Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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FRI., DEC. 13 & 21, FEB. 1 & 14th CALENDAR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6th ANNUAL CACTUS DERBY by Rive rside Bombers M.C., AMA sanc. , 7:01 a .m, s tart, 8 mi. so. of Barstow, Cal. take Central Ba rs tow orrr amp , Mall $5.00 entry to Gene Li nd ley, Box 1002, Cherry Valley , Cal. 9222 3. Clos e Sept . 22, post $7.00. moto-CROSS Sage Hopp e rs M.C. AMA Encinitas, Calif. No admittance c harge . Limed from Interstate #5 and Encinitas Blyd. For info call Bob Gooding (714) 753- 29 07. 27 MIL E HARE SCRAM BL ES by Gr ey ho unds M.C . at Hi- Vista, Calif. 50% Trophy. Call (2 13) 367 - 29 07 . HIL L CLIMB Spor ts man ev ent by Campbell M.C ., Ca mpbell, Calif. at Hall Ranch. Call 378- 1974 or 241- 6443 . EURO P EAN S CRAMBL E S by Desert Challe ngers M.C . at Dead manl s P oi nt , Appl e Valley, c al., 3 L-hr , races , large trophies, fo r Info (2 13) 845- 6448. GRAND PRIX MOTa-CROSS a t Sa ddleback Park presented by San Clemente J aycees, no affil . req, All classes s tarting with 360- 0 pe n Exp, at 9:30 a.m , Mail e ntry $5.00 to Box 542, Capo Beach, Cal. 92624 , closes Sept. 25, post e nt ry $7.00. San ta Ana FwY. to Chap man offr amp, east to Santiago Cyn:, turn right & follow lime . SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12th 2nd ANNUAL PAC IF IC COAST CHAMPI ONSHIP MOTO- CROSS & SCRAMBLES Expert entry limited to 25, unli m it ed Nov ./Exp. Scrambles entry (5 classes) . Sc r a m ble s 9 a .rn.; Moto-C ross 12 noon. For info contact searatr City M.C ., P. O. Box 963, Aub urn, Was h. or call (2 06) T E 3- 7313 or UL 2-8941. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13th 4th ANNUAL FIELD M":E T by P layboys M.C. Call (21 3\cE:\..\..E.~J3 fo r info. RRC pt. r un . Cr-" MOTO -CROSS a t Carlsbad, Cal. by Calif. Mot o-Cross Club. Mail en try $5.00, post e ntry $10 . Mail to P.O. Box 124,Reseda, Cal. 91335. Close Oc t. 8. AFM Na t' l pts. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20th -- '-.SCRA MBLES by _ 13 . R ebels M.C . a t P e r ris , Cal. Chea te r s - hon est starter, Ber ni e . 8 a .m, start, s mall bores 8-12, big bik es th ereafte r. F or info (2 13) 771-2 539. T URKE Y HARE & HOUND Dist. 37 AMA Championship near Red Roc k Canyon in Moja ve Deser t. Li m ed fr om HwY 14. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 21th P OKER RU N by Re bel Rousers M.C . Call (213) 444- 9644 for Info. AFM NAT' L CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND P RIX ROAD RACE at Cota ti Raceway, Cotati, Cal., s o of San ta Rose on HwY. 101. $500 purse for GP , trophies for P r od . For info co ntact 4810 Daisy St ., Apt . B, oakland, Cal. 946 19. (415) 536 29 50. SAT. & SUN., NOV. 2 & 3rd ENSENADA EL T OUR GRANDE, Road Run sponsored by Cycle Ne ws fr om Mexican Borde r a t San Diego , Cal. to SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd 