Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 11 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ e, HereThey Co e By John A. Grout Photo by Denni s Greene e;; .. ] Wa tch out, Dave Bickers, Joe l Rober t, Torsten Hallman , Roger DeCos ter, VIastimU Valek, and Co., the American MotoCr os s Team Is heading your dir ec tionl . ~ Yo::~=C:{e~:~~.~~~n~o~~ ~ Steady," are getting two spanking-new Jawa C-Z's through the courtesy of Joe ~ Kubicek's South Bay Motorcycles, located In Redondo Beach, California; and ~ they will comprise the fi r s t really serr.J ious effort to field an United States go...:J for-hell Moto-Cross Bunchl U They'll be seeing their first action at Wichita, Kansas on Nov. 3, against all of you. Their next scheduled round wUl be at Dallas, Texas on Nov.10& 11, you all. The Idea behind this whole situation was, itven an equal chance on the same kind of machinery, we had riders right here in the U.S. who would make an excellent show of the scene. This idea, and dream, was one that belonged to Joe Kubicek; and he brought it to a reali~ other dates on the International MotoCross schedule Include several out here ~ the West Coast. = G IN LANCASTER IT'S YAMAHA Don & Ray's Motorcyc le Shop 1223 'II.Ave. I, La nc a s ter, Ca lil. John Hat-I.y, Sr. and J r., lell, Mulder and Kublc.k, rlcht. Aaahe;m Mle Aud;oa Attracts 400 ANAHEIM, cal., Oct. 12 - The third motorcycle auction In as many years was beld at the CountywideAuctionbarn, in Anaheim, starting at 1 p .m , Over an hcillr before the bidding was to begin, many excited pr ospec tive buyers were on Hall's Ranch Hall of Fa,m e (6051 942-9&24 By Dale Ivan Photo by Don Ivan HIGHEST TRADE-IN 239 II. AuIlalm BI-. Au..... hand to inspect the merchandise, which turned out to be White motorcycles. Altogether, 180 machines were sold, most of them being the 125 in three different models. The first lot to be sold bringing $300 each. MORGAN ffiLL , Cal., Sept. 24 - Lured by the pr omise of " big brass" fr om San Jose's Eastside M.C., an excellentlurnout of Northern California's best hotshoes congregated at the demanding Hall 's Ranch hillside track. Inter mis s ion found the talents of Montesa-mounted Bob Grossi, Vern Tramberg (Honda) and Ray Glausen (Mateo) locked in a 3-way tie for top wheelstandIng honors. In the run-off with Grossi, cal. Pilau (714) 533-1309 'm!3 IO.UDN 'DZ xog D30NJ!9 =3.1IHM UIHH'/3 D3.1NOoN H'/3 i JN Grounded Is Main Event winner Bellina. Allen K.nyon (5\) avoided hlltlnc him. r·.. • • • "'om $49.95 I U· l u ild' u ," 1(;, ' S.••rol Models - None 0 . ... $'89..50' S.nd 25c fo r Ia,.s' in/or· ma,ion and Free Decal. ' 30- pag_ CG'tcrlog - $1 . !to.B1fl. ';(:';:1 ~l 2276 alhambra 55, california 91803 ~~:t~\\t)\ \,O1l~\\ & develDJI1Ient Co. U.S. Di s tributor GAIDNEI CAIBUIETOI Tranberg walked his Honda off 'the full length of the uphill stralght and disappeared Into the woods to settle fir st place dis putes . As usual, the 250 class races provided the day' s outstanding s how. A twelveman starting Une of the area's best Novices found a combination of eager start- 269 Orange AIAl. G oleta. Cal if. 9])17 ... • • . Black-Flagged The 500 Novice Main brought more havoc to prolong the day's racing, as AMA and track officlals black-flagged 360 Montesa rider Bill Alve1n while in first spot halfway through the race. Although Alvein had supposedly passed on the red flag, he dropped back into second spot and was mistakenly black-flagged again by track personnel. Heeding the flag, once off the track, Alvein was greeted by district AMA officlals whose only explanation was thaUt was an honest mistake, sorry. Fellow competitor s may well wonder where a r ider's r ecourse is to such s ituations. Cer tainly not in the AMA rulebook. Riding into Hall's Ranch Hall of fam e with an amazing string of victories at this track, Expert Bob Souza won again on his 500 Triumph. But doing an excellent job, taking home his third trophy for the day was Bob Grossi riding his Montesa to a clos e second, withstanding the crashing tactics of hard-riding Honda ace, Ken Dalia. The 650 Expert featur e eventfound the grand oid man of Dis trict 36 Bud Kneass, another 'of Hall ' s perpetual winners, again winning from start to finish on his Triumph. Providing the real