Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1969 01 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Jm.,21,l91i9 VOLUME VI NUMBER 1 ... .." "SSS~"SSSU.S'iWSSSU.~SSSSSSSSWUSSSSSSUSsSSSSSS T'e Motorcycle E t usiast's Weeil, Newspaper They'll bunched up on a torn of the new Ascot TT course, seen for the first II Ron Kruseman are lI&ht, fast and hot after the leaders. S.. JI.1&W ,. lisco11 iSS * WEST 25¢ for the Clyde Lltc:h Benefit race January 1. Dallas Baker, sa, Eddie Wirth, a4, Jim Rice, aOy, Bill Manley, 19, and _ PhOto bY Dennl s Greene. Desert Snow & Sf/nd Moto-K 1r;f//s s' Motorcycle FUN.' IIspllf/ffT Scrf/blbles SDlO& !IIAII!I!:» '.nIS all' pAUllnlS .,us 1 Ut, Ja., ..... SAUN JDA)

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