Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 12 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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NATIONAL CALENDAR OF EVENTS DIRT TRACK NATIONAL CHAMPIONSWP by Jobn Blanton at Cumberland, Md. AMA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP CALENDAR SUNDAY, MAY 11, 1969 (NOT EThes e IIstines are Incomplete. As more Information lrom lIMA headquarters Is rece ived , " will be pu'" IIshed here.) DIRT TRACK NATIONAL CHAMPIONSWP by P rofessional Motnrcycllng tnc., Terre Haute, Ind. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1969 SUNDAY, MAY 25,1969 35 LAP INDOOR SHORT TRACK NATIONAL CHAMPIONsmP by Pace Management Corp.. Houst on , Tax.(Astrodome). 250 MILE .NATIONAL CHAMPI ONSHIP ENDURO by Enduro Riders Assn., Columbus, Ohio. SUNDAY, MAY 25.1969 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY B 1969 , l/2-MILE DIRT TRA CK NATI ONAL CHAMP IONSWP by Jack VanInoatReadlng, Pa. 30 LAP INOOOR T T NATIO NAL by Pace Management corp., Houstno Astrodome. SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1969 SAT., MAY 31, SUN" JUNE 1,1969 75 MILE NATIONAL CHAMP IONSHIP ENDURO by the Georgia Cracker s M.C ., Decatur, Ga . 500 MILE G R EE N H O R N NATIONAL CHAMP IONSHIP ENDURO by the Pasadena Motnrcycle Cl ub, Pasadena, Call!. SUNDAY, MARCH 3D, 1969 SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1969 95 MILE ENDURO NATL . CHAMPIONSW P by South Jersey Enduro Riders, Mt. Ephrlam, N.J. SUNDAY, AUGUST 17,1969 CHARITY NEWSIES DIRT TRA CK NATL . CHAMP IONSHIP 1/ 2-MILE at Columbus, Ohio . 20-LAP TT NATI ONAL by Peoria M.C ., Peoria, Ill. SUNDAY, :JULY 6,1969 l/2- MIL E NATIONAIl CHAMPIONSWP DIRT TRACK by Bob Barkhl me r & Assoc. at San Jose, calif. SATURDAY, JULY 12,1969 50 LAP TT NATIONAL by J .C. Agajanian a t Ascot Park, Gardena, Call!. 3C-LAP TT NATIONAL by Mt. St. Helens M.C. a t Castle Rock, Wash. " 20-MILE NATIONAL .CHAMP IONSWP DIRT TRA CK by Bob Barkhlmer & Assoc . at Santa Rosa, Call!. SAT" AUG. 2 & SUN" AUG. 3, 1969 SUNDAY, SUNDAY, JUNE 22, 1969 SUNDAY, APRIL 21,1969 90 MILE ENDURO NATIONAL CHAMPIONSWP by Tompkins County M.C., Newfi eld, N.Y. W LLCLIMB NA T I O NA L CHAMPI ONSW P (Cl ass A Bikes) by WhIte Rose M.C. , Jefferson, Pa. 15- MILE MINI ROAD RAC E NATIONAL CHAMPIONSWP by P ittsbur g Racing Assn., Heldelburg, P a , 4. 1969 175 MILE ENDURO NATIONAL CHAMPIONSWP by Midwes t National Enduro Riders, Sterling, Ill. FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1969 25- LAP NATIONAL TTby Santa F e P ar k Enterprises at Hinsdale, Ill. AUG ~ST MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1969 100 MILE NATIONAL CHAMPIONsmP DIRT TRACK by Bushldll Valley M.C . a t Nazareth, Pa. (TE NTATIVE). 1/2- MILE NATI ONAL CHAMPIONSWP DIRT TRACK by J .C. Agajan1an atAscot Park, Gardena, Call!. - SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1969 l/2-MILE DIRT T RA CK NATIONAL CHAMPIONSWP at Jennerstnwn, Pa , 100 MILE ENDURO NATIONAL by Brlstnl Twins M.C ., Brlstnl, Va . 15- MILE NATIONAL CHAMPIONsmP DIRT TRACK by Scanlan' s P r om otions , Inc. at SedalIa, Mo. I SUNDAY, JULY 21, 19~%',~1.l SUNDAY, JUNE 15, 1969 SUNOlY, JUNE B 1969 , SUNDAY, AUGUST 24. 1969 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1969 SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1969 110-MILE n ATIONAL CHAMPIONSWP ROAD RACE IncludlllJ 250cc Amateur and Expert race. Practice on saturday. By Floyd Clymer, 222 N. Virgil Ave., Los Angles , canr, At Indianapolis Raceway Park, Indianapolis, In~ . 115 MIL E ENDURO by Bac k Mountain Enduro Riders, Dallas, Pa, SUNDAY, APRIL 20, 1969 SUNDAY, M AY DIRT TRACK NATIONAL CHAMPI ONSWP at Louisville Downs, Louisville, Ky . SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 1969 3,1969 135 MILE NATIONAL ENDURO by Mete or M.C., Camden, New Jersey. DIRT TRACK NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP by Mar-Car Inc., Oklahoma City , Okla. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1969 25 MILE NATIONAL DIRT TRACK by J.C. Agajanlan on sacramentn, Call!. mile track. 