Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 09 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ RIALT OSAFETY ~ A ·NOTRIALS P OR M R GA 25 CENTS - - - -AM ERICA '5 ONL Y WEEKL Y MOTORCYCLE -------------_ ... - . September 19, 1968 ------NEWSPAPER . - - Rialto, Cal. Mayor Frank Lowell (left), Elizabeth Haggard, Rialto's' J unler Miss,' and Ron Lanlz ,Pre sldenl 01 the RI alto Junior Chamber 01Commerce,/oln In rlbbon-euttlng ceremonles. By Sha r on Clayton Photos by Dennis Greene RIAL TO, Cal" Aug. 22 - When John Montgomery and fifteen other businessmen from Rialto, Calif, decided to do something about the motorcycle acci dents in their area they went to State and local officials for help. '. Sammy Mil ler In acllon. On or about Septembe r I a motor cycl e Safety and Tr ials Prog r am wl11 open In Ihe Rialto area on land donated by the Fontana Municipal Water Co. The pro gr a m \\111 consist or a trial s course, which all concerned lell will be an excel lent melhod of tea ching contro l or one-s motorcyc le 10 many teenagers, not jus t Ihose In RIalto; Ihey hope Ihat all who ar e Inlerested will use Ihe facilities. Bes ides the trial cour s e Iher e Is to be a t a la ter dale a Clubhous e which will be used for class roo m work, the maintenance of mach ines as well as the neces sity of pro tec tive clothing, such as helm ets, boots, etc. Cour s es will also be given by Califor nia Highway Patrol offlcors on Irafflc safety and defensive urtvIng. The Fores tr y Departmenl wl1l also be Iher e to help educa te Ihe teena gers In s afety on tile trails and forests or our s tate . Start ' Em Young Cit y of San Bernardino council man Michae l R. Fagen Informed us Ihat Ihe cour se will be made known to all Teen Pos ts and high s chools In and around Ihe area . " U's our hope that youngsters from all over, not just those from this area , wl1l take an Interest In Ihls pr ogr am," s tated Council man Fage n, Cycle News also hopes Ihls Interest wl1l be Ihere. W were told by Mr. Arlhur B. e Pe terson, Field Repr es entative to Senator William E. Coomas, Ihat not only Is Ihe County Interesled in Ihls progra m but Sac ramento officials are al so intere s ted. .1 Samm Miller In repose. y If It s hows pr ogr es s and Interest It Is not altogelher Impossible for Ihls type of training to become a reality Ihroughout Iho State of Californ ia . Course Location The course Is located on Ihe east side of Riverside Ave., 5 miles norlh of Highland Ave. In Rialto, Calif . For further Information you can contact Ihe Jr . Cha mber of Commer ce (714) 875-4 471 In RIalto , They have taken on Ihe job of adm inistration for the program. Le t's all ge t behind Ihem and help make Ihls a reality In our s ta te. This melhod or motorcycle safety is far betler Ihan negativ e legisl ation as we've had In Ihe past. Sammy Ml1ler, Ihe European Trials Cha mpion, was on hand to show what contro l and mastery over a motorcycle really Is and I doubt that anyone pr esen t would argue Ihat slow riding over rough terraln Is an excellen t way to learn what a motorcycle will do In given Instances , Want a good pla ce to teach your youngs ter s to ri de? We strongly s ugges t Ihe Rialto trails course. Many.tlme European Trials Champion Sammy M iller Jams the rockplle, showing his slyle 10 Rialto , CallI. dlenltarles at eroundbreaklng - Photo by Dennis Greene. ceremonies lor new salety tralnlne school. -

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