Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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HONDA 115 SCRAMBLER 1966 FORD F-lDO PICKUP Short wide bed , RIH, 3 spd, 6 cyl. tach, 30,000 orlg. mls., axe, mech, cond o $1, 350. (40 8) 253- 9788 san Jose. FOR SALE: 65 BSA Thunderbolt 65OCc . Top condo $690.00. Ph: (213 ) 638-0177. FOR SALE: Mlc TraIler, all aluminum, 3 rail sprung _ must sell, like new. (714 ) 783-1641 . EL BANDIDO 1968 raced 4 Urnes _ must sell $925 .00. (714 ) 783-1641 . MUST SELL THIS WEEKlI Immaculate 1967 250Cc Aermacch1 (CRT T Sprint) road racer or for dJrt, can convert to 35OCc. 7 races, many new spares, new tires, etc. or trade tor newish 250500Cc s treet ma.ch1ne, preferable 2strokes. Barry af te r 6:00(714) 788-7454, 788-7551 . 4037 Contera Rd ., Encino, Cal. 91316. HONDA, '67 305 Scrambler , bored,cam; excellent mechanical condit1oo, lots d. chrome, just aver 8,000 mUes, over $1,000 invested, will sacrifice for $695. (21 3) 397-3315. MECHANIC WANTED Experience only, top wages, benefits, 5 day week. Berts Motorcycles , 915 W. F oothill blvd ., AZusa, Calif. ~213) 334128 .;.;'--_.....:'::: 8. _ .:z •==~ FIVE ST~RI" 1967 MAlCO X3 mota-x, new paint. 21" front wheel , Improved expansion chamber, 219 Ibs. , race ready, sacrlf1ce $525.00. After 6 p.m, (213) 923- 3754 . \ I ~ WMWftWft• •"'ftlVAg-'8ft.ftll * Poker Run ' * Chance to Win * Neat Trophies * Judging Contests * Parade Thru Town I!_ L~~ - @j'~J A ~ Mam, this a poker run what am! You c.t 10 Si t ),our ca rds. Draw ),our ntxl Blc)'c l. oul 01 the nallv. Jar. W It b. an a c.l Hav. )'OU ill &lit a straight, or a flush colngl Or Is )'our hand the worsl l G.I cla d, )'OU ma)' slill win a prl• • l Ea ch card Is record.d as )'OU draw. , Goll a k.ep '.m Honesl. ! ," CHERRY '68 SCRAMBLER 90 * Sterling Silver Pin t/~'''-~ ~ C~RD 1it1.. ' 67 HODAKA - Des ert ready, extended tubes, fork brace, Cerlan1 rear shocks, 100Cc coU, racing rod, expansion chamber, Bobble Jay , milled head, excellent condJUon. (213) 728-5764. Every Entry Will Receive (.ROSS PicKup ~ ._. ' ' 64 RANCHERO , stick, V-8, PIS Tonneau, very clean $1,050.00. Call (213 ) 296-2395. I 1 WLfligLflig" , I ONE FOR THE MONEY , ," TWO FOR THE SHOW Th.n co out and t.1I ),our Irl.nds aboul lL Rldlnc a c)'c l. 11 more lun wh.n )'OU hay. Irl.nds along. Tak. '.m on the lown Saturda)' nlghl In Ensenada, ride with '.m In the parade on Sunda)', ma)'b. )'ou' ll win a prl•• In thl Salurday poker ,-- PICK UP CAR\)~~ Aren't )'OU clad )'OU In ),our pre-.ntry and &lI1 all that Information aboul res.rvallons, Insuranc., .tcl Yours Is but to .n/o)' the rid.... and don'l goUI. at Ih. sc.n.". so much Ihal )'OU miss that ntxl ch.ek. VAN TECH Hodaka, many extras, desert read y. (213) 985-4282. 