Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 12 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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:>000000ססoo0ססoo00000ooo 00000 00 00000 000 000000 0000000 000 000 00 000000 0 000000000 00 00000 . C En'er'ainmen' and 'nfofma,ion from America's Bigges' Undiscovered Motor Sport O 8 § 8 0 ~ 0 o 0 ",, - .... Q; e o Cl> .Q CJ Cl> o .' ~~!~& ''I:\Jt V •' . . ~.... Ii!J . . . .~ 6471 N, Long Beach Blvd, Long Beach, Calif, 90805 f Or: Box 498, Long Beach, Cali, Phone: 42:H1431 (Area Code 213l From L A Phones: 636-8844 0 I 8 0 0 Publisher •• ••Charles C. Cl ayton Bu s ines s Mana ger ••Sha mn Clay ton As s't. E di tor•••W ",,·ne F lemi ngton Nationa l Ad". Direc tor •• Tom Culp Pho tD F.ditDr, • • • • •Dennis Greene Lab Technician• •• •RiII P e t ti grew Boo kkeepe r ••••• .susan W hitelaw Circulation l>ept. • e nny Mc Donald Editorial &: Adv, Asst. Sandra Punb' ~J Published weekly exce P th I' fir s t It a nd la st week of the ca en dar y ea r by C&s P ubli shin g Co .• P ost Offi ce Box Lon g Bea ch . Cali fornia . 0 0 0 0 0 Se cond Calif. posta ge paid a t Lo ng Bea ch. Class Editorial s tories. ca rtoo ns , photos• e tc. are welc ome d and wil l be paid for upon public a tio n (e xce pt press re leas es a nd · Voice· le tte rs . ) Addr es s ed . s ta mped envelo pe a s su res re turn. , _ . SIO",e COP}''ce pn rc § 0 0 ~~~~~~t:o~~ ~.~ 8 8 § 0 8 :~a~.~n~. ~~aJ~ 0 S2 Adver ti sin g rat es and ci rcula tio n in- 8 "" . • America's Weekl y 8 Motorcyc1e •Newsp~ooooo~oooooooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 0 • ~98, formatio n Il s e nt upon requ e s t. 8 00000000ססoo00 In International co mpe ti ti on, the moto- VOICES OF THE WEST lHE TRUTH ABOUT WADE'S ·SUSPENSI ONBryan Wade came 6, 000 mUes to r ide In five race meetings here In California after original agreements were broken for him to ride four Eastern events. In Wade's exhibition at Hopetown, he had to start in back of all the riders. He sped his ~ to the fi r s t of the pack in the 250cc expert race. On Sunday, Wade was comfortably ahead of the pack when a water splash drowned his engine. But he put on a real good show. Wade's entries In the ensuing four races having been approved by British Auto-Cycle Union, were to be Wes tlake , Santa cruz, Carisbad an d Saddleback, However, at Wes tlake on saturday, N0vember 16th , in the pr es en ce of witnesses the MICUS representative infor med hi~ of the A, C.U. suspension of Bryan Wade' s Inter national ' License , therefore he was not able to r ide on saturday. After making a te lephone call to England r egarding this suspens ion, Wade r eceived a tel egram the following day. Wade requested, on Sunday, pe rmission to ride the race at Wes tlake but again was refused. But the MICUSrepres entati ve stated if the A,C.U. had not suspended Wad e, that he could r ide. After r ec eiving the MlCUS r ep' s s igned statemen t of refusal, Bryan presented the telegram fr om the A. C. U. stating there was NO BAN on his racing at Westlake and the next three events. So, Bryan rode Sunday's race. , Why did this happen ? Why was Bryan told he was on suspension by the A. C,U. when he r eally wasn't? NICK NICHOLSON Nor th Hollyw~, Calif. P .S. Bryan Wade apologizes to the peopl e who came and paid to see him race. P .P.S. The MICUS r ep made the state ment, " Would I lie to you Nick ?" _. Well ?? ED NOTE: Looks like the Cycle News • Flying Fickle F inger of Fate" ~ward is a tie Ibi s year. To the AMA, which su sp end ed Di ck Man n for ri din g an In ternational M oto-Cross, an d to MlCUS rep. Wes C';'ley, \\00 s uspended Bryan Wade for NOT riding one! u.s. Not Represented be By WI'S Cooley Th e views e xpressed In Ibis column are Ibose of Ibe columnist and are nol necessarily Ibe opinions of Ibis newspaper. Equa l space will be provided 10 Ibose who wish to take issue wilb any or all of Ibe statements in Cooley's column. -The Publishers. WORLD M OTORCYCLE CONGRESS I was very fortunate to have the 0pportunity to attend the 1968 F.M international Congress held In Madrid, Spain the week of Nove mber 2nd through the 9th. It was quite Interesting to meet the motorcycle dignataries from 35 na ti ons of the world and see wbat problems the y were facing In Inte rnational competition. It gives me a better under s tanding and Insight Into the problems we face as hum an beings as well as In the motor cycllng spor t. Na turally, there is a tremendous barr ier due to the language differences and most co untries must provide Interpreters In order to unders tand the meetings. All me etings are officially taped and transcribed In Engllsh and French. Mos t conferences, however, wer e translated Into four languages, Engllsh, F rencb , German and Spanish, You can i magine the co mplexity of attending meetings of this type, where you must wear a translator ear set continnally in order to know what is being discussed. cross riders will be required to r ide 40 minutes per moto, A great deal of discusslon was held concer ning the posstbility· of adding motorcyc1lng compe ti ti on to the 1972 world Olympics. There bas been a com mi tt e e working on this for several years. The first event they are trying to ge t the Olympic committee to accept is moto-cross . No decision bas been made by the Olympic Committee, but it is under discussion and many of the people In the FIM feel there is a good possibility there will be a moto-cross event In 1972 . fun~~ons~ drastic rule change made U.S. Motu-Cross Classic In 19'10? was a 11mitation of the sOcc International C O E COLUMN O L Y'S Because In the past the Motor cycle Internati onal C o m m it t e I' of the U.S. (MICUS) bas not attended these meetings, the United States is not r epresented on any of the committees, and