Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 02 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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The ~ ~r By R. Bunch KURT LOHMEYER 1969 JAWA ESO DT 500 Speedway - in stock. Also 1969 250 Moto-Cross - So. Bay M/C - 213 So. Pacific COast H~., Redondo Beach, ~Calif. (213) 379-33'44. Is now selling Bultacos only, at the new Mitco Bultaco, 7229 W, Orangethrope, Buena park. Come In and register for the drawing on a free Bultaco of your choice. (714) 522-6626. 1968 GREEVES 250cc Super fast! OVer $200.00 port work, mllled head, special exhaust pipe, speclal carb., Barnett clutch, new suspension, xlnt. condo $750.00.(213) 345-5091. 1964 SUZUKI 250, low ml1es, new rubber excellent transportation bike $265.00 or trade for small foreign sedan. (213) 343-7547. Call aftl!r 6, ask for Krls. SPIRO AGNEW DOESN'T READ CYCLE NEWS .••But Nixon's whole family does! 1968 PUR SANG top shape with extras $600.00. (714) 245-2704. 67-1/2 KAWASAKI 238 factory prototype of greenstreak, now better. 21" front, Gir1ingsrear, reworked frontsuspension, many spues, excellent motocross. (714) 879- 6233 Fullerton. TRADE - 59 Chev.' El Camino Pick-Up 61 Falcon sta. wagn. for Triumph 650cc street bike. Wlll consider smaller bike and cash. (213) 328-7435 or (213) 644-2468 Inglewood. SUZUKI CITY 250'5-$495.00 1968 YAMAHA DTI enduro, xlnt. condition, low mileage $650.00 or offer. Make offer. Call (213) 469-8508 eves. after 5:30 p.m. 1125 SO. LA. BREA, INGLEWOOD (213) 674-3431 68 LOBITO AK-14 hP dirt or street $350. 67 Moto Beta, big tires, desert seat, ' Filtron, compression release, extended swinging arm & forks $275.00. Phone: (714) 735-0695 Corona. Specializing 10 everything for your m/cfull Z-90 and Snell Helmets $12.95 & $16.95. NGK-70~, Bubble ShIelds $3.75, Jackets $13.95, all oils 10% off - tires, batteries, etc. M/C Speclalties Unlimited 6075 Van Nuys BlVd., Van NuYS;. (213) 785- 0349 _ Open Monda)'-Thursday 10- 6, Friday til 9 - Sunday 10-3. SEXY SACHS Late '67 Mota-Cross. 21" front wheel, Bultaco piston, Dykes rings, new tires. (213) 835-6907. TOP PAY FOR TOP MECHANIC Excellent shop and dealer needs mechanIc Immediately. Knowledge of 2 and 4 cycle bikes plus good references a must. U you qualify call (213) 473-6717 Mr. Joseph. MIC ACC, HOUSE 1965 TR6SC - Low mi. license, never raced, new pistons, valves, springs and many extra parts. You put together $575 or offer. (213) 472-2541•. 1968 TRIUMPH Bonneville. Perfect condition $1,200 or best offer. (213) 8867034. CADMIUM PLATED BSA Desert, 350cc, Cerlanl forks, Bates seat, Matchless tank, Von Dutch paint. $495/best offer or trade for Van Tech frame plus cash. (213) 787-5031. '69 HONDA 65cc. Runs good $165.00. 600 mUes. (213) 423-6873. ~---~-----~------------------~ : U.S.DEALERS: : ATTENTION : • IF YOU'RE NOT SELLING CYCU NEWS, : :~~~Rm~~~~;~;,,~rRa. ~~~L~~~~~~~~=c:; • • • • • • • • 1963 YMAHA 80Cc set UP for dirt. Very good condition. (714) 496-3934. YAMAHA ail new tires, Gyt tuned exhaust $150.00. Ve10 KSS cases $25.00. Ve10 venom tank $25 and other parts. Call (213) 330-0578 plus S- W V8 tach. $25. TRI, 500!tc 66 nooc DESERT STRONG like new. Too many extras to describe. Must see to appreciate. (213) 754- 8286. HONDA 160 setup racing and dally tires, seat bars, Fresh engine and (408) 296-7177. for AFM production riding. Road racing rear set pegs, etc. many spares $375. 1969 360 MAICO X4A $800.00. Cal1(805) 544- 0971 between 6-7 p.m. ONE NEW and one used Hagon grass trackers. Complete, less engines. M. Pottorff (303) 542-6295 Pueblo, Colo. 250 BULTACOPURSANG '67 Very clean and very fast. Original owner. Covina (213) 966-7922. NEW 1967 AERMICCHI (H,D. Sprint) 250Cc road race or flattrack. Many spare, sell or trade for racer or street bike. Immaculate! Also 2 electric tacs for mags. Will consider anything? After 6:00 (213) ST 8-7454 or ST 8-7551 Encino. 