastoo, but never barrassed. My 12-year-old BOO rides in the dirt, (to play) and at times the pollce have watcbed him in interest, but never barrassed hIm._ Of course, the Torrance Pollce '" Los Angeles Pollce are kIlownlor their courtesy. If one will treat the pollce oI.f1cer with respect, be will treat you with respect. MRS. JOHN HONEYCUTr Torrance, California INFORMATION PLEASE! ThIs 15 not a comPlaint; It's more of the way of a search for lnlormal1ClD. I lave received your P8P8r lor more than a year and have enjoyed most of your news. But as an older rider (46, Ia.,., been riding 28 years) I Ian passed througb most of the racing, bIllcllmblng, stage and still enjoy reading about them. Now in the last live years or so I have been making the road rides - Death Valley, Yuma Prlson Run, Colorado River Run, (whlcb I plan to make 15-16 Feb.) I've noticed you have very little coverage of this type of run. I realize it may not be your fault, as you m1gbt not receive this Information. But If you kIlow of any paper that covers more of the road rides I would -wrec1ate 1nlormatlon 011 It, as I would like to read of these rides. FRASER E. BERG mabslee Moto Cross Series would ooIy DAHMS AND POLICE e:reate yet another 1DdePendeDt bard b8IIded grOQJl in our sport. EDctI.Y opPermit me to answer my critic, Mr. posite to wbat 15 needed. Besides I've W.E. Van Drielen 01. Spark§, Nevada. a1reBdY sened my time, Mr. Dye, in the Either be read a different article by AKA, AFM, and ACA, back in the time Miss DBbms or be misinterpreted her before you became the Kindred Spirit "Question of Law and Order." of Moto Cross. Barbara Dahms speaks ofpollcebasbAny llg1It you can sbed on this question, ing people on the sItn11s, shooting indisMr. Dye, would be -wreclated by .. all. cr1m1nately,spray1ng mace, crime in the WIa. an amateur sport 15 CODYerted toa streets, hippies in the streets, Negroes commercial venture then all enthusiasts in the streets, teen-acers in the streets must be CODC8l'IIed. Tbey bave a r1g1lt to and demonstrators in the streets. She kDcnr 1dlat's colDc 00 s1nce they are tbe speab ~ murder, k1lllog in the lorm ~ _ that ultimately ~the IRlPPOriIn _ war, alcclloJ and marijuana. Tucson. Ariz. dDIJars. Tbe)' aI80 ID1I8t bear the c:oaseNo wbere did I r8lld one word about qaeaces tbat will atrect tbe1r sport and cycl1sts unless Mr. Van Drlelen thinks COMME T: There 15 DO otber \IIIbl1caUcm _ their persoaal riding. sbe was 8P'Mking about cycl1sts she bad In !be U.S.lbatdevotes as DIIIcb spu:e III Do DOt, theD, tboBe tbatprot!tlrom OlD" seen. As lor pollee barras8ement of road runs as Cycle News. We'd like to do sport Ian an obl1ptioo astotbewelfare street riders being a major problem, 1 more, but our road correspoadents keep 01. our sport? think be should eDm1De bls riding babl.ts. .driftlng a_yo Tbe quest!ClD 01. amateur/prolessieoal III a difficult ODe in all sports. 1b1s ~aa 15 raised, mUe no mistake, wba proftt enters the _ . TbeM.R.I. ... tu:bd the problem fer IIWIJ years and I do DOt belillft theY are satlslIed yet. Here we have another comic 'situation created by tbe Scarlett Streak Do DOt feel persecuted Mr. o,e. It 15 CIIIl7 tbat )'OIl1a"" entered a sporttbat15 (alias cartoonist Jerry Barnett).,..pnly again, as occasionally in the past. he left the joke line out. What good is a cartoon without a joke line, we ask you? cklN tID my beart. And I feel tbat open, Well. it pves you readers a chance to stretcb out your funnybones and wJn ~ and lRIbjective cftSQ1S sl on can _ _ my sport even better. J some money. All you have to do is write your joke llne in the space provided and send it in to Cycle News. Tbe one that makes us laugh the loudest w.ins BlLL BLAKESLEE the first (and only) prize: $5 in U.S. spending money. the announcer Downey, CalU. saying over the loudspeaker? Or, for that matter, what could number 12 or number .3 be thinking as 01' #7 overtakes them (or are they overtaking him?)