Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 08 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.... • : '''II ~ •America' s bilY Weekly M alw." _ II FlIIST In 6411 N. Long Beaelt Blyd. Long Beacb, Cali f. 90.5 O Box 498, Long Beaelt, Calif. r: Phone: 423-0431 (Area Code 213) From L.A. Phones: 636-8844 HELP NEEDED FOR HENSLEY On Sa turday night, July 13 at Elsinore (Cal.) Raceway , Amateur rider Dean Hensley, who ra:le and worked for Honda of Pasadena, was severely Injured. Only 19 years old, Dean received a crushed spine, Is paralyzed from the neck down and will require tr eat ment and hospitalization for approximately one to two years. Unfortunately, he carried no Insurance - other than his state disability - and bills are mounting rapIdly. He's now been transferred to Los Angeles Orthopedic Hospital, 2400 So. Flower, Los Angeles, and Is allowed visitors. I'm sure he'd li ke to receive mall and see some friendly faces. Anyone wishing to donate more tangible help can send checks, ma de out to Dean, to me at the address below. If enough money Is received, we'll start a special account for him, and all donations will be greatly appreciated. MRS, SAMUEL HERNANDEZ 335-1/2 Sutton Monterey Park, Cal. 91754 Ph: (213) 573-1085 (" We are certainly sorry 10 hear of young Hensley's pllRht. aDd hope lhat response will be great 10 this request for aid. Perhaps a bene rtt race can be held for himbo.. about it. nist, 37 clubs?") SlO "POKESSORRY This letter of apology Is addressed to all the riders that participated In our July 21 Scrambles at the Santa Marla Speedway. We had advertised that you would be riding on our "New Course". Gentleman, we are sorry. The course fell apart during practice and got worse as the event proceeded. Noamount of waterIng and dragging could correct for the holes and rough spots. This condition was created by an overzealous attempt by the speedway manager , Spud Simpkins, to give you the correct surface to race on. In pr eparing the track, he brought up too much clay, which packed on top an d was eventuallY chipped away In many places. Hence, you had a "moto-cross" course to scramble on. The speedway manager admitted not being at all proud or the track, that he realizes his mistake and that he would do everything In his power to prevent this situation from reoccurlng. The S1oPokes concur with this. To the riders who did race and put on a great show under these poor conditions (not only a poor track but some unforseen delays), I thank you very much and ask them to return for our next scrambles on Aug. 18, to give us another chance to provide the kind of course and racing we want for this area. God willIng and Il the river doesn't rise, we'll do It. L ,M . FESSENDEN President Lompoc Slo-Pokes M,C. P ,O. Box 2177 Orcutt, Ca1Il. MAr.wOTH PROG RESS REPORT On behalf of the High Sierra Motor cycle Club and myself, I'd like to thank you very mu ch for the ti ne coverage that you gave our June race meet. We are planning another ev e nt In late September, poss ibly International, de pending upon neg otia tions with Edison Dye. Without your tremendous cover ag e, the possibility of an International meetIng would cer tainly be impossible. Several moditlca ti ons are In order for tile track. We Intend to widen th!! entir e : ~ . course to 40' or 50', add one or two steep inclines and consolidate the course to the major bowl area which will provide 100% spectator view. The net overall length or the course will remaln approximately 1-1/2 miles. The U,S. Forest Service has dedicated the area for a race track, thereby Including campgrounds and permanent reslrooms in the Immediate area. Our appreciation to Bill Pettigrew for his good reporting. Thanks again for everythingl GARY ROBISON Mammoth Mountain Inn Mammoth Lakes, Ca1Il. 93546 CREDIT WH ERE DU E I attended the 50-lap TT Steeplechase at As cot Park last Saturday night. I would like to say how thoughttul It was nf Skip Van Leeuwen to mention what a great tuner he has. Some racers have good tuners and they never give them credlUor anything. When they win, It's always because they are such a " talen te d racer" as Il the tuner had nothing to do with It. When one drops a remarkable tuner they may as well expect to end up last orf the line and finish that way. VICKEY LAMAR Inglewood, Ca1Il . M OTORCYCLING FUN OXNARD, Cal., July 28 - Honda "Good Guys" were hosts to another successtul motorcycling event when their monthly run for July was held Sunday. A Scavenger Hunt with a list nf seventeen Items was won by Gary Rawlings or Oxnard in jus t forty-five minutes and thirty seconds . The "Good Guys" donated ten trophies and twenty-four merchandise prizes. The Trophy Winners were: 