in this parttcular association, the committees make the rules and regulations and present them to the general assembly for ap proval or disapproval. However, I was fortunate to be able to sit In on some of the closed committee meetings to get a better understanding of how the Federation Internationale de Motarcycllstes 1 found it very important from the standPoint of information provided by the other FIM members. From time to time In the next few weeks, I will add comments to my column concerning this meeting. We're still waiting for additional copies of the minutes, and as that information becomes available, I will pass it on to you . In closing, MICUS bas, requested through the FIM that we be granted two world's cha.mpionship events In 1970 _ 250cc and sOOcc classes In moto-cross. Our application has been placed and this must now be approved at the Congress In spr ing of 1969. You must apply one year In advance fo r a wor l d' s classic event. road race class to one cy11nder, sixspeed machines which must weigh 60 kilograms, approXimately 132 Ibs, Quite a bit of discussion occurred on the possiblity of llmiting the 12scc and 2SOcc classes to two cy11nder, multiplespeed transmissions and minimum machine weight, but this was In the Ia1Idng stage only. . 0 Manufacturers PullIng ut The fee!1ng of the FIM general members hip is that some type of restriction on the machine s must be made In order to s timulate the Interest of the privateer In Interna ti onal competition, s ince it is apparent now that the tremendous backing of the manufacturers is disappearing. Honda bas di s con t1 nu l' d International competition and now In 1969 Yamaha will be pul11ng out. Some of the s maller fa ctorie s have found it i mpossible with their budgets to build extremely exoti c rnach1Dery, but they are w1ll1ng to spend some .engtneer fn g ti me and money to Improse their standard models, whi ch would greatly help the privateer. Also, a decision was made that In 1969 Ca' Law Change AHectsPaciing Dou.'e Pa cking doubl e will be a little easier for California motorcycle enth us iasts with the ne w law changes that went Into effect recently, Thanks to the efforts of United Motorcycle Enthusiasts of California, the old regulation r equiring han dgrips on the machine for pas sengers bas been ... Motorcycling In The Olympics dropped. From now on the passenger may hold onto the rider. Sides ad di e r iding Is illegal, however. The passenger must have both feet on foo trests Installed for that purpos e , and may not take his or her feet off the pegs without risking a ticke t. CONTRA DAHMS If I wanted to read comments deroga- tory to our law enforcement officers, (and they have a thankless job) I'd pick up a copy of " Th e Daily Worker" or the official Black Panther newspaper. I'm referring to Barbara Adams Dahms, " A Question of Law an d Order." My friends and I question her authority to us e the Legislative Notebook as a sounding board for her personal beliefs. Why not keep "Cycle News" just that, cycle newsl Legislative reporting is fine if it pertains to the vital Inte res ts of cyclists. 1 would like to r eply to one of Miss Ada ms r emarks . She clos es with , "Law, order ' liberty . Without the third, the first two are meaningless." , I s ay, without the first two, the third , is meaningl ess. MRS, J OHN HONEYCUTT Torrance, Calif. By BarbaraDaluns California Legislature Changes While the recent election brought comparatively fe w changes In California, there were enough to swi tch a legislature that bas been In the hands of the Democrat for qui te some ti me to the Republicans . In the last session the total Se nate vote was tied between the parties , the tiebr eaking vote (when needed) going to the Republlcan Lieutenant Governor. T he Assembly was Democrat-favored by a s li ght margin. It is now Republi can by two votes. The practical result of thi s switch will be a conside rable reorganization of the Assembly . Speaker Jesse Unrub will re11nquish his post to a Republican, probably Robert Monagan from Tracy.A shift In com m ilt I' I' assignments and chairmanships will also follow. It seems likely that a dramatic shakeup will not occur, both because of the de11cate balance and because Assemblyman Monagan is a moderate. However, one committee important to motorcycle people, th e Assembly Com mi tt ee on Transportation, Is now chaired by John F . Foran, a Democra t. There is some likelihood that this will change . Robe r t Crown, Democ r a ti c Chairman of As s embly Ways and Means could also be caught in the s hift. Exciting Changes YAMS, NOT YAMS P lease do not call our Vampires Yamabas. In your last paper on the result page you listed the first three places In the SOcc G.P , as Yam . I know it was an error and should have been Vam but the people who did not see the race do not know it was an error. In fact, Vampires took the first four places at Orange County, and the first five places at the Willo w Springs event. , SID CHAMBERS L ~ng Beach, Cal. wi ........... • • " ~.t. see ,your girlfriend.... ..stlll nervous ab~~!p,ac.~I!1 g doubl~! · .. ...... ....... .. .. . .. Is . ... A change to a Rep ubli can speaker pro te m In the Se na te might also mean a s hake- up of committ ee chair manships. One change that would be mos t r egre ttable for us would be In Senate F inance, now chaired by George Milier, Jr., a Democrat. Senator Collier , cha.1rman of Senate Transportation is als o a Democrat. Eacb session of the Legislature is a new beginning, both for the things we hope to accomplish and for what we want to prevent. ThIs coming year, mor e than ever, the challenge to the United Motor cy cle Enthusiasts of California will be real and exciting• , . "

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