Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 12 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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00 ee ~ ..; R. ad. rs •• advised that IIst inz in :hIs cal· .ndar Is a I ... Service. Cye l. News di So elalms .ny responsibility lor ellle.lta lion '" etI.nzln, 01 ...nls by promotors without hOt! ca. 6th ANNUAL LOS ANClANOS TURKEY RUN Hare Scrambles, llmed fr om OCotlllo Wells (Burro Bend) on Hwy. 78. AMA sanc., starts 10:3 0 a.m. Li ve trophles. EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT SP ORTSr.IEN SCRAMBLES at P erris . AMA sane, socc to 100e c pract. 8 a.m., 200cc to 2S0cc prac, 10 a.m., big bike prac, 12 noon. alI> .Q s '-' b.l SPORTSMAN TT RACES at Trojan Raceway, located corner Long Beach F wy . & Fir estone Blvd. Fi r e s tone to Garfiel d, s o. on Gartleld, wes t on Southern to track, Any aml. okay. 100ec'" 2SOec. b.l ..:l Nov. 22: 100ec SO lap Championship race, 2SOec beats. '" ~ ~ :c:: U ;,., U Nov. 29: 2SOCc SOla pChampionshiprace, 100ec beats.• EVERY SATURDAY NIG HT CLASS A SPEE DWAY RACING at Whileman Stadium, 12850 ·P ier c e St . a t San Fer nando Rd., Pacoima, Cal . Races 8 p.m ., $2.50 adults, $1. 50 under 12, free under 6. F r ee parking. For info contact Criswell Enterprises, 12130 Sherman Way, No. Hollywood, Cal.(213) 983-1617 . TT RACING under the ligbts at Elsinore Race Track. Just off Hwy. 71, east of Perris, Calif. turnoff. Sportsman trophies for all classes . TT SCRAMBLES RACING each and every sat. nlgbt througb the summer. Ltmlted amount of riders Is ISO. Perrts M.C. Recreation Center, Perris, Callf. EVERY SUNDAY . MOTORCYCLE DRAG RACING at Uons Drag Strip, 223rd and Alameda In WUmlngton, Cal. Children under 12 tree. Info: (213) 424-0961. 3/ 8 MILE TTat the Tl juana M.C.speedway, six mUes south of tbe border, two miles past Agua Callente borse track. F ollow lime. Info : Earl Roloff (714) 479-3209. 14th ANNUA L HARE SCRAI\IBLES a t Wilseyville, Cal. by the Pol ka Dots M.C. Lim ed from Jackson on Hwy 88 ~ Sign-up 7- 10:30 a .m., races 11 a .ru ., AMA s an e , Info P .O. Box 8544, sacramento 95822. MOTO-CROSS RACE by the VlsauaRamblers M;C., Umed from Kettelman City, Cal. AMA sane , Sign-up 9 to 10 a.m ., race at 11 a.m, Info: (209) 688-0322. NOR WALK ROCKETS TURKEY SHOOT at Hoxie Par k in Nor walk, Ca l . Sign- In 8-1 0 a .m ., $1.75. Info (2 13) 863- 5339 or 863- 9106. SCRAMBLES at Perris, Cal. by the Sportsmen M.C. Ughtwelgbts at 8 a .m ., big bikes at 1 p.m; Info: Mr. Ham (714) 685-8170. SCRAMBLES by Slo-Pokes M.C .atSanta Marla Speedway, Santa Marla, Cal. Double D1st. 35 pts.,MemorlalRacetobenefit family of Larry Fessenden. AMA sanc., noon s tart. Umed from Hwy. 101 Bakersfield exit (Hwy. 166 East). Info Box 2177, Orcutt, Cal. or ( 805) WE 75836. MON DAY. NOVEMBER 18111 SAT., NOV. 1&, 23, 30 & DEC. 1111 INDOoR SHORT TRACK RACES by Bob Bukhlmer Assoc., Inc .AMA SlIDC. County Fair Expo BuUdlng, 344 Tully Road, San Jose. Pit gate 6 p.m., trials or warm-ups 7 p.m.. races start 8:30 p.m. SAT. & SUN., NOV. 16 & 11111 INTE R-A I\IERlCAN MOTe-CROSS SERIES at Westlake Village, Los Angeles, Cal. For Info & entries co nta c t International Moto- Cross , 4790 Palm Ave . , La Mesa, Cal. 92103: (714) 460-4289 . • Mle RRC mood Bank, 1130 S. Vermont, Los Angeles. