Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 11 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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OOoOC>O()OC:X>OOOCloOC>O()OC:X>OOOO>OOOOOOOOOOoo>ooooOOOOOOO>OOOOOOoooooooooooooooooOoo>ooo>ooooo Entertain.ent antl'nfor.ation fro. A.erica's Biggest UndiscoYered Motor Sport "Tt. ~ 0 Jlusin es s Manager ••Sharon Clayton 0 Second Calif. postage paid at Long Puljis her • • ••Charles C. Class ~ You' ll 'lIiIt C l a y to n 0 B each, o 0g § un o Dr: 498, 8 L g o o 0 N. Long Bea ch Bl vd. ch I" 90805 o ng Bea , Ca If.. Box Lo ng Beach , Ca li f. O r - <'_ I 8 always see It Phone: 42:H1431 ( Are a Code 213) o As s'1. Editor• • •W ne Fl emin gton ay :"ationa l Adv, Director ••Tom Culp Pho to Edi tor••••• •llennis Greene Lab Technicia n••• •JliJI Pe tt igrew Bookkeeper • • • •••Susan Whi tel a w Circ ula tion Depl. • .J enn)' Mcllona ld Editoria l & Adv, Asst, andra Pu rd)' 0 Editorial stories , cartoons , photos. 0 etc. ar e welcomed and will be paid 0 fo r upon publi cation (e xce pt press § releases and · Voice· letters . ) Addressed , stamped envelo pe assures re turn. 0 Sin gle copy price• • • • • • • •• • 25 .. Published weekly except the first 0 SU~r'ri Ption: One year 2nd c lass abnd,..~~tpwble.k hof thc capendaorflfear e e l · llal . ~ " • • • • • • • ••••• • • $7 .5 0 y """", u IS m g Cc ., os t Ice Adverti sin g rates and ci rculatio n inBox 498 , Lon g Bea ch , Ca li fornia . formati on will be sent upon request. § 8 § 0 g 8 " Ameri ca' s Weekl y fAotorcycle Newspaper" From LA. Phones: 636·8844 00>000000000>0000OOOOOOOOOOOOO>OOO>OOOO00000 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000000>000000000000 000000000>00 g VOICES OF THE WEST THANKS FOR COMING This is to say " than ks ," and to say how muc h we enjoyed hosting a few of the r ider s from Dis trict 37 a t our recent Cha mpionship Moto-Cross. J . N, Roberts, Gary Bailey, and Ron Rondell are thought of up here as truly r epresenta ti ve of ideal motorcycl e sp or tsmen. They are congenial , pa tien t, and fiercely competitive. Mr . Robe r ts' Moto-Cross school held on the day before the rac e was an ove r whelming s ucc ess . All r ider s that a tt ended were in a high s ta te of elation over th e ir new-found skills . For this, an extra thanks to J ,N. His lecture period was delivered wi!b great skill and interest, and was fully as effective as !be s ession on the track. J ,N, worked far longer,and far harder than we expec ted , and for this we are grateful . Gary Bailey' s Penton was a real curiosity in 1b1s area, served to confirm the rumor that it really did extst. Despite thousands of questions about it (most of !bern repetitive) from riders and spectators allke, Gary kept his good nature intact through the day . His sponsor has a great salesman. TH E highlight of the day had to be the ungodly jump oft of a scaffolding that was actually higher than a telephone pole. Thi s was done by !be Viewfinders' Ron Rondell . It was a real heart-stopper, and is still be ing talked about. Any M.C. club looking for s ome cr owd-pleasing inte r mission enter tainmen t s hould talk to Ron . In summary, !be se me n are truly gentlemen, and great r epres e nta tives of our spor t. We are gla d !bey came, and we enjoyed every mi nute of their visit. I HOWARD NAGEL Seafai r Ci ty M,C, ( Washington'S #1 Competi tion ClUb) Tacoma, Wash. LONG,'LONG RACES We enjoy a r a ce !bat separates !be men from !be boys and see no need for peop le to cry over !be long ones . if they can't hack it !bey could try giving up booze and cigarettes and getting them selves in condition . Or !bey co uld go dr ag r a ci ng. That only requires them to ride for 1/4 of a mile. Jim Mahoney #80, Ira Mahoney #132, William Joh n Pearse #405M, Steve Hule t #930, Don Sillings #104, Larry Hearn #320, Joe Myers #436M, Terry Tauc hman , William A , Dick #548, Marianne Dick #547, L.S. Mulock #60, Ron Burpo #111, V,E, Mahoney , J ,O. Johnson #74, Jim