Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 08 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.. ASCOT 5O-LAP TT NATIONAL (COItilllled From Pap U BR'D E T NE GS O Sales-Senke B arne;r T illman' s SPORT CEN T ER 6027 WhJ tt ler Blvd. , E. Lo s (213) 7 ~3$ 23 An~eles CAUTION ADULTS AT PLA Y Slndw lclled belwoen the Hlrll)'s of DID Hu." (22) and ....t Llwwlll (18), 50· llp Ascot TT Chlmplon Skip Vln Loouwon (59) loolod hi s Triumph to yotlnother Nl lIonll st.plochuo vlclo". Winner of tho proUlut bike In the plfilln, lot contut (solectod ." Cyclo Nows) WIS Dick CltulO'S Triumph, shown Ideln, I IIltlo oxtrl splco to the show. Cltulo, former Ascat ofncllllnd IIOW III Ictlvoly campolln, Novlco rldot, WIS 1110 I Novice wlY lIeell In 1951, et tile 1111.. Ho reco lved I trophy Illd I 91- hollllt f... promot. J.C. A,ljlftllll. bu, m1ll1 635 W.VAI.UY avo AlHAMIIA, CAUFOINIA 91803 Sidohicks provided usualncltln, dlspll)' of lI,ht thro..whoolod Ictlon. 1122 tllm of Dou,lIln&hall\i'Whllor Houk boat out #19 Olin Hummor/Rulln Gulbrlnson In flnll rundown. 1I01ll rl,s oro Hlrll)'s. NEW I CAR MOUNTED CARRIER WRITE: GarloCo Bex 243, Novat., Calif. Leeuwen but there' s no doubt about Itthose big Barleys are going to be a real threat for the Triumphs to contend with 10 TT raci ng. Haaby was really hauling and maJdng up time by going way deep loto turn ooe and then brea1dDg loto a sllde all the way around It, It was a great effort! The time' was 39:11.74 and Van Leeuwen bad cut his own trackreeordbY I minute from his win In 1967 . Rice Roars To Amateur Win THE TWO-WHEHE. @!' 68 RUQ Fer I....ti a.. Deily.,! ~~~;!1!!' 157 w. Colton Avo. Sa. 1Ieralrelno. CII. (714\ TV 5-3445 Amltour ovonts woro fntlftd furious. ClSlIo Rock chimp J im Rico (l Oy) scorod I rop..t win on his liSA; otllers Inc ludo #37y Bruco Andorsen I nd 4th pllco n nl s hors I19l y Butc h Tumo r, both on Triumphs. " SUZUKI " Dale Brown Motors 2H1 L ong Be a ch Bl vd. L o n g Be nch , Cal i f. IN LANCASTER IT'S YAMAHA Don & Ray' s Motorcycle Shop 1223 W.A ve. I, Lancaster, Cal i f. 1805> 942-9624 Novices porfonnod tho nl&ht boforo tho Nilloul, with Ylu_lIIItod Kolth "lShllum (101) p in, from polo position to llIo wtn. #124 Dlvo Hlnsen, rolrln, up on his KlwlSakl, lOt 2nd. LONG BEACH HONDA III IN S ALES SERVICE AND SPORTS R G ACIN Novice Go To Mashburn HAVE l:OUR MACHINE TUNED BY JOHN RICE #1 in Dis t ri ct 3, Scramble s HONDA BSA HODAKA 4 conven i ent locati ons 5105 Allant ic Lone Buell 423-1433 1760 Lone Buch Lone Belch 591-1301 11747 Eo Clrson Lakewood 160'1354 4321 E. Anlhelm Long Beach 439·0943 The Sldehaeks and the Amateurs also bad a share 10 the proceedings and It was Jim Rice (BSA), fresh from his win at Castle Rock, wbowrappedup theAmateurs breaking the track record set 10 1966 by Ricb Thorwaldson. He also won his heat over Jim Peter son ( BSA), who was al so to take second in the Main. Mark Brelsfor d, second at Castle Rock , won his heat by passing Ben Fakkel dy ( Trium ph) , who bad led It from the start i n the last moments of the race. In the Main Brelsford reallY started dogging the rear wheel of Ri ce who then pulled ahead of him but any further attempt on the first place spot was ended when Brelsford's Triumph quit on him. Jim Peterson bad the second spot and Ben Fakkeldy was doing great 10 third although Butch Turner and Rick Otto were having a go of It behind him for fourth position, but none of the Triumphs could make It up to the front running BSAs bY !be end of the fifteen laps. The excit i n g slde!lacks ran three events Friday and one saturday and as usual, things happened. The first beat went eas11y to B1ngbam and Honk (usual passenger Ed Wade 15 sidelined with a east on his arm), but It was Suit and Calhoun and Partiand Morr i s who had the crowd cheering as they reallY went at It for third and fourth. Later Part! and Morris tooIt on the Moffi tt brothers, Jim and Jack, 10 a real hair-raiser with Part! t1nal1y grabbing first on the turn following the jump. The eventual w1nners saturday were Hummer and Gulbransen after Gulbransen feU off the bact by the lake Friday creating DO little uc1tement, Throu&h tho doelo, turn dive tho Exports, fleh lln, hlrd. Grind NllIonll Chlmp lon GIl)' Nixon (1) Is closoly tlllod ." Bob 1I1110y (33), Rllph Wh lto (15), Jlck Simmons (II), Eddlo W irth (14) Ind Clydo Lltch (95x). The Novices ran Friday before a reasonably good crowd with KeithMasbburn (Yamaha) w1nnlng his heat going away and continuing 01\ to take the Main and the TropbY I:ash. Other riders who showed well were Dave Hansen (Kawasaki), who got second 10 the Maln, Randy Smith who took the second sem i and third 10 the Main, Terry Danaher who won the Buco helmet award for last man to make the Main, and Dewayne Jones on his beautIful little Triumph Cub, a lonely soul among all the two- strokes. The next Ascot TT will be thi s coming saturday night, August 3. (Resul ts on page 16) GRAND OPENING RACERS PIT STOP Motorcycle Accessories 4200 E. C","pNn AVI. - Orinco, CIIIf. (114) 53B-4n2

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