Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 12 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SUNDAY, IECEMBER 81b, 1968 lltad'" • • adv ised 11I01 1I, li n. In :hh ~ I · • ndor I , 0 r... S...I. .. Cy. l. N.w' dl$o . 10 nI' ony .. spon,1blil ly lor •.,••lIod on ., 1 chon.ln. 01 ... nts by promot", wlllloul f.otl e•• ~ EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT .. '" '" SP ORTSMAN TT RACES a t Trojan Rac eway, located corner Long Beach FWy . & F ir es tone Blvd. F irestone 10 Garfield, so. on Garfleld, west on Southern to track. Any affil~ okay, 10Dec & 25Dec. ~ Nov . 29: 25Dec 50 lap Championship race, 10Dec heats. .0 al <.> Q tIBLES by the Marin County M.C. 1.1 China Ca mp, Cal . Limed fr om ~larln County Civic Center , San Pedr o Rd ,; Turn-off 101, just nor th of ~ an Rafae l. Sign- up 9- 11, race noon . $3 ride, $1 watch. Info: Ji m Howland (4 15) 897;901. MOTO- CROSS BY Rid:;e Runner s !>I.C . at De Lavega Park, San ta Cr uz, Ca l. , d. Hmed from Hwy 1 & !>lorrissey BlV , pr ac, 9-1 0:3 0 a. m.; r ac e 11 a. rn., for Info call ( 408) 42&-4161. IRON HORSE EXDURO by Bay Ci ty M.C. at Lucer ne , Cal . For info, Bay Ci~ M.C. c/ o Ralph's Motorc ycles, 110, Solano Ave., r-:apa, Cal . 94 5 ~ 8. TT SCRAMBLES at the Adelanto Track on Hwy 395, Ade lanto, Cal. Sign -UP closes 11 a.m, for all classes . 500cc 20- lap maIn ev ent. Info: (2 13) 927- 3860. TO YS FOR TOTS POKER Rim - Admi s sion, one toy and 50~ . Starts 8 a.rn, a t Eagles Lodge , 4684 S, Saviers Rd., Oxnard, Cal. U.S, Marine Corps charit;y, spans . by Oxnard MlC. EUROPEAN SCRAMBL ES by the Desert Challenger s at Deadman' s P oint, Apple Va11ey, Cal. Thre e l-hr. races. Info: (213) 845- 6448. MOTORCYCLE RACES at Dead man' s P oint In Apple Valley, Cal. European Scrambles, 3 one hour race s , 3 classes. Post entries only. Prac. 8 a .m., race 11 a.m. Info: (714) 247- 7473 evens. 3rd AlIo'NUAL HARE SCRAMBLES, by the Cyclleos of Bakersfleid. Li med from Bakersfie ld Speedway. AMA sanc., race at noon. Into : Wendyl Aragon ( 805) 8312121 . 3rd SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH HARE SCRAMBLES by the Marin Count;y MC at China Ca mp . Limed on Hwy 101 at San Pedro Road just north of San Rafael. AMA sanc., sign-up 9-11 a .m., raee at nooa, Info: George Schaffer. MOTD-C ROSS races at Deadman's Point. Apple Valley, Eurepean Scrambles, 3 one hour races, 3 classes. Postentrie. only. Pac. 8 a.m., r ace 11 a.m. Into: (714) 247-7473 evenlnp. Cal: SAT" NOV. 23, 38 " DEC. 1th INDOOR SHollT -'l"AAI.,; K RACES by Bob Barkhlmer Auoc.,1nc. AMA sane. Count;y Fair E:rpo Bu1ld1nr , 344 Tully Road, San J ose. Pit pte 6 p.m ., trials or warm- ups 7 p.m., races s tart 8:3 0 p.m . NOVEMBER30~ 2nd ANNUAL I3A HSTOW TO LA~ VEGAS PACI FIC ~Ol'T lI WE~ T C HA ~ lP IOXSH IP HAHE ,. HOUND by San Gabr iel Val1ey M.C. Dis t , 37 pt s ., 18; ml. desert terrain. Li med from ~lI nn eola 11<.1 , offr a mp approx, 12 III!. no , of Bar s tow, Ca l. on Vegas Fv.Y. For Info contact SGV~l C , ' l' .0 . Box 813, EI Monte , Cal. 91734. SATURDAY, SAT., NOV. 30 & SUN., DEC. lst INTER -A ~IERlCAX !