Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 09 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Half-Minute Interviews "' ..." ee Q) By ani Harmer PAUL HEDGER of Yuma, Ar iz. has been r iding competition for about four years . He I s an engineering aid for the ci ty of Yuma but until he got hi s new ci vil ser vice job, he was a mo tor cycle mechanic f or the Yamaha dealer 1n Yuma. Paul Is married and i s the father of 4 children. Bob (80e) Maiers trl.. to lake Larry (~ f) Dall In the Amatllur IInal. Tucked In and lIat lIylnlo Fred Nil notched another National Championship win at the handI.. of his H·D. Most of his r iding I s I n the deser t around Yuma but he enjoys TT racing and thinks nothing of treking 200 miles to the Tij uana races where he r 1des In the 250cc Expert class on a Yamaha Enduro. He also lik es to get together with fri ends and do som e r oad tourin g for which he uses a BSA. Paul loves cycling and hopes to be around a long time to enjoy hi s favor i te sport. By Mlck Fleetwood Photos by Gary Fleetwood SEDALIA, Mo., Aug. 25 - It was 2:15 p.m. when the din and dust of the thundering sprint cars finally settled on the one-mile Fairgrounds dirt track. This was the final day of the Missouri State Fair and the sprint car program had been booked to precede the running of the 15-Mile National. The much needed track preparation was begun and went on - and on - and finally AMA officials had to inform the locals in charge: Get the track ready by 4p.m. - or we don't race motorcycles here today! Gene Romero has the odCe on Chuck (38) Palm,en here, but Chuck passed him laler In the In the battle lor 6th place ( see below). Eighteen- year old Palomar J .C. frosh, MYRON CARTER, Is a serious motor cycle racer and as the Open Exp ertpolnt champion for 1967, Is having a heck of a time trying to r etain hi s reputation on his 650cc Tri umph Bonneville. Carter is a big fav ori te of the youngsters who call him the "Red Baron" because of the Let's Get Going! The capaci ty cr owded grandstand gr ew I mpatient, clapping In uni son: L et' s get startedl Hay bales , stack ed on the sides, domino style, were placed on the turns . Some practice, no time trials, and at 5:4 5 the tlr st Expert heat race blasts f rom the line. Roger Reiman wi ns easily over Gary Nixon. Gene Romero, Fr ed Nix and Bart Markel chalk up their heat race vic tor i es . Jack Forrester , Jim Ri ce, and Mark Brelsford do the sam e In thei r Am at eur races. Palmcr.. has Romero now, and Gary (1) Nilan I s soon to cet all, l osing the Grand Nationa l point lead to Cal Rayborn. flowing red scarf that he affects while racing. Myron does all the pr eparing and maint enance of his machine and is pr oud that his bike has fewfallures. Myron was born In La Jolla, Califor ni a and has lived 1n the San Diego area all his life. Amateur National To Rice The flag drops on the A mateur National and Brelsfo rd fi shtails and bangs his H- D In to turn one ahead of Rice and A r t Nlnc!. Lap eight and the smooth, charging Rice dives under Brelsford to tak e the point. Lap ten and Brelsford makes a final try at Rice- slides high on turn one, playing wi th the f ence, but maintains control. Jim Ri ce goes on to take the flag tlrst . Larry [Arr was third, Lanny Ware fourth. A t 6:55 we see the l 5- Miler get underway . Before the flagman's feet touch the turf, fast Fr eddi e Nix I s showing th~ rest the way through tur n one. Reiman and Cal Rayborn drop In behind wi th perennial favorite Bart Markel sliding Into slxth. Lap two sees the Flint Flash blast past Rayborn, Rei man, and Dick Mann to take over second . Seventeen-year-old high school stud ent, DON EM DE is alreadY a veteran mo torcy cle racer. Last year he campaigned In the 100cc Expert class wi th a Bultaco L obito but this season he has concentrated on the 250cc Expert division on a new single cylinder, twin exhaust Suzuki. Batt le lor tenth between Dan (22) Haaby and AI Gaski ll was lak en by Mlchl can's Nationa l No. 65. Nixon Down ... And Up J Lap four and present poin t l eader Gary Ni xon, running In eighth spot, cr ashes coming onto the backstretch. Wi thout wasting much time, Nixon remoun ts and gets back wher e the action Is. The ninth circle of the mile sees Nix malntainlng a comfor tabl e margin over Markel with Reiman, Rayoorn, and Mann having at it for third. A t the flag it was Fred Nix wi th a half-stra.ightaway margin over Markel, for his third stralght mile track National victory and a new track record. ' Amateur IIna l action IInds Mark Brelsford ahead, followed closely by winner Rice, Mike Nlncl and Danny Ware. ' " • New Point Standings Cal Rayborn now holds the A MA point l ead with 497, Noon I s sec ond ( 484), Nix third (455), Markel fourth ( 447). Wlth tlve Nationals r emaining, It's still anybo

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