2nd A NNUAL "MONSTER RUN" by wor ld reno wned Kern Co . Trailblazer s M.e., som e whe r e in the sceni c wil de rne s s of Ker n Co. Details la te r . : TrTSCRTAi~rBrES : t__ ~i~~p~~_ _, NOV, . NOV. DEC, DEC, DEC. HIGH SIER RA ENDUR O by Port Stock ton M.C . at RaIlroad Flats. cal., 60 mi. east of Lodi , First r ider out 8:01 a.m., all classes, Dist. 36 AMA san c. , mail $3.00 en try to Mrs. J im Thompson, 1987 Michigan Ave . , Stock ton , Cal. 95204. l .. 17th and 18th - WESTLAKE VILLAGE , LOS ANGELES 24th - DE LAVEGA PARK, SANTA CRUZ 1st - CARLSBAD RACEWAY, CARLSBAD 8th - SADDLE BACK PARK, IRVINE [\,/-,UR 11 ..1ito» 15th - GUADALAJARA , MEXICO :l1Jd E.\'TRIfS IiHERNATlor;AL ',:OTO CR ~::: · OSS ;:>21' Ave., La "esa , Cali f. 92 103- Tel .' il4,;~I1·~:S'i ********************* NOVEMBER 4th THROUGH 11ft MOTO-CROSS * ~ t~~..' SEPTEMBER 22 : ~IEXI CA1i 1000 l=: l\'SE1iADA TO LA PAZ RUN entries now being a cce pt ed. Contact NOHHA, tnc . ; 19720 Vent ur a m., Woodland lI ill, Ca l. (2 13) 883- H40. t it SA T. & SUN" NOV. 9 & 10, 1968 l Oth ANNUAL GRAND PR IX atHopetown by Dirtdiggers M.C . Dist. 37 pis. Mail e ntry onl y, $8. Use official e ntry blanks. For Info call (2 13) 964 -5076. Entries close oct. 19. ~ SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10th ~ TT SCRA MBL ES by Silver City Scramble rs M.C. at Las Vegas, Nev. Dist. 37 pt s , F or Info contact Veg as Cycle Cente r, 1020 E . Fremont, Las Vegas, Nev . (702) 384-3024. it it Carlsbad Raceway Presented by California MOlD-Cross Club For Expert C lasses 250 & 500- Trophies ForJuniors-Mail entry S5.00Post Entry S10.00 ~ Entries Close September 18th ..,... Expert & Junior' 0-125 126-250 251-500 Open. Camping OK. Gates Close 11:00 p.m. Saturday night. The course will be dust free - Sprinkling System in and operating. Mail Entry to: P. O. Box 124, Reseda, Cal. 91335. * * ********************* 22nd ANNUAL COWBELL 'DER BY Enduro by Hayward M.C . Starts a t Upper Lake, Calif. Call Robert Queen, (415) bell, 21077 538- 3412. Mail entries to COW San Miguel Ave., Cas tro Valley, Calif. 94546. DIRTDIGGERS JO," ANNUAL GRAND PRIX NO'l. 9I h&lO I h SAT. & SUN., NOV. 23 & 24th S8.00 $(mail entries ONLY) CATILE CALL RUN by Mary's Men M.C., AMA sanc .; SDRRA p t. r un . Start finish at Ca tt l e Call Arena, Br awley, Cal. 8 a .m, Fo r info, Mary' s Men M.C. , 458 8 50th , San Diego, Cal. 92115. a,HOPETOWN District 31 Points (Scrambles & Desert) The Official Di rtdiggers Entry Blan k ONLY will be Accepted 0·2S0cc (All) DOMe 8921 11th Ave. Ing lewood, Calli. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24th 13th ANNUAL T URKE Y MUD SCRAM BLES by Oregon Sidewinder s M.C ., 10017 5-250-0pen classes, at Sidewinders track on SE Lawnfield Rd., Clackamas, Or e. near Portland. Info wr i te Rt . 