360Cc BANDIDO - sen $900.00 firm or trade for Spor tste r (XLC H) or TR 6. BandJdo 15 like new, co mes with K-7 0's and spare rings & new 1s t aver piston. (209) 369-4493 ask for Phil. ( Lndi, Ca .) - "- run! ....... <. ,1'" , " : I: Send off ),our pre..ntl)', th.n make sure blk. Is read)'. R.serve holt l or mol.1 rooms earl)' by wrlt lnc Vla/es Mo Jlo lo rd,545 Flrst SL, Ensenada, Ba/a Ca llI. MEXICO. Enclose a lor S5 and ( In English ) the acco mmodatl ons )'OU wanl. Don't worr)', this Is an allnc)' of the &lIvernmenl. Your mon. )' Is sal•• II )'ou'd rather camp out, Iher.' 11 b. ca mp sltts avalla bl•• )'0 \1' the b.autlful cll)' 01 Enstnada. GrooV)' sean.'Y, huh? You SI)')'OU can'l tak. ),our .)'ts 011 th. road to look1 It's smart to rid. carelul In these parts. You ma)' nollc. w. are patrolllne th. road lot emere.ncl.s. Th is Isn' t HlgherCallfornl.. the curves are ralher unlorclving. It's not chl ck.n to rid. slow. In facl w. recomm.nd ! l It her.. ".. :II: THREE TO GET READY . . ~_. . " !!~~~~·~.!~S· ~ ~ ... o '" ... Righi Now, whll. )'OU think about It, put lor ea ch pr... ntr)' In an .nvelop. a nd se nd It with th. blank b.lo w (or a reasonabl. fac simile) for the Tour Gra nd. 01 Ense nadL S 2. 5~ I --- --- -- -' Less than 3,000 mUes by C.S.C .L.B. s tud ent, $290 takesl Li ke new medJum Bubble helmet $18.00 . Call Dennis (213 ) 421-2062, 3637 Hac kett, L. B. 2&] FIESTA in ENSENADA S.nd nam.,- and S2.50 lor .ntry to C)'cl. EI Tour Grand., Box 491, Lone Bea ch . Calli. 90105. D.adlln. lor pr...ntrlts: October IS, 1961. W.·II enter )'Ou and send )'ou full Inlonllltlon I "g."twllI"••• SATURDAY& SUNDAY \\US'r YO\,) I .. FOR SALE : 3 bike traUer. 66 Bultaco MeUsse IT or desert. 6 BMW R-69-S. (714) 884-2786. 1968 305 HONDA only 2000 mUes $550. Will take l OOCc Hodaka in trade. Have compl ete Honda 350 min us engine, sell part or all. Call Larry after 6:30 p.m . (714) 525- 3733 . 1967-1/2 BULTACO PurSang 5 speed; Flltron, skid plate, comp, r e l _ $650 or best otfer. Also B1anch1 Moped $50. (213 ) 592-5922 or (213) 427-6464. NOVEMBER . I Dh 67- 1/2 H-D SiS SPRINT Scrambler. 1600 mues, like new, special bars, s kid plate, Wlxom road fairingl $575/otter. (213) 792 -5258. BSA GOLD STAR $200.00 or call Ji m (213) (H) 632- 8013, ( W) 326-3810. f\1".. Saturday, Nov. 2nd ~'" WlLL TRADE desert ready Hoda.Icl, and mini-bike for, 250 Greeves Challenger . (213) OX 5- 5768. FOR SAL E: 1966 BMW R-60, very clean, low mi. Make appointment to see. P hone (213) 324-7502 6:00 ev enings. ' 68' SACHS, xlnt. cond., low m1lellge $350 . or best offer. (213) 444-7290. 2 DAYS of MOTORCYCLE ~ " it1 t-y 1\f\JU~~l ... ecR.PE~' ~r; t\ A BOB CHURCH is known as The Sheik ot the Mojave. . KAWASAKI 238 Scrambler, Girllng Shocks, camp. release, PI bars, large seat, big tank , plus many extras, perfee t cond o $675.00. (213 ) 256-7401. JA WA 350cc set up for desert. Runs good $250. (213) FR 9-9585. 1ll0 yvt\J GREEVES Just arrived 250's - 360 's. Nicholson Motors, 11573 Van Owen St., North Hollywood, cal. (213) 764-8674. WANTED - Hooda 90 basket cases, 6668. Ray (213 ) 398-3861 or liteve (2 13) 398-3078. PARTY INTERESTED in purchasing a motorcycle dealership In Los Angeles area . Call (213 ) 638-9514 or (213) 6356923 . ftn\frR DV"fl Will the former service Manager for Steve Allen Honda that applied tor a job in san Francisco, please contact san Francisco again. - TRADE: Gold Star IT mach. with everyracing part available, tor BrlUsh single with full lighting equip., standard tenders, etc. any year . (213) 941-1164. WhIttier, Calif. HONDA M ECHANi c NEEDED Experience on Honda BSA preferred. Contact Paul. Kolbe Cycle , 7514 Reseda, Reseda, Calif. (213) 345 -7616. ENSENADA e .... 