Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 08 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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<- .... "'" ~ os Q, co se 0'> .... ~. ''" " SIDEWINDERS NIGHTSCENE SALES·SERVia PARTS· ..... ·N) BSIW Story and Photos by J.K. Lacey 'Oll '" "'l: CI) ~ [oJ ~ [oJ ,.J o :... u GIl IlOl1 SHeA S W"H SACHS THE IOO.DOCKER It'. P. . 51c111 Now avaiJallle.t McLAUGHLIN MOTORS 24U Eo IhIIItI..... Dr. u.m., C.II .. ...._ (21S1 3S104S41 MO~:;:CU+ HONDA 25C1-3C15 DAMPER VALVE SPRINGS 710.11~ POR.TLAND, ore., July lZ - It was good to see the conftdence 10 the fans as not one brought an umbrella, and racing returned to Sidewinders after being rained out twice 10 a row. Many California riders, in this area for the two Nationals, were on hand and the Expert Main boasted four National Numbers. Starting off the even1ng practice began at 7:30 (a new first) with racing at 8. Tires are now used on the downh111 corner lostead of the old railroad .looJdng ties and the track has been widened two feet on the loside. This really helps the look of the track, leaves a fellow more room too, all of which the riders liked. Portland's Jack Mott, wbo didn't ride a heat race but got himself into a semi, just ran off from the rest of the pack 10 the Novice Main. Matt and his BSA have just been like a tiger 10 waiting, ready to spring, and spring he did, winning by more than half a lap. Mike Downing (Bul), and Trophy winner Bill Elder (H-D), dueled the entire event with the outcome totally 10 doubt until Down1ng forged ahead out of the last turn. The fans really enjoyed the race put on by these boys. • Gil')' DIvis (14) hlld oft clllrJlnl Mlrk WII· IIlml(4q) throupout entire Expert Mlln E¥tnt to capture first placllllOnlYItSldtwlndlnblih. .OIIIS rOfOlMA.Cf I'IODUCTS _ lOX 484 VAH HUYS. CALIF. 9WOI Hoduku Mo torcy cl e s Greeves Montesa Kawas aki Westminister Sport Cycle Guy R. Louis (714) 893-7057 7574 Westminister Ave. Westminster, Cal. Am.llur Mlln EVIIlI winner LlnCI Mllllson (36q) In Ilpl with DIYI Shlnll (12q) and Klnl HanlllI (9q). MlrllSOn liso bill point 'lid. Shl"ll In Amlteul dish. NOW AVAILABLE! CLUTCH PLATE KITS FOR BULTACO MATADOR & HODAKA gOce/MODEL Your Barnett Dealer has them now. Aluminum Alloy , Corprene Bonded. We do not sell retail. SEE YOUR BARNETT DEALER Amateur Lance Margeson, (Tri) wbo hasn 't won a Trophy Dash sloce May 17th, took the measure of Amateur poloUeader IBve Sheffel (Tri) for the gold then repeated it 10 the Main with a wire-towire romp. Mar g e son, looking very smooth and obviously fast, was never really 10 danger of losing his lead to the charging SheUel and the two of them put plenty of light between themselves and third place Kent Hansen (BSA).Hansen's best finish to date here too. SAN RAFAEL SUMMER 'S R BLE C AM S Story by Larry Stewart TOOL & ENGINEERING 4915 Pacific Blvd.• Vernon. Calif. Phone 213 589·5488 : ~ULTACO ·BENELLHIlAICO~To-BETA CULVER CITY CYCLE CENTER 10248 CULVER BLVD. (213) 839-9000 2·STROKESPECIALIST lUSTER PORTING AND COMPRESSION RELEASES INSTALLED SAN RAFAEL, Cal., July 14 - In a refreshing change of pace here 10 the middie of the summer 'IT season, borsepower didn't mean mucb at the Sunday afternoon San Rafael M.C. scrambles. A good haMUng machine with a tough suspension and lots of rider ah1llty were the winning ingredients 011this bumpy, twisting course. Still, at least one rider wbo goes very well on fast tracks looked good 10 winning his heat and the main in the ZOO Novice class. That wasyoung DonCowles wbo has won a COuPle of Mains at the fast Fremont track riding a Bultaco Sherpa S. He did the same at San Rafael