Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 12 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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MID-OHIO Photos By Dick Bingham. INTEINATIONAL Ray Ninness. MOTO-CIOSS AMEIICANS SHOCIED Bob DWDrek . By Paul Cosner The start Df a 500 Int ernati Dnal MotD shDWS (511 Torlief Hansen. Husky. onee _ in in t he Ieee!. Hensen seemingly was u _table tD t he first turn w ith his jack-rabbit sta rts. He was very fast and f lash y unti l his throttle cabl e brDke in the sec ond 250cc MotD. FDII Dwin g him is A b8rgI521. RDbert (58) . Bickers (561 and Wei l (160 1. ., mixed with snow. Alth ough this undoubtedl y contributed to the lack of spectators it didn 't seem to dampen the riders spirits one bit. In the first 250cc series Ronald Moore of Dayton, 0., came out top dog. The Brothers Shrover, Bob and Bud, rounded out the top three on their identical Yamahas. The second 250cc series went to Donald Bannerman, Barkley , Mich. , who was riding a Bultaco, Following him in was CZ mounted Joe Higgins from Dorch ester , Mass., and Jim Merkner, Crown Point, Mich., on a Bul. First 3 finishers in the 5000c class were Norm Richens, Clarkston, Ont., on a CZ, Bob Oury, Elmhurst, Ill., ridin g a Triumph and Rich Burleson, Ann Arbor, Mich., who rode a beautiful race on a BSA Victor Grand Prix. The 125 event went to Penton riders Jeff Penton, Tom Penton and Fl oyd Beatti e. In the entire day 's racing only one rider required hospital attention. He broke his collar-bone but was back at the track in time for the awards ceremony . Promoter John Penton eithe r has conn ections in high places or fantastic good . 5th in the 250 International was retiring CZ team rider Dave Bickers of England. Dive. who is 30. fee ls that he is nDW tDD Did t D eornpete, He has twice been 250cc WDrid ChampiDn ridi ng Greeves machines . luck. After the absolutely horrifying weather on Saturda y , Sunday dawned bright and clear. This almost perfect fall day contribute d greatly to the 10,OOO-plus spectators that lined the track 4-deep to view the most spectacular brand of racing this country has ever seen. It was also beneficial to the Dayton T.V. crew filming tii~ . races for distribution to other stations. The Europeans, who had practiced at the track on Wednesday and Friday, foun d it much to th eir liking. Th ey were of th e opinio n that this was the first moto-cross course they had seen in the Il.S, that compared with the European circuits. The course was 1'% miles lonz in contrast with the short 7/10 mile course they had run at Pepperell the week before. On some of the straights the y were pushing 80 mph. The 125 race Sunday had a surprise winner in Walt Axthelm, an Expert from California. riding the flrst of the 125 Sachs Moto-Cro ss machines to be seen in this area. The Penton brothers, Tom and Jeff, gave Axthelm a run for his money but neither finished both Matos. Second was James Jerles, Zanesville, 0., on a Suzuki-engined Sachs and 3rd was Bob Grodzi nski, Avon, O. on a Penton. Europeans copped the first places in the 250 International with Bengt Aberg ta king his Husky for the win. Adolf Wei!, West Germany, had a great ride on his Maico to take second over-all. Third was 250cc World Champion Joel Ro bert of Belgium. The first American to finish was Dick Mann in 7th place on a very rapid Ossa. Bugsy was also the highest placed American at Pepperell, where he also fin ished 7th. Barry Higgins and Joe Higgins two CZ riders fro m Massachusetts, were 8th and 9th. There used to be a saying quite common among midwestern riders th at went, "If you've seen one wheelie, you've seen them all. " After watching Joel Robert in the 500cc International we're pretty sure we won't be hearing that one again. Robert ,actually had the crowd , and the other riders, in the palm of his hand. Towards the end of the final Mota he

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