3, Box 29 0-C, Oregon City, Ore. 970 45. Entries OPEN Sept. 15th - Close Oct. 19th 2S1-0pen (All) ~ Sidehacks DDMC 19308 Agulro St. Rowland Heights, Ca lif. . POST ENTRY S100. J.A.P. PROFESSIONAL SPEEDWA Y SHORT TRACK SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30th 1/6 MILE ALL NEW DIRT SPEEDWAY Hid er'" and Owne r", 2nd ANNUAL BARSTOW TO LAS VEGAS PACIFIC SOUTHWES T CHAMPIONSHIP HARE & HOUND by San Gabriel Valley M.C . Dist. 37 pts., 185 m i. deser t te r r ain. Limed from Minneola Rd. offr a mp approx, 12 mi . no . of Barstow , Ca l. on Vegas FwY. F or info contact SGVMC, P .O . Box 813, EI Monte, Cal. 91734. C.\LL 983·161 i Every Sat. 8:30 p.m, 40% PURSE TOP 12 'RlDERS SHARE WHITEMAN STADIUM 1:l1:W P ie rc e sr., P a co irna SUNDAY, DECEMBER lOth SOUTHERN NEVADA TT CHAMPIONSHIP by Vegas Valley M.C ., Las Vegas, Nev . Fo r info contact Tom's Cycle Ce nter , 1030 S. Main, Las Vegas , Nev . (702) 382- 6600. T nke T e rra Be l la o xi t e a s t o ff Gol den State Freeway MOTO-CROSS $ MOTO-CROSS $ MOTO-CROSS $ MOTO-CROSS $ MOTO-CROSS $ ;MAMMOTH MOUNTAIN~ iMOTO-CROSS ~ OCT 5 &6 'of ~, - t at Beautiful Lake Mead t • SEPT. t SAT.Entry SO¢ fo28 Field Meet-Start 3 , ;a p.m. llowe d by Hot Dog roast SEPT. 29 Your ice TWO t SUN.r Runs - ALL Street choALLofOh t- t Poke or t Start9 a. m, Entry $3.00 post entry $3.50. I V CIC Entries at yo ur loc a l de aler or write o• 159\ Las Vega t S.Q.M.C. P.O. Ca ll (702) 735·5797. s , , .... Nev. 89101 or 80x Barkhi mer As s oc ., John Soares Track & "" Promoti on Mgr . F or info write #14 Camp Cl> Evers Lane, Santa Cr uz , Cal. 950 60. INTER - AMERICAN MOTO-CROSS SERIES IN THE WEST NOV . 10th and 11th - DALLAS, TEXAS issue.) t-SUVERQUEENSML-' , Present t t 2nd Annual AMA Sanctioned , t FUN for ALL , ~. ~ t WEEK-END ' o -= !!~JrI~~H!!3H~ ! INDOOR SHORT TRACK RACES at Cow Palace , San Franc is co, Cal. AMA sanc., I o- mi. conc r e te track; promoted by Bob Ense nad a, Me x. 5- card poker run, Sat. ni ght Ensenada nightlife , parade through Ens e nada, c us to m co ntes t, na tive brass dec or a tive trophies . P articipant pi ns . Advance e ntries to Cyc le Ne ws Tour , Box 498, Long Beach, Cal. $2.5 0. ( Make m otel res ervations early . See ad this ~ . o JUNIOR SENIOR 0-125 126-250 251-0PEN I. Presented by CAS H * HI GH SI ERRA M. C. FOR ALL SENIOR CLASSES 2nd 50.00 3rd 25.00 LARGE TROPHIES FOR JUNIORS GARY SA l LEY PRESTON PE TTY ENTRIES CLOSE OCT. lst Junior - $3.00 mai l $5.00 post Senior - $5.00m I S10.oo post ai Senio r Specia l - 3 cla s ses - $12.00 mall Side Hack Entries $5.00 mall $10. 00 pos t J.N. ROBE RTS LARS LARSSON OCT. 5th - 1 a 0 .m. 0-1 25Jr. & Sr. 1 6-25 2 0Jr. only • 0 ~ 15t100.00 THESE RIDERS WILL BE RIDING IN THE EVENT RON NELSO N JOHN DE SOTO • ~ GARY CONRAD NIC K NI CHOLSON OCT. 6th - 10 a.m. . ·1 6 - 250 Sr. o 2 nly 2 51- Open Jr. & S r. PR ACTIC E All Day - Oc t. 3 ~ 4 - 7 a.m, - 10 a.m. - Oct. 5 & 6 * MAIL ENTRY OR INFO P.O. BOX 482 MAMM OTH LAKES, 93546 ~ ...... ~ • ~ • • 0 "" '" '" ~ MOTO-CROSS $ MOTO-C ROSS $ MOTO-CROSS $ MOTO-CROSS $ MOTO-CROSS $