Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 09 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Barrale 01 12Scc Juniors make It around lirst turn alter the 'st art with eventual second place r i der Norm Benham (74) b klnl the Inside drive on his Steen Hodaka. S. Paul goes l ront wheel down off back course drop-off aboard hi s tr usty new Zundapp and on to fi rst 12Scc Jr. In division #2. Story and Photos by Bill Pettigrew CAR L SBA D, Cal., A ug. 25 - Members of the Califor nia Moto- Cr oss Cl ub hosted another great Sunday event at their muddi!i ed Carl sbad course to the enjo yment of riders ( some) and spec tators allke. The CMC has stated in the past that the course will get mu ddier with each meeting, and it loo ks like they are holding to thei r word as riders f ound the course to be a real handful. Due to the tremendous am ount o!l25cc Junior r i ders showing up for each event it was necessary to have two di!fer ent divi sions i n that class and in the gr owi ng 250cc Jr. class . Bul taco and Ki r k L ohmeyer team ed up to take a very convt ncIng win In Division One of the 125cc Jr. Wi th the amount of win s fo r Kir k in the past I t 's expected that he will be moved up to the Sr . class in the near f uture. John Kulek decided to make a try in the small displacement class and f inished a good second behind Ki r k, and John also sported a Bultaco mount . Bruce Baron found the Bul's of Lo hm eyer and Kulek to be too mu ch for his trusty Hodaka and had to settle fo r a good third. L ars Larsson is now back to riding Husky and i t was no problem for the Swede to snatch top honor s in the 250cc Sr . class ahead of top Am er i can r i ders Russ Darnelt (Husqvarna) and Walt Axthel m (Malco), who finished second and third. The 500cc Jr. class was a good one and the efforts of B . Hager and his new Montesa Cappr a proved too much for the rest of the competition as he copped a great fir st overall. D. Eckhart also did a fine jo b on his r ather heavy (for mo tocross) Matchiess to come In fo r second over all. Bailey Beats Lars Lars Larsson (Husky) and Gary Bailey (Gr eev es) put on one of the f in est displays of r i ding moto-cross sty l e that we've had the pr i vilege of witnessing in some time. Bailey wheeled his bright r ed 360cc machine to a great first moto win to start the action of!. Th e real action came in the third moto when Bailey came fro m second to last around the first corner to third coming out of the sandwash on the first lap. This l eft J .N. Roberts (Husky) and Larsson in first and second . Bailey mov ed up, passed Rober ts and was r ight on the heels of Lars when the Swede made one of the few mistakes we' ve seen hi m mak e; he l ost his front end as i t slipped of! a l edge goi ng up the of f -cam ber turn af ter the sandwash and Bailey immediatel y ran over the Huskymounted rider and at the same time unloaded hi mself. Lars ' bi k e had a bent shock and bent and twisted rear f ender and Bailey found that his clutch woul d not disengage and had to push- start his machine . Bailey got away first and was hot after J .N. Roberts who had pas sed the twosome whi le they were down. Bailey copped a second and Lars got a third. So, this gave Larsson a second i n the tir st mo to , Balley a first, and Lars a tlr st tn the very close second moto and Balley a second. Th is made the third and last moto the deci di ng factor and Gary's second behind J .N. made him the overall winner . ( The Swede has finally been beaten!) U you' r e looking tor som e greataction and a great time, try to mak e it out to the next CMC moto-cr oss on Sept . 22. A lot of thanks go to the club in general to r the t ine events that they have been putting on t or spectators and r i ders alike. (R esul ts on page 16) Newly Insp ired Greeves rider Gary Bailey Is shown here In the procus 01 lak lnl nrst a_all In In the SOOcc Sr. class away Irom Lars Larsson who I s ranked Number 9 In the world. ~~~ . , SlfttI Hodaka mounted Nor.m Benham )oold nl load and an to second overall In 12Scc Jr. class. • .. , Divis10n Two ot the 125cc class saw •• Steve Paul take an oVerall first aboard .' his smoot!l-running ZundaW wltha!1rst, second, and third i n his three motos. · Heartbreaker tor Norm Benham came in the torm of not being able to tind the right gears at the r ight times ' in the secon d moto and he had to settle fo r an • eighth in that moto after snatching a great first In the tir st and then coppi ng anothe r first In the last moto to take second over all aboard hi s well- equi pped Steen Hodaka. Gary Bailey again di splayed his usual smooth form in copping all three of his motos In the 125cc Senior class to tak e top honors . Jeff Willis was sporting a new 125cc Bultaco Sherpa in great form and snatched a well-earned second behi nd Penton man Bailey. Tim Hart and his hot little Guazzonl grabbed the third place brass. Husky mounted J. N. Rober ts leads the Ilei d 01 SO Occ Expert s throuih the firs t tum wit h ri ders Bruce Jackson, Ge ~e Felty, and Lars L ars son In hot pursull. ,.. I '• • • • 0 • Super-s moot h Russ Darnell Is coming off back course drop-off aboard his Husky and linl shed second 2S0cc Sr. behind L ar s L ar sson. &i - l&' ~~ . • • •

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