Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 09 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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RAIN CAN'T STOP ELSINORE REGULARS By John Taylor ELSINORE, Cal., A ug. 23 - 'The r egular Saturday night scr am bl es got under way i n a normal fashion wi thout the slightest pr emonition of disaster . Events moved along calmly right up until the tenth race when suddenly the stopper was pulled on that gr eat water truck i n the sky and i t RA INE D. A f ew drops dribbled down as a warm up and then the r ain took the starter ' s flag along with the Open Novices and really began to - pour , 'Ther e fo llowed much slippi ng and sliding as the nearblinded r i ders gr oped thei r way through tur ns where the trac tion had turned to . super -slick slime. In typically unpredi ctabl e fashion, Mom Nature seem ed to notice the checkered flag at the same mom ent the rider s did as not a drop was f alling and the stars were shining within two minutes . Brldgestone with Kawasaki-mounted C. lUland second and T. Berry third. 'The 100 Expert Main was also somewhat of an upset as superfast D. Aldana, the usual winner, could manage no better than thi rd. D. Hopkins won the trophy with a big lead over second place K . Tennis. 'The 250 Novice Main saw Yamaha 's win streak ended by the Husky of T . Gayle . A Yamaha mana ged to take second wi th L. Bochkay doing the honor s f ollowed by ' Taco r i der C. Smith. Bultaco vindicated itself by sweeping the 250 Exper t event. J . Spr ague grabbed first wi th hard riding J . West a close second . B . Bart was thir d. A large turnout of 350 Novi ces saw ." >Q '4, .. '" .."'= ::;; ~ '" Ql 00 ~ .... >. ~ . .c '" .s ClJ 0 .c .Q e "" s Q, ClJ u:> u:> "" Z C<:l C<:l ..:l U ;,., U Tal k aboul tl ghl co;nerlng! Freddie Edwards (131) IInds himse lf being crowded InlD Ihe tires In a recenl 100cc lealure. The hundreds are becoming so popular a t Els inore they now run two M Events. ain The Open Novice Main went to J. Taylor on a Triumph f ollowed _ multibY class rider E. Walker second followed by P . Ar mstrong. Impromptu Car Event A fter the starter almost landed on his pos terior whi le st r olling across the track, a huddle was called and it was deci ded things were too wet to pl ow. While waiting for the track to dry, cars were called ont o the track to speed the pr ocess . 'There fo llowed one of the mos t entertaini ng In termi ssi ons seen I n a l ong time as ever y f rustrated Parnelli Jones in the pi ts r oared out to show his stuff. They drove everything from a ratty F ord panel to a Chevy-powered Jeep . Wi th the flagmen keepi ng the cars spaced fairly far apart , fender - bending danger was kept to a minimum and ever yone seem ed to have a blast tryi ng the track on four wheels fo r a chan ge. 'The trackdried r emarkabl y fas t and racing was held up for only about f or ty - five minutes altogether. 'The smooth, damp , packe d surface of fered great r acing f or the remainder of the evening. Both of the 100 Novice Mains wer e won by relative newcomers to the Elsinore winners' circle. 'The first Main went to B. Hardin r iding a Suzuki follcwedby .L, Bird's Yamaha with D. Dewitt third. 'The second Main was taken by J. Dunn on a = .s second in this event f ollowed by J . West on a 250 ' Ta co. 'The Sweepstakes even t was run in reverse whic h did not faze Spr ague in the l eas t as he gobbled up the 100' s le ad in two or three laps and swept i nto the l ead i n' a full l ock slide through a r ight-hand sweeper . Even with the Impromp tu swim mee t, r iders and spectator s seemed to have a ball and were on their way home relatively early consi der i ng the hassle. (Results on page 16) Sprague Sails 'The super-swift blue Triumph of J . Spr ague again made shambl es of the Open Exper t class . Sprague has the track down pat and now has a m onopol y on Open honors much like the one Johnny Issacs enj oyed before being draf ted into Uncle Sam' s pit crew. E. Walker also took Wow, lt'sagirl! Lana Paige riding al Els inore In Ihe 650cc class agalnsllhe men and lookIng good. the Ducati thumper do the deed to all the hot two-strokes as D. Rich won a well earned trophy over a hot CZ and Bandi do. E. Walker again turned back a swarm of BSA Victor s with his trusty Tri umph twin i n the 500 Novice event. Ex- Tri umph r ider G. Nord took second wi th R. Meyer third. 'The 500 Expert class had the added exc itement of Class C Expert Carl Patrick and Ascot regular Cal Rader . in the three Motos the Elsinore experience of D. Lenar pr oved to mak e the difference as he came out on top with Patrick second and M . Labor third. All wer e r i di ng BSA Vi ctors. . I0 D . 1I1. . .. '. .'(1) ." '.. 11l'. . . ' . :: 1 ", ' .1I " " 1. .' . 1)' ". - ~ Choice of Champions ;: i H @)D A K Ai - - TIE MAKER! Spoke B end er s E uro pean Scram bl es - A ugu st 25, 1968 Trail bi k e Am./Ex. Class SADDLEBACK 0 .PARK! ~ 1st WES ANDERSON-HODAKA 1st JACK MORGAN -HODAKA FEATURES Sept. 8th-MINI-BIKE COMPETITION Mini-Scrambles (; Mini-Hillclimb Classes for all age groups from 6 yea rs up also all si zes Mini - bikes TROPHIES IN ALL CLASSES A l l compet i to rs under 18 must be ac companie d by a parent Hel mets and Boots required - ' Sunday Sept. 15th ACA MOTO-CROSS * * * T ro j an R aceway August 29, 1968 1st GENE CANNADY-HOD AKA 2nd VINCENT GRAVES-HODAKA SEE ALL TIlE COURSE FROM SPECTATOR AREA CLOSE TO FREEWAY and POPULATION SEE THE COURSE ALL THE WORLD CHAMPIONS WILL COM.PETE ON DEC. 1 & B. 100 Senior TT 1st GARY -BAI L EY -HODAK A Mesa M.C. TT Scram bles August 25, 1968 100cc Expert Cl ass SADDLEBACI PARI is freeway-close: Take Newport Freeway to Chapman Ave. , go East on Chapman to santiago Canyon Road, tum right to saddleback Park Road, opposite the fire station. open every day, B a.m, to 1:30 p.m. SADDLEBACK PARK 1st JIM McGUIRE -HODAKA 2ndMI CKEY CHIARA-HODAKA 3rd WAYNE HOSAKA-HODAKA For a first.. hand demonstration of HODAKABILITY,visit your dealer for a free test ride. OFFERS 100 acres of ridin g area and race excitement. (Watch this space for new s of those good th ings that happen at Saddlebac k Par k. Pl anni ng an event ยท of your own? Ho ld i t at Saddleback Pa rk. Write V ic WiIson, Saddl eback Park, Box 2455, Orange, Ca l i f. 92667, for detai I 5. ) U for the dealer.,... 7110. nearest you,write: .-"..... - 11 ( 1)' '' ' 11(1) \ '" 7110.,..."'; ~ & .....,. 0 11 ( 1),,, , 11 ( 1), ,, , 1101" '" r.o. lOX n7 ATHENA, OREGON 97e1 3 11(1) ,,,, 1101"'" 1I0!),,,,

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