Triumph - Bultaco - Yamaha - Roma SALES & SERVICE QUALITY PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACING EQUIPMENT WI Ace'lll (2J3) 390-3406 ::::~~I:r~ld 13341 W. WASHINGTON BLVD. l . -- (L.A. 66) 3 Blks. East of Lincoln BI Yd, after beating back a cblUengefromBrad Lackey, wbo also rode a Bultaco. Brad, wbo is a perennial winner at the Ricbmond track, got a tremendous jump off the Une 10 the Main but was passed 10 the second lap by Don, and the two of them pulled away from the rest of the field. Neither Don nor Brad is old enougb to have need of the busloess end of a razor, but they ride like veterans. The best head-to-head race of the day was the Z50Amateur-ExpertMain, which saw four riders go at it with a vengeance during the entire event. They were Darrell Courtwright on a Husqvarna; Jack The Expert heat races were a blast with only the first two transferring directly to the A Main. Mark Wlillams (Tri) bested Skip Van Leeuwen (Tri), Mark to the Trophy Dash; Gary IBvis . (Tri) beat Gene Romero (Tri), Gary to the Dash; and Ed Mulder (Tri) outrode Dick Jagow (Tri), Eddie to the The Dash was a Mark Williams affair after one restart wbere we saw Davis highside on the first turn. He came back though to push Mark hard while Mulder placed third. Sporting his fir st year National Num ber (14) Gary Davis made his fans proud in w1nn1ng the Main Event. Neck and neck he and Van Leeuwen charged out of the first corner with Skip taking the outside and the lead on the uPhill sweeper. But within three taps Van Leeuwen's mount began to sour, then went onto one cylinder and one by one the rest of the pack began to pick him off. Meanwhile Davis was in the lead with WIll1ams just a few short lengths behind, Jagow 10 third, Mulder back about sixth, and Romero watching from the 'pits having not transferred from the semi. As the race wore on it turned into a parade save for 'the Kid' and Davis as they pulled away and more than once iUooked as if W1ll1ams was going to come off. The pressure was on but the 'ole Man' never faltered and IBvis wentonforhis first Main event win here this season. (Results on page 16) Lewis, the only Expert 10 the race, riding a SUzuki TM; Chris Willems on a Bultaco; and an unidentified Bultaco rider wbo led for four laps, only to fall after being passed by Darrell and Jack. Lewis Leaps Lewis won the beat 10 this one but, 10 the Main, because he was the only Expert entered, was given a back row start. That was all the adVantap the fast Amateurs needed, for Lewis spent the rest of the race trying unsuccessfully to take over the lead. Courtwright, wbo rode an exceptionally floe race, simply refused to be passed and took home the first place trophy. In his eagerness to get loto the lead, Lewis cut the course and was disqualified. Chris Willems, wbo had been riding a IIteady fourth, moved into third wben the early leader fell, and was given second when Lewis was eliminated. Never one to go home empty-handed, Lewis went out and won the biggest trophy of the day by taking first in the Australlan Pursuit race held after the Mains. Another outstandi~'ride was turned 10 by Ed Bonds, wbo won the 500 Novice class on an El Bandido. Ed came all the way from sixth place to win this one, and shortly thereafter still managed to take second in the Australian Pursuit. Randy Lackey, Brad's brother, flnished second 10 the 500 class on his 350 BSA Metisse, even though he fell and had to work his way from fifth place. 650 Novice winner Ron Omo, second place man Howard Sutton and 500 Amateur winner Bill McClinton also turned in good r ides. (Results on page 16) ,

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