1966 SHERPA "T" clean, extra gearing, Filtron $425. 1967 Suzuki X-6 perfect orig. condo $425. Will consider trade for 250-up scrambler. (805) 964-1380. '65 HONDA 305 Superhawk. Completely rebuilt top end. Runs perfect. New seat and chain $250. Also Ducat! 250 front and rear wheels: Sell or trade. (213) 566-5826. • "DRAFTED" WANTED: Hodaka engine and large 2 stroke basket (213) 596-3691. 5900 MarIta, Long Beach. '66 YAMAHA 80 heavy duty springs, Maverick shocks, Circle "I" sprocket, rake plate, skid plate, expansion chamber, fork brace, big tires, racing rotary valve $250 or best offer. (714) 521-0827. '68 GREEVES 360 In the box. Save dollars. (213) 767-2457. KA W A7 FRAME, forks, wheels, assorted gear, w/new racing Yokhamas. Take it all for $125. Byron (209) 487-2470, daytime. Please free your chickens, Earth creatures. A~ R I ~-----------~ • • 66 Greeves 250 moto-cross. Excellent shape - not abused. After 5 (805) 2599649. : CYCLE NEW S because i. ,-" FlRST with competition'.' each issue is filled with , _!~~ results, FlRST with the • fresh. original reporis o f , news of interest. happenings on two wheels. ' . • . " ",,,. " ' " """. I YOU MAKE 10 reo" have full • "" •.., • cot, customs. desert, drags, _ ' " I copy bought and you fun b ike s. road bikes. t ' 'I h t scrambles. short track. _ ' , \ re urn pnvi ege, SO W Y no • TI's. transportation and give it a'try? Minimum order is trailing. CYCLE NEWS is '_ 10 copies and we pay shipping. • partial to them all. SEND THIS COUPON IN TODAY! • • YAMAHA TD1B road' racer. Very good condition, many spares, Goodyear tires and falrlng. Best offer over $550. Call (213) 886-8729. BRITISH road racing sidecar, brand new wlll except any engine. Dough Bingham (213) 781-9908. $950.00. 150cc TRI UMPH (Webcor barrel & pistons) Cerlanl's, glass tank & seat, Q-alr cleaner, mag, many extras, 'super fast. Plus leather jacket & parts. $800.0'0. Santa Cruz. (408) 426-2151. or o ~ MONTfSA'S Ar '67-3/4 BULTACO Pur8ang, engine completely rebuilt, Filtron, skid shield, extra ignition, good rubber, no dings, xlnt. condition. (Newhall) (805) 252-7675. • • • • • • 6411 N. Long Beach Blvd. Long Beach, Calif. 90805 OK. what can I lose. Start my store selling CYCLE NEWS with the next Issue. I understand you will bill us monthly and I have full return privileges on unsold paper by tearin g orr the price tag and sending it in with my check for the balance. O Check h.f.1f you wanUna OfoUI ctlrome dlsplol' r,cks and card for counla, or • • • Send CYCLE NEWS to: • • Name of store - - - - - - - - - - - Address City State Zip Authorized by w.Il.Pnt.SI.50 • • • _ • • -----------------------------~. YOU'VE GOT TO TRY RUNNING SACHS* *That's the real SACHS advertisement. , . not ink on paper, or talk in your ear - but running SACHS, That's the best advertisement- it's honest, it's real. SACHS may '~-not,bring the mountains to you-but it . • '~ ).. Will take you to the mountains, or • /; \ through them, and do it with exhili, rating style and speed, That's SACHS, and that's reality, Run with it. FANTASY!! Racing team??? You said it. MATCHLESS G-85 500cc desert setup. Extras $800. GREEVES 250Cc competition trlals setup. Extras $425. TRIUMPH TR6 650cc street $500. DaYs, call (213) 583-3083 X 459. Nites call 434-6198. '64 TRI. 65lt n bike. All the best stuff, very, very fast $795. Goldstar scrambler, new engine, new tires, fast, with spares $599. Goldstar flattracker, frame, wheels, gearing, all perfect condition, drop In 650 engine and win. $235. Days till 5 (213) 3741844. ..

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