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23rll NATIONAL CYCLE DRAGS at the Lions Drag Strip, 223rd &. Alameda In wUmlng- ton, Cal. $1000 purse. Gates open 1 p .m., children under 12 free. Info: (213) 4240961 . SEE AD THIS ISSU E SAT. & SUN., NO V. 23 & 24th SUNDAY,NOVEMBERl1111 CATTLE CALL RUN by Ma r y's Men M.C., AMA sanc ., SDRRA pt. run. Start finish at Ca ttle Call Arena . Brawley, Cal. 8 a .m, For info, I\lary's Men I\I.C., 4588 50th , San Diego, Ca l . 92115. SCRAMBLES by the Los Ga tos M.C . at uvas Dam cycle hills, GUroy, Cal., llmed from Hwy 101 a t t,he Hall Ranch. SIgn_up 8 to 11 a .m., prac. 9 to 11, race 11:30. (415) 225- 1730. INTER- AMERICAN MOTO- CROSS SERIES at De Lavega Park, Santa Cr uz, Cal. F or Info & entries conta c t International Moto-Cross, 4790 Palm Ave., La Mesa, Cal. 92103. (714) 460-4289. PACIF IC INTERNATIONl,-O'll", RA N D PRIX ROAD RACE b"f. !./ AFl\I at Or ange Co. Int '1. ~"Y. F or ent ry Info write P .0 . p~O~.3 No. Hollywood, Cal . (213) 762-987 5: Entries 91603 clos ~'f;J~. 11. Purse 1,7 50. P"," rc,,'dl 27-MILE PONDEROSA HARE SCRAMBLES by the Greyhound M.C. a t Po nderosa Ranch, Cal. Info: (213 ) 367-2907 . TT SCRAMBLES by the P er ris Valley M.C. at the P er ris Motor cycle Center, 1-1/2 miles SW of P er ris off Hwy 74, Ltwts 9 a.m., bvywts at noon .AMAsanc. . . 2nd ANNUAL 7S-MILE CROSS COUNTR Y by the Family Fun Wheelers M.C. of Yaldma, Wash. Follow red arrows from Zillah north on the Cbeyne Road. Same locale as last year on Hwy 410. Smoke bomb 10 a.m. Info: Pomeroy's Cycle Shop, Yaldma. GL 2-2188. 13th ANNUAL T URKE Y MUD SCRAMBLES by Or ego n Side winde rs M.C., 10017S-2S0- 0 pen classes , a t Sidewinder s tra ck on SE La wnfield 1M., Clac kama s. Or e . near Por tl and . Info ...rite Rt, 3, Box 290- C, Or egon Ci ty . Or e . 970;15 . S CRA I\I BLES by Sproc ke ts M.C. at Sprocke ts Pa r k', Baker sfield , Ca l.. sign up clos e s 11:30 a .m ., r ac e a t noon. TOYS FOR TOTS PO KEH RUN- Admiss ion, one loy . Sta r ts 8 a .rn, at Eagles Lodge . 4684 S. Sa vie r s Rd., Oxnard, Cal . U.S. Ma rine Corps chari ty . Spons , by Oxna r d M.C. CALIFORNIA INTERNATIONAL GRAND PRIX (formerly P.l.G.P.) by F IM/ AF M at Orange Co. Int'l Raceway . Info: P.O. Bo>< 213, No. Hollywood, Cal. 91603 or call (213) 782-9875. SEE AD THIS ISSU E MOTe-CROSS at Deadman's Point, Apple Valley, Cal. by the Desert Challenger s . Frac. 8:30 a.m., first race 11 a.m . Info: (213) 845-6448. ENGLISH TRIALS by the Southern Callfornla Trials Assoc.; limed from 77th St. and Pearblossom In Uttleroek, Cal. Sign-up a t 8:30 a.m., trials start 9 a.m, Info: (213) 865-3991. BUSHMASTERS MOTe-CROSS . Take in terstate 10 to Beaumont Ave . Oftramp, Beaumont, Cal. Follow lime two roUes south. 0 to 100cc 10 a.m., 101 to 2SOec 10:30 a.m., 251 '" Open 11:00 a.m , TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2&th ART SHOW by Billy AI Bengston, motorcycle and art champ ion . At the L.A. County Art Museum on WUshire Blvd. In Los Angles. Continuous bike movies . ~ AFM ROAD RACE at tbe Carlsbad Raceway. palomar AIrport Road. east from Interstale 5. All GP '" production classes. SEE "JLTHI S ISSUE 19th ANNUAL RAMS HARE ~ HOUND, limed from Pearblossom,- Cal. Start at 10 a.m., sldehacks welcome. SUNDAY, NOVEM BER 24th MOTO-C ROSS by HI Boots IItC. at Debesa Track near San Dieg o. AMA points . Call (714) 477-8024 or 449-0784. SAN DIEGO INTERNATIONAL MOTOCROSS a t Carlsbad Raceway. Practice 9 a.m., race s at noon . Sunday, International races at 10 a.m. Palomar Airport Road, seven mUes east of Hwy 101. Into: (714) 460-4289. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21th TROPHY PRESENTATION by the Antelope Ramblers an d theCheckersatl3S06 Sherman Way In Van Nuys, Bp .m, for the Antelope Ramblers Hare & Hounds and the Cbec k Chase • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30th 2nd ANNUAL BARST OW TO LAS VEGAS PACIFIC SOUTH WEST C HA ~I P I ONSH I P HARE & HOUND by Sa n Gabriel Vall ey ~I .C . Dis t. 37 pts ., 185 mi. deser t ter rain . Limed from ~linneola Rd. offramp a pprox. 12 mi. no. of Bars tow, Ga l. on Vegas F wy. For info contac t SGVl\I ~ . P .O. Box 813, EI ~ I onte , Ca l. 91734• SAT., NOV. 30 & SU N., DEC. lst INTER- AMERICAN MOT D-CHOSS SERIES at Ca r ls bad Raceway, Ca r ls bad, Ca l. For info & en tries con tac t International Moto-Cross , 4790 Palm Ave . , La Mesa, Cal. 92 103 . (714) 460-4289. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1st SCRAl\IBLES by Fe a the r Rive r M.C. at Tr iple M SpeedWolY, Ma r ysville , Cal., starts 1 p .rn, HARE SCRAMBLES by tbe Ma r in County M.C. a i Chi na Ca mp, Ca l . Li med fr om l\larin County Civic Center, san Pedr o Rd ., Turn- off 101, jus t north of San Raf ael. Sign-up 9- 11, race noon. $3 ride, $1 watch. Info: Jim Howland (41 5) 8975901. MOTO-CROSS BY Ridge Runner s I\I.C. at De Lavega Pa r k, Sa nta Cr uz, Cal., limed from Hwy 1 & Morrissey Blvd ., prac , 9-1 0:3 0 a .rn.; race 11 a . m., for info call (408) 426- 4161. IRON HORSE E:-n URO by Bay Ci ty M.C. at Lucerne, Cal. For info, Bay Ci ty M.C . c/ o Ralpb' s I\lo torcycle s, 1105 Solano Ave., Napa, Cal . 94558. TT SCRAMBLES at tbe Adelanto Track on Hwy 395, Adelanto, Cal. Sign-up closes 11 a.m. for all classes . sOOec 20-lap maln event. Info: (213) 927-3860. EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES by the Desert Challengers at Deadman's Point, Apple Valley , Cal. Three I-hr. races . Info: (213) 845-8448. 3rd ANNUAL HARE SCRAMBLES, by the Cyellens of Bakersfield. U med from Bakersfield Speedway. AMA sanc. ; race a t noon. Info: Wendyl Aragon ( 80S) 8312121. , T HARE SCRAMBLES by the MarIn County MC at China Camp. Limed on Hwy 101 at San Pedro Road just north of San Rafael . AMA sane ., sign-up 9-11 a.m., race at noon. Info: George Scbatter . SUNDAY, DECEMBER Bth, 19&B TT SCRAMBLES by HI Boots M.C . at Debesa track near San Diego. AMA points . Call (714) 477 -8024 or 449-0784 . -------------------------------------------------------------, I: ~~' ~ ~~ ~~ , ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ " ~- ,~'''' ~~~ ~~ .'W~ :GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS TO YOUR FRIENDS & FAMILY.: I .. : I I I : I ~n . : STATE $6 FOR 1 YEAR ·O ::::ESS ZIP (VIA2nd CLASS MAIL) :1 I : ! ;~:..::~:':;:.,:;:::rl::~~~~;:~~::M~ri,,"'S $12 FOR 2 YEA R5 D ! I : I I I annoanctng your gifL GIFT CARD TO READ FROM: YOUR ADDRESS .. I I I I I PLEASE ALLOW THREE WEEKS FOR NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS TO START. Via 1st class mail for one year $18. Via Air Mail for one Year $26. 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