Clancy #828, Tom Jenkins, Jr. #69, Michael McClure #29, Larry Petrie, Richard Townsend #245M, David Trib #271, Patsy Dibble #546, Don Morgan #523, L ,E , Peter s #M239T, Roger Peters #909T. ( Th er e were seven more names we couldn't make out.) SHAPE UP I am writing to voice my support for long trail bik e races. It has been s tated !bat long races destroy machinery and man . With proper maintenance a trail bike will hold up jus t as well as a big bike . Deser t r iding is a physical s port. Those who compete should cons ider this, and maintaln their bodie s as they maintain thei r bikes . Long races are a chal le nge . A s port Is nothing without challenge. L,S, MULOCK Trail Bi ke #60 China Lake, Calif. A. E. E. CH OPPE RS RETORT CONGRATS CHECKERS We would 11kI' to com me nd the Checkers M.C. ror !be outs tanding race they held on the Mojave Desert, october 13. As it was easy to see, there was a lot of work put for th and hours of planning. Th is race was an exc eptional one for the season . Li ttle extras li ke s igns leading to the pi ts, the colorful start, a well organized and well marked course mad e it an enjoyable race. Not to take a way from the course itself. Yes, it was tough enough too. Special thanks to Carroll Ditson and all the o!ber Checkers who were there to lend a helping hand when needed, especially on the r ough hills for trail bikes. P ET E AND RANDY KLASSEN Ridgec rest, Cal. TRY HARDER, NOVICES Regarding the ques tio n !bat has come up about the len gth of races: Some feel Novi ces should only have to go one loop, an d that Amateurs and Experts go the rest. In my opinion, if they are going to race, Novices s hould go !be distance, It !bey can' t go 80 to 100 miles !bey should do a little more practicing until they can. Thi s s ort of separates the men from the boys . I' m 15 and I've made !bese di sta nce races. My bike and I bo!b hel d up OK, The se races aren'tjustafternoon joy rides, !bey're tough . At least when you finish one you fee l you' ve accomplished something, Anoth er article I read in Cycle News seemed to have mi xed feelings abo ut riders that have motorcycle s hops sponsoring the m. My fee li ng is that !bese sponsored riders pr oved their ability bef ore the s ponsor chose the m, and !bat if a rider is good enougb a shop v.1ll le t him know. So just try a little harder and maybe some shop will choose you to RANDY KLASSEN r ide for them. Trail Bike #68 Ama teur Ridgecrest, Cal . Big Daddy Roth has seen tit to a ttack !be str ee t worth i n e s s of our A,E.E . " Trike, " which is rather comical since the Trike was built for !be street. We realize you have a beautltul machine, Big Daddy, but you haven 't got what it takes to best our Trike. Since you have !brown ·!be challenge in our face, we have no choice but to answer. We' r e ready, bring it on Big Daddy! We know we're best no ma tter what you have , but let's chan ge thi ngs a li ttle. Le t' s have a real test for s treet ma chines . We challenge you to a threepart s eries . 1. SEVERE ACCELERATION FOR A HUNDRED YARDS, 1/8- mil e, and a 1/4mile. This acceleration series will be followed by a severe braking test. These w111 be in ten mile an hour steps . 2. NAVlGATING AND ENDURANCE IN TRA F FIC. This will cover handling, starting, stopping and negotiating over a gi ven course in heavy business an d r esidential areas . AY 3. E NDURA NCE AT HIGHW SP E EDS AND DISTANCE. This includes flat lands, mountain areas, and long stre tches where no fuel and services are available. As you can see Big DaddY', we're r eady v.1th a real test for street ma chines. It you think you can handle the above courses and rules, let us know. It we don' t hear from you by phone, or by editorial, we' ll know !bat your machine hasn't got what it takes . No one would want to think of Big Daddy Roth as " chicken." A,E,E. CHOPP ERS Buena Park, Cal. COOLEY'S COLUMN l3y wos Cooley '1111' , -ip\\ s (' \Ilrt's s p

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