Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 12 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Bikes Beat Cars to La Paz LA PAZ, Mex. , Nov. 6 - Larry Bergquist and Gary Preston teamed up to bring a1968 Honda CL-350 home in record time to win the Ensenada to La Paz run. Another motorcycle team finished second - A.R. Rogers and Don Bohannon on a 650cc Triumph. Third was a Ford Bronco. Bergquist and Pres ton finished the 832-mile race in 20 hours, 38 minutes. Full coverage next issue. For results in the motorcycle classes, see page 20. By Bob De Gass er Ph oto s by Manuel Burton • ' . ELSINORE, c at ., Nov . 2 - 37x Johnny Sprague, one of the top r i ders In the countr y Is the Number One at El sinore• Spraque r i des a 250cc super-fast Bultaco and the famed blue greased - lightn ing 650 T r i umph . T his week he too k th e 250 exper t class 650 open , swe eps takes and -th e wheeHe contes t . Th e wheeHe ev ent Is n't an eve ry week thing. But five dollars was of fered to the best so a lot of boys tri ed • Spr ague watched fo r a while th en j umped on the scooter and up, up, and away. Th e people went cr azy. A lso r idi ng great wheeHes was E. Barker on his super greeves. by BIll Harmer .,; li ~ ~ Cl ~ ~ ...J C,,) :>... C,,) John Sprague wins enters. almost everyth i ng he Brothers Steve, 168, and Mike Holfee during pracUce. SAN DIEGO, c at ., Oct. 27 - A newcomer to the Open Expert ranks, War d Ring, who formerly confined his riding to the lighter weight classes, finds the Southbay SPeedway course to his liking. He tooled his Bonneville Triumph to victory over point-leading Triumph pilot, Al Finan and Gold Star mounted Wayne Hosaka in the close Open Expert fracas here today. With misfortune stalking 2nd place po int holder Myron Carter in the form of a broken clutch, the pressure was off Finan . He didn' t have to tkke unnecessary chances to maintain his season record. The 250cc Novice Moto series resulted in an unusual situation - a three-way tie f or second place. Kawasaki-mounted Wayne Clarke finished f irst in all three Matos. But In the first, Husqvarna r ider Nell Po und edged Yamaha jock ey Kevin Stafford out of second place. Randy Cushman too led his Bultaco acr oss second i n the second Mota ahead of Pound . Then, Stafford took second away f r om Cushman on th e third . Perhaps the most improved rider in the Open Novice ranks, RlcbRibl ey, r ode Mike Garrett's Gold Star to tw o wins to tak e top honors . A broken all tank prev ent ed him f rom finishing the final heat. Young Tim Leque brought his Bultaco Bandido in second and Don Emde, riding in the Open class for the first time, won the final Mota, capturing third fo r the event on a BSA Gold Star. Larry Col11edominated the 200cc com bined series on his Kawasaki . Honda mounted Neal Hereth skillfullyoutclassed Richard Hosaka(Kawasakl) for second , Old master Jim McGuire again pulled the "hat trick" In the 100cc Expe rt con test by easily winning all three Motos on his F&M Reed Valve Hodaka, Hodaka pilots Carl Byers and Mickey Chiara had their own private point battle for second position wi th Byers sl1ghtly ahead . In the 100cc Novice Maln Hodaka- rider Doug Maloney, gr eatly Impr oved , won, while another Hodaka-ptlot Brad Boyar took sec ond over hard-ri ding Yamaha j ockey Kevin Stafford. As usual, Carol Chiara captured the Powd er Puff contest on her Hodaka , ahead of r apidly-improving Shirlee Newsom (SUZuki ). Susan Fau cher (Hodaka) r ode to third. This was the final Mesa M .C . TTpro- _ gram fo r 1968. The Experts M .C . will host their f inal race on Nov . 24th . ~ f.>:I ~ RING TAKES FINAN co se Ray Vanderpool on a borrowed bike slides through the sweeper at Els inore. NEW "FINISH THE FUNNY" CONTEST Cartoonist Jerry Barnett (alias -The Scarlet Streak-) streaked out of our office on his 1948 sidevalve BSA after delivering this cartoon, but he forgot to tell us what 01' Number 7 is saying. So once again we have to appeal to our readers for help. Won't you help us to finish the funny? Yon will? Wonderful! Just unreel your sense of humor, Rex your fun- nybone or whatever and write a joke line in the cartoon balloon. The funniest finish we receive before Thanksgiviug, November 28, will win $5 in the form of spending money. :Send your jokes to -Finish the Funny Contest, c/o Cycle News, Box 498, Long Beach, Calif. Maybe we can also get the winner a ringside seat on the Piranha Pit at the next Dirtdiggers scrambles.

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