>!OTQ- CHO$ ~ER IES at Carlsbad Rac e way , Ca r l s bad , Cal. F or Info &< entries co ntact International Moto-Cross, 4790 Palm Ave .. La ~!esa, Ca l. 92103 . (714) 460-4289 . SEE AD TIllS ISSUE FIRST A N N UA L HUNTINGTON-H UNDRED 250Cc to open, lOO-1ap main event. Prac. 9 to 10:30 ...m " ellminl.t1oo, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., matn eYeDt 1:00. By tile Huntington Beach M/ C .. t Hunt1ngton Beach 9 ye1e PJrk. T V set for f1r t, Info: (7 14) 962-1743 BENE F IT RUN ..t P astime Lalce by the Nuggets of Southern Ca11forn1l.. F r om Riverside Freeway .cuth- eas t 11 miles on Van Buren Rd . to 395, s outh 3 mUe. to Martin Rd., east 12 mile s to Pastime Lake. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7th SCMA Chrlltmas Part;y & installation of offlcers. 8 p.m.. Hawa11an Gardens, Lions Hall. Sll couple, $2.50 single, no minors. SAT." SU ., DEC. 1 "8th I. :T ER- A1>IERlC AX 1>I OTO-CR ~S SER IES a.t Saddleback Park, Irvine, Cal. Fo r info" entries conta~tlnternational ~loteCr oss , 4790 Palm Ave .. La Mesa., Ca l. 92103. (71 4) 460-4289. SEE AO THIS ISSUE SCRAMBL ES by Blue Barons M.C . ..t e1ubgrounds In Tac om a , Wasil., AMA sane. Info from club, 1606 S. Madi son, Tacoma , Wash. 98405 or (206) SK2-7524 SOUTHE RN NEVADA TT CHAMP IONSHIP by Vegas Valley M.C., Las Vegas, Nev. For Info contact Tom 's Cycl e Center , 1030 S. Main, Las Vegas, Nev. ( 702) 382- 0600. 3rd ANNUAL SNOW RUN HARD SCRAMBLE S by the Nevada.Tratlblazer s M/C at RElnO, Nevada.. Fo llow the lime fr om H~s 40 & 395. Sign -up at8a.m.,startlO a.m. Info: 322- 6323 Reno, or write Box 6075 Reno, Nev. 89503. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10th MOTORCYCLE MOVIES by Barnacle B1l1 at 1846 Huntington Dr., Duarte (n ear Highland) . F ree, 8:30 p.m. ~o: 357-3860 SEE AD TIllS ISSUE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12th SOCK IT TO ME, Race for s pace. (213 ) 423- 0431. Tom (9- 5 daily) SEE AD THIS ISSUE. FRIDAY, DEC. 13, 21, FEB. 1, 14th INDOOR MOTORCYCLE SHORT TRACK by Bob Barkhlmer Assoc. Inc...t the Cow Palace, San F r an cisco, Cal. pugate 6 p.m., trials or warm-ups, 7 p.m., races start 8:30 p.m, SUNOAY, DECEMBER 15th INT ER- A.MERICAN MOTD-CROSS SER IES at Guadalajara, Me xic o. For Info & entries contact Inte r na ti onal Mote-Cr os s 4790 Palm Ave., LI. Mesa, Cal. 92103. (714) 460-4289. MOTO- CROSS, by Placerv111e M,C, Limed on Hwy 1150 4 mi. west of Placerville, Cal. AMA sane. MatI entry til Dec. 1, $2.50, P .O, Box 311, Placervi11e, Callf. 