Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 11 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Elsinore Night Life Ricky Ap lrr. tab s til e j ump on his Bulbco. Sprague rode his Bultaco In the Main and the big ones had to keep hustling to stay In front of him. Li ttle Hotshoes Story by Bob De Gasser Photos by Manuel A . Burton John Ri c. Iu ds the b1C bike .. ELSINORE, Cal., Oct. 19 - Another exciting night of T .T. racing as some of the fast boys found their way here again. Among the hotshots were Dave Lenar, John Sprague, David Aldana, J. Keene, Keith T ennis, Dale Hopkins , Troy McKee, V. Hannan and Larry Bachkay. It's thrilling just to listen to these guys bench race. Lenar and Aldana both rode BSA Victors but Sprague's Triumph was geared for the Tijuana TT Sunday. He borrowed a Victor, only to have It drop a chain In both of the t1rst two motes, AScary Hall~ween By Stan Scales ... It was said bY those who had seen the masterpiece that It would never be equalled In this world's ille. I ts ending still seem s a mys tery to me as I'm sure It will to you. On the I sl e of Bouldon, off the coast of England, there Is a small v1llage bY the name of sware, It Is In this v1llage, I am to understand, the origin of the masterpiece Is to have oeeurred , It Is said that In the late 1800' s an Inventor did build a two-wheeled type of machinery resem bling very much a bicycle. ThIs oddappearing vehicle had many unusual characteristics w h I c h brought much sc orn trom the township . The motorcycle was being developed In this same era and basically this was the Intent of our Inventor Caus Repent. Had anyone known of the strange happenIngs that were to be brought about In this undertaking I 'm sure an attempt to stop It would have been made. But this was not the case and It I s of this machine that I am going to tell you. The turn of the century brought about an ev ol uti on of many changes throughout the world. Our Inventor was to be a part of this evolution although his contri buting lactor was never recogniZed by a vast majority of the population because of his cruel and abrupt ending. F or you see Caus Repent bullt a machine which brought about his own destruction. In a lather to son tradition Caus had inherited his lather's workshop upon his passing In 1874 and In this shop he constructed this two-wheeled steam powered vehicle. Peopl e were tiring of the atmosphere that was considered com m onplace at this time and many were striking out · onto new levels of Interest. Inventors were particularly taken with the!lelds of transportation as many could foresee much wealth to be had It their thoughts proved successful. In the winter months of 1887 Caus completed his conglomeration of metal parts and had assembled a large group of Investors to observe I ts testing. These men of wealth traveled about spec ulating on many Ideas In many t1e1d. They provided backing for those which showed signs of promise. The Investors were gathered around the bike as Caus pointed out I ts many features . The large steel wheels were stamped with numerals that read one through twelve on the front and one through sixty imichrome '. Shines Suddenly Simichrom. i s a hone1 Cle. ns qu ick •• a bunn, ( OMPETITION Tube S5c CHEMICA LS Can S2.95 104 .ashincton Ave•• Iowa Fan Iowa The 100cc bike riders looked good too. Expert Troy McKee on a reed valve Hodaka battled It out with Dale Hopkins on his Suzuki (a Dale Brown bike) . Tally1ng up the last six months, T roy Is fourth and Dale t1tth In points. Aldana rode his Suzuki but was having problems mak1ng It run. John Frels, still a Novice, didn't get much In the Main so he had to settle for number two. Frels Is also skateboard c ham p of the world. Watch hlml A Novice who Is coming up fast. (Results on page 16) S. CI_IIt., Call1... la mel 49Hl41 BOLD IIEW BREED Story •• The asterpiece 00 the rear. The wheels would, In turn, It the machine were moved twenty feet or more, tell the accurate time of day . There were two pointers attached to the framework which pointed to the numbers and Indicated the time readings. Several short runs were made and with eachhalt of movement the time could Indeed be read accurately. The speculalors were Impressed with this unique feature for surely there was a demand for a machine that could transport and tell time In the process. ThIs It would seem was a step toward the furtherment of civilization. The investors submitted otters to Caus for his consideration and departed 'to consider other inventions on the Isle. With the acceptance of his invention by society Caus was filled with excitement and since It was proper to fill one's body with grog at the receiving of good news he rode his Invention to Barnaby's pub In Felton six mlIes down the Isle. The mach1ne ran perfectly down the twisty trails 10 Barnaby's and the wheels read t1ve-o-t1ve as he parked his pride In the alley alongside the pub. To celebrate his fortunate escapade with the Investors he did, In high fashion, partake of much grog. Too much grog perhaps. For as the tale was told to me , Caus drank so heavily that Barnaby had to awaken him at mldnlght to close his pub. Still stunned witb the effects of too much grog Caus staggered from the pub to his awaiting machine which was now almost hidden by fog. The towntolk still awake at this hour gathered to bid him farewell and otter last congratulations on his good fortune. Atter several unsuccess f ul attempts the boiler was lighted and Caus, shakily, mounted his fine steed. With a belch of steam and a clatter of metal parts he rode ott Into the fog towards his shop In Sware six mlIes to the north. ThIs was the last ever seen of Caus or the steam c y e I e for somev.i1ere and somehow aD his six-mile journey something strange and unexplainable must have occurred. It Is peculiar that this man of such Intelligence should vanish in such a way that no evidence was ever found to give reason for his disappearance and no records were ever found concerning his work. IAWASAII Headquaners BEACH emes CYCLES 525 N. E I CaIlIIlD Rea' To this day however, there I s an unexplainable occurrence at the footbridge near Capp's farm. Every hour on the hour a metaI1lc clatter and a great hiss can be heard arising from the depths of the canyon which th e bridge spans. ThIs Is strange In Itself but the most unusual happens at twel ve mldnlght every F riday, which Is the day of Caus Repent's disappearance, when a hollow roll of laughter comes from the canyon and a huge cloud of steam Is said to hover above the bridge. BRONCCO p wered by GARELU CYCLES · MINI-BIKES PARTS ACCESSORIES NEW WEST COAST WAREHOUSE ENGINE SPEC IALTIES . INC. P.O . Box 600 BELMONT. CAL. 94002 4 15-593-1691 ATTE NTIOIl DEPT . LS II"!IJ,-:::;........ ESI - Eas t P. O. Box 260 Cornwe ll. H. lcht., P a. 19020 DEALERS & DISTRIBUTORS WANTED Saddleback Park-& Cycle World agazine present e I ER-A SERIES FI E! at Sad leback Park The Biggest and Best Moto-Cross Event 01 the year. See the lin est European and c. U.s. riders compete lor S1000's in event money,plus the seriesprizes olSSOO for the top European and S250 each lor th e .s.250 and 500 cc riders. highest-pl aced U Entry info avai lable from Saddl eback. 7-8 SADDLEBA CI PA RI is Ireeway close - take Newport Freeway to Chapman Ave., go east on Chapman to Santiago Canyon Road, turn right to Saddleback Park Road, ' opposite the fire station. O Daily. (Planning an event 01 your own? pen Ho ld it at Saddleback Park. W Vic Wil son, Saddleback Park, Box 2455, Orange, rite Calif. 92667 lor details; phon e 11416 )q·5R 3 ~.)

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