150 MILE ENDURO CHAMPIONSWP by Riverside Bombers M.C., Riverside. canr, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19,1969 155 MILE E NDURO CHAMPI ONSWP by Midwes t End uro Team, St. Louis , Mo. FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1969 SU NDAY, NOVEMBER 9,1969 SHORT TRACK NATIONAL CHAMPIONSWP by San ta Fe P ark Enterpris es , Hinsdal e, Ill. 125 MILE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSWP ENDURO by Hayward M.C., Hayward, csnr. WESTERN CALENDER OF EVENTS R. ader••• advised Ihat endar I . a free Service. claims any re sponsibi lity cltanetne 01 e..nls by ,,,,lice• . IIstinz in :hls cal. Cycl. Nt•• di.. lor c.,cellatian Of promot... . Ilhout EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT SPOR TSMAN TT RAC ES at Trojan Raceway , loca ted cor ner Long Beach F wy. & F lrestnne Blvd . Fi res tone to Garfiel d, s o. on Gartleld. west on Southern to track. Any amI. okay, l 00cc & 25Occ. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT TT SCRAMBLES RACING each and ev ery Sat. night through the s ummer. Li mi ted a mount of ride rs Is 150. Perris M.C. Recreation Center, Perris, Call!. TT RACING under the lights a t Elsino re Race Track. Just off Hwy. 71. east of Perris, Call!. turnoff. Sportsman trophies for all classes . SUNDAY, DEC. 15, 22, 29th HUNTINGTON BEACH CYCLE PARK FIRST SUNDAY OF EVERY MO NTH ville, Cal. AMA sane , Mail entry Ul Dec . I, $2.50, P.O. Box 311, Placerville, csur, 95667 . Post $3.50, for Info call 622-0549. MOTORC YCLE RACES a t Deadman's P oint In Appl e Valley, Cal. European Scrambles, 3 one hour races, 3 class es. Post entries only . Prac , 8 a.m., race ' 11 a.m, Info: (714) 247-7473 evens . CALI F ORNIA STAT E CHAMPIO NSHIP MOTe-CROSS a t Carlsbad . Mail entry $5, post $10. Entries close Dec. 10. Ii .0. Box 124 Reseda, Cal. 91335. Info: (213) 886-3116. SEE AD TIllS ISSUE open from 11 a.m, tn 4 p.m , for sport r iding. ( 714) 897-4458. 3rd SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH MOTe-CROSS r ace s at Dead man' s P oint. Apple Vall ey, Cal. European Scrambl es , 3 one hour races, 3 class es . P os t entries only. Pac. 8 a.m ., r ac e 11 a.m . Info: (714) 247- 7473 evenin gs. FRIDAY, DEC, 13, 21, FEB. 1, 14th INDOOR MOTORC YCLE SHORT TRACK by Bob Barkhlmer As soc . Inc. a t the Cow Palace, san Francisco, Cal. Pit gate 6 p.m., trials or warm-ups, 7 p .m . , races start 8:30 p.rn , SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15th MOTe-CROSS. by Placerville M.C . Limed on Hwy 1/50 4 mi . west of Placer- ACA FINAL NATIONAL P TS . ROAD RACE at Riverside National Raceway. All class es G.P. P roduction & Sidehacks. Prac. 9 a.m.. race 11:30 a.m , P it gate s ' open 8 a.m., close 10 a .m, MOTe-CROSS a t Deadman's Point, Apple Valley, Cal. by the Desert Challenger s . F r ee entry tn riders, big trophies . Prac, 8:30 a.m ., fi rst race 11 a.m, SCRAMBL ES by the SIo-Pokes M.C. a t Santa Maria Speedway. santa Marla, Call!. AMA sane , Prac. 10 a . m., races noon . Limed from Hwy 101 Bakersfield exit (Hwy. 166 East). Info: Box 2177, Orcutt, Ca,l. or ( 805) WE 7-5 836. BENEF IT MOTO-CROSS by the Groundshalters M.C. for Tom Scales. Wate r crossings. Limed fr om Boulder Hwy & Nellis BlVd., Las Vegas, Nevada. 11 a .m. Info: (702) 642-262 1. BENE FI T POKER RUN for o tto Bade by the Tandem's M.C . Start 8 tn 10 a. m.; deadline at clos e 1:30 p.m , starts Inglewood Harley-Davidson, 901 N. La Brea (near Centinela) in I~lewood, Cal. K- I0 Suzuki tn be raffled of!. Tickets tn starters an d finis he rs . Drill team s how. Info: 664- 1811. TT SCRAMBLES by the Motn Club Latino in Mexicali, Mexico. Five class es, fir s t race noon . At Mexicali lake the r oad west tnward Tijuana about five miles. ENGLISH TRIALS a t Miramar, Cal. SIgn-up 8:30 a .m . , trials 9:30 a.m.OVernight campaut O.K. Limed from Inte r s tate 5 and Genessee Av• turnoff at Miramar/La Jolla. (Continued on page 3) -------------------------------------------------------------. • i Last Cha eel &<1 VE . . i • : SUBSCRIPTIONS TO YOUR FRIENDS & FAMILY: • :. $6 NAME ADDRESS • D :. FOR 1 YEAR $12 • CITY . • STATE i ll Y" wi... a gilt card : ann ouncing your gift. Via 1st clas s mail for one year $18. • • • • • : GIFT CARD TO READ FROM: YOUR ADDRESS Via Air Mail for one Year 526. • • PLEA SE ALLOW THREE WEEKS FO rt NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS TO S TART. ZIP . m be s en, shortl y bolore

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