65-MILE PENTON WANTED: BMW R27 running or not. Write or call (714) 286-1971. Carlos Garcia, 6893 Es trella, san Diego, Cal. 92120. KAWASAKI Al-R Finest handling fast 250 GP going. Good record. Many spares. See at Car15bad 9-15-68 or (714) 536-6273. 1967 HUSQVARNA 360. ThIs 15 l!Illt special one you've been looking for new tires &< cables, s kid plate, all tile good stuff, excellent condJUon $750. (213 ) 334-5566. 1_ 3rd Annu&lM~"WLfliH.~"• • SPONSORED BY CYCLE NEWS Orange County Cycle, 205 N. Harbor, santa Ana, Calif. 1967 BULTACO Ma tador 250cc , expans ion chamber, 28mm carburetor $550. (714) 688-5688. 68 HUSKY 360Cc excellent condJtlon. Extras $800. (408) 371-0723. 2023 Foxworthy St., san Jose, Calif. New engine, extended front fo rks, mndi fled rear suspension, high pipes, low . pipes, extra barrel, extra tank. complete lighting. (213) 357-2274. -~ ,/ -"" I , , I AND FOUR TO GO! W.' II mltl )'OU at the u.s. :II: s id. of th. border In TI/uana Saturda)', Nov. 2 al 9 a.m. through Noon. Ens.nada w. lcomes )'ou. Avoid d.lay_Enltr toda)'! Deadlln. lor p....ntrl.s Is Tuesda)', October 15th. .- -- i UP -CA~D ~ 5 i\c ,. '" '" • ..... o A MAIL TO: CYCLE NEWSENSENADA TOUR Box 498, Long Beach, California 90800 • • • • • • POKER R U N ENT R Y BLANK • • • • • • • ".. .. _ ... • • W.II,)'ou mad. It. You flnlsh.d the Run. Tomorrow al th. troph)' presanlatlon, )'ou'll lind out whal)'ou won. Now "to clean up lor th. beaul)' / udglne and after thai some dancing, dlnner.See )'OU In the par ad. manana! - "~9M~~W • • • • • • • • • • I " PLEASE ENTER MEASAPARTICIPANT IN TH E 1968 3rd ANNUAL EL TO URGRAN DEOF ENSENADA (ENS ADA TOUR) AND SEND ALL INFO RM ATI O TO: EN N Name a,e _ Slale_ _ I will tide a Address .• • C/ly lllOlOrcvele a lOW dIstance 01 _ mHes 10 sWl/o, place al TI Juana. I bereby agree 10 abide by Ibe rul es ol lbe lOur and 10 obey Ibe la ws ol /le xlco wbile 1 am In her boundaries. And I furth er agree to bol d bl amel ess the sponsars. o wners, promoters, l essees and tenants of the p~mj ses tor any l oss or i njury 10 myselt or my propen y In whlc b I may become i nvol ved by reason 01 my volunury parti clpationln Ibis conlesL I enclose 12.SO lo r one pre-entry card. Please Slend complete inlormalion by reIDm maIl. Check here It you wanl 2-day Insurance on your cycle wbile you HAVE YOU READ THIS ENTRY BI.ANK? (ple~ ans....r YES or NO) _ are in Baja Callto",/a. Cost Is M AIL TO - Cyd e News GR ANO IIfC TOUR, Bn 491, Li ne Beach, Callf1lml. 13.25 per molOr. Enclose cbecJc entry signature: _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ __ or /laney Order. Add IJcense O number 01 your motorcycle bere Parents signature _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Insurance by Maytorena IDsurance A,ency 01 Los M,eles. • • • • • • • • • • • • .

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