Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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THE MOTORCYCLE ENTHUSIAST'S WEEKLY NEWSPAPER VOLUME V NUMBER 31 FEATURING: 11O-Mil e National Championship Road Race A scot TT Carl sbad Mota-Cross A Pair of Class A Speedway Races L egi slative Not ebook A scot Half-Mil e August 29, 1968 WEST 25C RAYBO RN ROARS AT INDY 110 MILE NAT'L INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. , Aug. 4 Cal Rayborn is the best road racer in the United States, Yvon Du Hamel i s the best in Canada, both are two of the best in the world. This fact was proved last March at Daytona and last Sunday at Indianapolis Race way Park. It was the fourth and f1l:'l A MA National road race of the season and Cal Rayborn was the winner. Cal now has won [lve National titles, all pavement races . Rayborn and a surprising Bart Markel wer e the two heat race winners . In the 43-lap final on the 2.6-mlle-per-lap course, it was Rayborn in front from th e start. DuHamel was off slow, somewhere between 15th and 20th. Big Battle For Second Gary Ni xon, Markel and first year Expert Walt Fulton gave Rayborn the run in the early laps. All three took turus running second with Uarkel passing Rayborn at least twice In the flrstflfteen laps . All the while DuHamel and his Yamaha 350 were on the move. Fulton ran off the course on the ninth San Diego's Cal Rayborn swept to hi s filth AMA Nationa l Champ ionshi p Road Race vi ct ory at India napoli s 110·mll er August 4. The Harley-D avidson pavement arti st Is lap and was out of action for one f ull currently second In Natio nal paint standings. round before getting back i nto the fray. Nebraska's Denny Adler , who was bei ng lapped on the 19th lap, got In too hard and lell. Markel bad no place to go and -rashed. Markel walked away and A dl er ca me up with a broken arm . Rayborn and his Daytona/Laconia winning Harley were now In front by a sizable margin, about five seconds, when DuHamel moved Into second place. Lap twenty-one and DuHamel had caught up and taken the lead by Inches as the riders compl eted the Iap, Rayborn stayed with the Canadian one more time around bef or e the flashy F r enchman pulled out th e stops and led by six full seconds at the end of 26 laps. DuHamel Leads Until .•. The lead for DuHamel stayed the sa m e JJ1t11 he cam e flying into the pits on the 34th lap with Ignition troubles. The Canadian crew was unable to get the smallest machIn e I n the fiel d r estarted and Rayborn again went back Into the l ead and one for this third National win this year. Nt xon fell of f the pace early in the race but hung onto second place and the Na- tional point i ead by a narrow few points. Dan Haaby scored his bes t finish as an Expert In a National road race and was a solid third. Fred Ni x cam e f rom the back during the late laps to grab fourth with F ulton making up much ground to finish sixth behind Buddy Elmor e. A r t Baumann cr as hed I n his heat race and di d not r un mo re than the first f ew laps I n the final before pulllng to the Photo s by Dav e Friedman A cornerlul 01 top contenders: #1 Gary Nix on (T ri umph), #4 Bart Markel (H-D), #62 Walt Fulton (H-D) and #55 Roger Rei ma n (H-D). Nix on took 2nd, Ful ton was 6th, Rei man wound up 11th and Markel crashed In unavoi dable tangle with slower rider. (C . d 1) ontmue on page .. SOIO& ~ , ..... IlaJIJIII~ '11'1' 8 I••, pJIAl lno8 11:1118 lUI, IIIJIN Uti SMJN iDA)