95667. Po st $3.50, for Info ca11 622-0549. CALIFORNiA STATE CHAMP IONSHIP MOTD-CROSS at Carlsbad. Mall entry Sll, post $10. Entries close oec.l0.!, .q. Box 124 Reseda, Cal. 91335. Into: (213) 886-3116. SEE AD T11 ls"1SSUE ACA FINAL NATIONAL PTS, ROAD RACE .. t Riverside National Raceway. All classes G,P , Product1on&S1debl.cka. Prac. 9 a.m.. race 11:30 ...m. Pit ptes open 8 a.m., close 10 a.m, SEE AD THIS ISSUE MOTD-CROSS ..t Deadman' s Point, Apple Va11ey, Cal. by the Desert Challengers. Free entry to riders, blJ trophies. Prac. 8:30 a.m., first race 11 a.m, Info: (213) 845-6448. ROAD RACE; at Carlsbad raceway. All 11cenHS O,K. AllcluHs.lDfo: Box 124', Reseda, Cal. 91335 or ca11 (213) 886311 6. DEC. 21, 1968 10 JAN. 6, 19&9 VACA.TION FOR CYCLE NEWS , There will be no paper publls hed during tbe firs t and last weeks of the year. Happy holi days I, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1st 27- MILE PONDEROSA HARE SCRAMBLES by Gr eyh ound M/C a t P onder osa Ranch, 15 mUes east of Lancaster on Ave. J. Trophies to 50% of entries . Info: (213) 367-2907. , SUNDAY, JANUARY 5t1t SA W, MILL ENDURO by North Bay M.C . a t Santa Rosa, Cal., AMA sane, For Info write North Bay M,C. , 415 Davis Street, San ta Rosa, Cal. SAT. " SUN•• JAN. 11 " 12th HANGTOWN MOTO-C ROSS bY the Dtrt Dliiers Nor th M,C, In Placerv1l1e , Cal•• 45 mi nute s east of Sacramento. Ltwta. Jan. 11, hvwts . Jan. 12. Starts 10 a.m. sharP. J unior & senior, 125cc, 25Dec & Open. Any competition cards accepted. Info: P .O. Box 338, Orangevale, Cal. 95662, or call (9 16) 988-4725. SEE AD TIllS ISSUE SUNDAY, JANUARY 19th WINTER ENDURO by the Sonora Pus M,C" s tarting from Conf1dence , Cal. AMA sanc., First r i der out at 9:01 a .m. Info: Box 259, Sonora, Cal. 95370. CARLSBAD MDTO-CROSS CALENDAR to ~. Here Is the schedule of mote-crosl events by the Callfornlan Moto-sport club ..t Carlsbad International ~eway for 1969: January 12, March 23, April 13, May 11, June 15, July 20, August 24, september 21, October 19, November 23, Deeember 21. February 23 will be a crandpr1x~e, no mota-cross on that day . • ' Track .curees aid all11censea w111 be acceptled: AMA, AFM, ACA or PARA , Riders are covered by S3 ,OOO medical 1nauranee. Ambulances and attendants ..t all events. Entrants ride three times. Prize money for experts, trophies for Junior•• All race contribute to end-of-the-year trophies. Riders muat have three !arce wellpainted number plata, AMA, ACA, or AFM number. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22nd TT SCRAMBLES by tbe Coachella Valley M.C . ..t Perris, Cal. AMA sanc. Dlst. 37 point run. Prac. UebtwelPt 8 a.m., heavywelihts 12:30 p.m. Races: 11ghtwelihts 9 ".m., heavyweights 1 p.m. '. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• :.~"'" ,.,,~ ~. ~~~ ~" ~~~~ . ~~~~ ~~~7~ ~~~~~ ~- ,~ ,,~"' · .' : • . :GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS TO YOUR FRIENDS & FAMILY.! . $6 FOR 1 YEAR D.: ;~:::::':;:::;:;:·:~:~~:::;:~:·~ri"... $12 FOR 2 YEARS D ! • NAME •• AD~RESS : • • • CITY". STATE ! • • • • : • • PLEASE ALLOW THREE WEEKS FOR NEWS UBSCRIPTIO NS TO S TART. (VlA2allCLASS MAIL) • Via 1st class mail 'for one year 518. 0 Via Air Mail for one Year 126. '0 CITY ~ ZIP • . (pi.... on. 01 th. obove ) &Dnouncin~ your gift. 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