action was Nor thern California's As cot Novice repr es enta tive, Cycle ffill 's colorful, Don Castro, s Uding his George E. Hall 's Triumph past fell ow Experts fr om alast place start to a third place finis h. (Results on page 16) • ,. • San Diego Road Riders Decisive Meet By Bille K. Sager SAN DIEGO, Cal., Oct. 7 - The regular monthly meeting of the San Diego County Road Riders Assn. was called to order at 8 p.m, in the conference room of The Silvergate savings & Loan IDdg. in National City. Representatives of the six clubs were pr es ent thus filling the r oom to near capac ity. President Ed Folkes of the Singing Wheels gave a warm welcome to The Poway M.C., who were attending their first meeting as pr ospec tive mem bers. Much discussion centered around the calendar of events for next season. We would like to make up one calendar combining L.A. and S.D. runs, and tlseemed to he a general opinion that L.A. would not object, so contact Is planned in this respect. Clubs were reminded of the upcoming annual car show to be heid at The Community Concourse on November 15, 16& 17. All bikes ente r ing, either as a single 2nd Ann ua l P acif ic Coast Championsh ip Molo-Cross October 13, 19118 lOUcc Ex pe rt C Iass 1st BILL LANGLEY - MB ers and late-comers producing ten minutes of restarts, fr ied clutches and loaded- up engines, only to have the event dela yed until after the Amateur final. While the Novice s cooled off, the Amateur Maln Event found Barr e Love, taking the early lap lead. But, from the middle of the pack, Steve Wils on, on his flashy, multi -po rted 230 Ossa moved uppicking off the leader s and went on to another deci sive win. When finally underway, the Novice final brought yet more chaos . Starting line pr oblems clal med the machines of s everal favortles , but the checkered flag found PurSang pilot Ron Arello not a btl unnerved as he backed his heat race win with a first place Main Event finish. However, the checker was brought out with two laps r emaining when everyone panicked as a rider careened otf the downhill section of the track and exited over a rather steep cliff, taking some unfortunate spec ta tor s with him. Apparently the only one who suffered from the mishap was second place finisher, Breen Hofmann. HIs bid for first place was cut short after moving upfrom the back, doing a spectacular job of riding the borrowed PurSang of s idel1nedAmateur Jim Rice. Ignoring the tire tracks from Allen Kenyon's Bultaco a c r 0 s s his midsection, up-and-coming Ex per t Dave Bellina recovered well enough fr om the first turn pile up to grab the lead In the final and pilot his DT I Yamaha to victory, barely a wheel ahead of Kenyon and Bob Grossi, riding Roger Colthwaite's Pur Sang. 511 MARK NICCOLI - MB Northwest Cha mpionship SCrambl es - 10 / 13 / 68 1st JACK JONES-MB 2nd BILL HEATH- MB MB SPORTCYCLES.311 E. ALEXANDER AVE.. TACOMA,'WASHINGTON 98421 USED PARTS ALL MAKES 40uz. TO 60% OFF ., YAMAH A DEALE R » SCRAM BLER MOTO RCYCLES » 1801 W. Burbank Blvd. Burbank, CallI. 849-5907 or 845-11738 Exl. • 7 or with clubs, must be taken In between 8 a .m , and midnight of the 14th. Don't forget to drain those gas tanks unless you have lock caps. There are only two runs left this seas on. The Road Cr uis er s M.C. will have their 6th Annual Poker Run on October 20, with sign - in between 8-1 0 a.m. at Lemon Grove Honda In Lemon Grove. With such "ducky" luck on their last run in the Lagunas, they really hope for a good turnout so they can present a few extra trophies left over. The last run will be Jl;lary's Men cattl e Call on November 23 & 24. . There have been more trophies given this season than ever before, and they have really been beauties. A personal " thank you" goes out to the Tiki Trophy Shop, whose 0 wn e r, Mr. Anderson, brought his li ttle van loaded with the paraphernalla of his trade to the area of the field events on our recent assoctation-dealers r un, and as the judging for each event was completed, he immediately engraved the winners' names, etc. onto the plates so that by the time it was all over, the trophies were ready for presentation on the spot. • " BULTACO " Dale Brown Motors 2441 Long Beach Bl vd. Lon g Beach, Calif. r:

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