? U's Finish The Funny Rides Again . .lEY TO RESCUE 3 I'd like tID thank Rescue'S for the dune and most Important the first aid I filCilltlld alter "k1sstue" the bandle 1IarlI ClD a fantastic 1oClP-de-do. As lor the LucUt.r ,. 8oIpIIal", wblch 15 tully eqI'IA*' with ODe IIIII'H, ODe doctor and tIIree benc'w8, they can Ia.,., It. Tbe1r doctiaI" ws oat -.ttae wbea oI.f1cls IIy be III Sill' ~ to be 011 dDI;y.Itwsnot until tift bours atter the incident that I actually recelftd stItcbes. _, Could you plaN print Rescue 3's address, so I can send a doaatloo to be used lor radio equipment. .JEFF ANDREWS La crescenta, CalU. ReSCIll! 3: P.O. Boll 1136, Barstow. Cal. 'IIla1 ride ,.. ! lI2311. BUSH STERS TRIED CoDcern1DC the Busbmesters fiasco, sure they made a lot 01. &'OQls, but they must Ia.,., tried to pot on a Ieg1.tlmate point run. Tbere were ~te class sign-ups, good toilets, ambulance, Rescue 3 (who worked their butts dl), and radio cootact on the course. ODe 1 . point nm bad none of the lII:Iote. WUb new clOOs or ones with a bid nm, a Sports Committee olftc1al sbould ride the course early with limec:&J"I")'1JIlr club members and make any necessary corrections. WES ANDERSON SR. Los Angeles, Cal. a real toughie this time, sports fans. au t we are confident that, as usual, your seDse of bumor will fintsh this funny in hilarious style. .Entries sbould be addressed to: Cycle News· FirJisb the FDIUlY Contest", Box 498, Long Beacb, Calif. 90801. Deadllne for postmarks is ,Friday, ,February 14. The winner and runners-up will be announced in the follOWing issue. Advertising rates and circulation information will be sent upon reQuest. NATIONAL ADVERTISING DIRECTOR••••• 'TIIIlIIaS R. Cui, Cycle News (WesO, P.O, Bex 498, Ling Beadl, calif. 90881 Tel. (213) 423-0431. EASTERN ADVERnSlNG MANAGER •••••••••••••••• Frank R. May.r Stat. Cycl. News (East) P.O. Bo. 13, AIIlht,st,Ohlo 44001 T.I. (215) ' ....2433 COOLEY'S COLUM. By Wes Cooley TIle Role of tilt State Anomey I was very happy to see Tom Clark's (AKA Director of professional racing) statement in Cycle News last week concern10g the residents of Call1ornia and the AKA reprd1.oc suspensions. Many people in this state Ian spent a creat deal of time and money assurtng the rider b1s rtebt to be able to select and ride with the associatioo be wishes and participate in the events of b1s cboice. There are thirtY-58ftn otber states in the United States !bat haft this same law whicb allows the rider freedom of cboIc:e to participate in any event be wtsbes as long as be 15 a member ~ that association without being discriminated apinst. I canoot W1derstBDd 1ibY the riders in these other states do not contact the State Attorney and ask tbat this 1&w be eolorced. I also do not W1derstand 1ibY all of a sudden the AKA 15 st:artlng to crack down on the profess1onal riders who ride lD other than AKA sanctloDed events. For the last two or three years AKA professionals Ian been allowed- correctloo - ha.,., been riding in non-A.MA _ t s with the knowI8dge of the AKA olflc1als, but laYe not been _pended. I canDOt bel1eft that the AMA really las any lear ~ the non-AKA motorcycle assoc1attoos, elfCept lor the possfbW17 ~ scaring some 01. the riders wbo are sittt.og on the lence and m1g1It start partlc1pat1ng in other associations' sanctIooed events. Rea11st1callY, wbat COOd did it do tID suspend for 15 ~s riders who participated in the road race on September 26th? It really did not in any waypretellta-e riders from parttclpHnc in any AKA IWH

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