Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 01 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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NATIONAL CALENDAR OF EVENTS AlIA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP CALENDAR (_OTE- TIle.. IIs.n,s . . Inc_ ,..... As __ infaautlOll t.- AlIA .........s .....CtIlft., It will lie ,... II. . . . . . .) FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1. 35 LAP INDOOR SHORT TRACK NATIONAL CHAMPIOJ;SHIP by Pace ManaeementCorp.. Houston, Tex.(Astrodome). DIRT TRACK NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP by John Blanton at Cumberland, Md. SUJtDAY, JUNE 29, 1961 SUNDAY, MAY U, 19&9 DIRT TRACK NA'liONAL CHAMPIONSHIP by Professional MotorcycliBg Inc•• Terre Haute, Ind. - SUNDAY, AUGUST 11, 19&9 CHARITY NEWSIES DlRTTRAeK NATL. CHA1I1PIONSH1P I/Z-III1LE Columbus, Oblo. ,. 2C-LAp.TT NATIONAl, by Peoria M.C., Peoria. Ill. la-MILE NA TIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP DIRT TRACK by ScaR1aD's PromotiCJDs. Inc. at Sedalia, Mo. l/2-MILE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP DIRT TRACK by Bob Barkblmer & Assoc. at San Jose. Calif. SUNDAY,MAY25,~ Z50 MILE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP ENDURO by Enduro Riders Assn;, Columbus, Oblo. SATURDAY JULY 19 1iu.~O.,I IIDNDAY, SEPTEMBER I, lHS SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1969 SONDAY, III Y 25, 19&9 SATUROAY,FEBROARYB,UM! SUNDAY, AUGUST 2" 1 . SUNDAY, JULY 6, 1969 100 MlLE. NATIONAL CHAMPIO SHIP DIRT TRACK by Busbklll valley Nazareth. Pa. (TENIA.TIVE). aO LAP TT NATIONAL by J.e. ApjanIan at Ascot Park, Gar~,- . . . . . . . . . .dlrised 11111 li.,inZ i. thi. c.l· . .da. I• • ,... Service. C,cl, New. di .. clallOS an, ...,ansi bi Ii I, '0. conc,".,'on Of cll• .,lnZ 0' b' promotor. wi llloul notice. Point in Apple Valley. cal. European Scrambles. 3 one hour races. 3 classes • Post entries only • .Prac. 8 a.m.. race 10 a.m. Info: (714) 247-7473 evens. 10.0 3rd SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH l\AQTo-CROSS races at Dead~'spOint. POHTS I. :10 -"PT RM.· ES ~t TrQjan I aceway, located COrtler Long Beach Fwy ... Firestone Blvd. firestone to Garneill, so. 011 Garfldd, wl!S1 on Southern to tracI:. Any dll. okay. lOOcc " -Z5Occ~ EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT TT SCRAMBLES IUCrNEi-eacbandevery sat. nlcbt through;the summer. Limited amoW1t Itl rider 1:>6 ~rns M.e. Recrealilan Center· Perris, . TT RACING underiite llttrts a'l Elsinore Race -Trace. JtlSt"di Rw9. n, east of Perris. CaliL ~rnof(. Sportsman trophies ~or ali c1as&es. APPle viney. Cal. An c~Sj!~. Post entries only. Prac. 8 a-IJI.. ft;ce 10 a.m. Info: (714) 24'1-7473 enDings. 'EVERY SUNDAY MOTORCYCLE DRAG RKClNG at Lions . Drai; StrIP. 223rd,.;wI Alameda In Wil-' mtneton. Cal. Info: (213) 424-0961. FRIDA Y, JAN. 11 & 24t1r - jan ~w.y. Long DA~_ TT ". .RA C ES at Beacb Freeway near Firestone IhSQutbGate. Cal. 17th: 50 1apper for lQO's. 250 beatS; 24tb: 250cc 50 lapper, 100 beats. Back .a ~ If rain. First 60 to slgn t1P.~, eacb race. ID!D: 923-7115. SUNDAY, JANUARY 1JtII WINTER ENDURO by !be Sonora Pass M.C", starting from Confidence. Cal. AMA sanc. First rider out at 9:0 . 11'10: Box 259. Sonora. Cal. -953'70; a.m. THURS.-SUN....JANUARY 23-21111 AHRA WlNTERNA TlONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. Beeline Dragway, Pboentx, Ariz. • MOTO-CROSS at Carlsbad. Carlsbad, Cal. AMA sane. Elqlert pillc. 8 a.m., race 9 a.m. Novice prac.and motosatter hmeh. lDfo: ('714) 745-1311. TT SCRAMBLES at Elsinore Cal. by !be , San .Pedro M.C., AMA SlIDC. Ltwgts. prac. 8 a.m., race 8:30' a.m.; bvwts. prac. 1:30 p.m •• race 2 p.m. WINTER SCRAMBLES atsalinas, Cal. by the SaliDas Ramblers. On bwy. 101. 12 miles north of SalInas at Crzy Horse ClUIYoo Rd. No macbtoes imcter 200cc. Pr9,c. 9 a.m •• race DOOO. ~o: 422-9809. EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES by tile San Gabriel Valley M.C •• DfSt. "37 points. Limed from CaI1fonlia Cl¥Golf •• TralIbikes 9 a.m. start. ~ 0:30 a.m •• bvywts. at:,,:;ldebacks 1:15. MOTO-CRO$ at 'sPoInt,AW1e v:e....... Cal.....·tneDesertCbaI1engers. -"'7 W3 -~--~---- C DlRTDIOGERS GRA8

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