1. Gary Rawlings, Oxnard 45:30 2. Richard Lemmon,PtJ{ueneme 51: 15 59:00 3. Robert Kelley, Oxnard 1:04: 12 4. Andy McDlnlel,Camarlllo 1:05:04 5. Malcom Dlon, Oxnard 1:05:40 6. O1v1d O1v1s, Oxnard 7. Lee Henderson, Oxnard 1:14:45 1:24: 10 8. Angle SalInas, Oxnard 1:30:20 9. Ri chard Saviers, Oxnard 10. Gerald Lybolt, Oxnard 1:30:25 A timed Road Rally Is planned for August 25. Riders must keep a specified time schedule of 24 mph. All riders with any size cycle are we~come. UNHAPPY AMATEU R I ride In the 250 Amateur class and I am happy to be an Amateur. I also have many friends who ride my class and many who ride 250 Novice. This past race at Hopetown, while watching those super last Novices in the Main Event, I sure thought I saw a lot or my friends - Amateurs. I know that sounds 1M POSSI BLE , as these guys wouldn't do a thing like that, so lfigured they justlooked like my Amateur buddies . But my faith in sportsmanship was shot down again while watching the Amateur MaIn Event. The winner nf this event was the same guy who just won the Novice MaIn Event. To me, this ts just TOO much. A guy can't watt to become Amateur, then when he does, he enters a big race as a Novice. Something should be done to prevent this. lf a guy doesn't have the respect for hlmseU (and hts sport) to enter the right class, then it Is up to the club that Is putting the event on. The DIrt Diggers evidently did not care. At any rate, when they were told or this, nothing was done. J.K.D. North Hollywood, Ca1Il . WH AT DO YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT M OTORCYCLING? SEND YOUR QUESTI ONS TO: QUES TIONS & ANSWERS P.O. BO X 498 LONG BEACH, CALIF. 90802 Publisher•• •••Charles C. Clay Ion Business Mana2er• .sharon Cla~·lon Circulatioo M2r•••(,aye Tbomason EdHor• .•••••••••• Carol Sims Advertisin2 M2f•• ••.• Tom Culp Pholo Edilor••••• Dronis Green e Lah Technician•••• Bill Petti2n'w Bookkeeper••••• Susan IIb;"'law Receptionist. •• • ••• Judie Bailey Published weekly exc ept the fi rst and la st week of the calenda r year by C&S Publi sh in g cc., P ost Offi c e Box 498. L on g Beach, California. Se cond Cl a s s posta ge paid at L ong Beach. Calif. .L«J'4latwe~ By Barbara Ada ms Olhms DIRT AND THE IUT RIDER-Part I WhIle the number of motorcycle riders grows and grows the amount or space available for riding has remalned the same or in many cases, been steadily sbrinking. This combination of supply and demand has brought us to a new era. ..the age of sharing. Whether It Is a weekend dirt run, a competition evenl, an exploration or open countryside, a h1Uclimb, or an hour or putting on a mini-bike, the two wheelers have to have a place to roll and probably additional space for spectators, campsites, parking and all the rest. There are a dozen good Ame rican reasons why this need Is justllled and should be met. But there are a million other people seeking the same space for other good reasons . Rock hounds, bird watchers, wild flower enthusiasts, solitude seekers, borsemen, dune buggy burts, hunters, fishermen, non-motorcycling campers (to name a few) all seek their pleasure upon the dwindling land. Recreation Boom This recreation boom has brought new problems to those who manage this land. Almost 50% nf Calilornia Is public land. (In some s tates the percentage Is higher .) This land Is divided between state, federal and local control . The great bulk or It Is under two agencies orthe Department nf the Interior, the National Park ServIce and the Bureau of Land Management. The National Forests are man- cycle IIew....,. Editor ia l s tories , ca rtoons , phot os . etc. a re wel comed and wi ll be paid for upon publi cation (exce pt pres s re leases and " Voic e" lellers .) Addressed . s tamped enve lope a s sures re turn. Sinde cop,- pric'e 25 t SUbscription: One year 2nd class Mail •••••••••••• •• ••• ~7 .50 Adve rtisin g rates and ci rculati oninformati on wi ll be se nt upon request, aged by the Department or Agriculture. Between them these areas stretch along both sides or the state trom top to bottom and cover most or the desert. They Include every type nf terrain a motorcyclist could desire. Legally the public land belongs to everyone. Theoretically It ts avaIlable to anyone for recreational purposes, and speclllc r ights such as mineral, timber or grazing are often leased to specific people. A beautiful brochure printed by the Bureau nf Land Management says "Come and explore the western ·public lands ...There's room to roam here for everybody." However, in practice, the BLM was thinking about people, moreor less singly and on foot. The Impact or the motorcycle upon the public land and upon the BLM has not yet been defined. (Continued Next Week) ONE-DAY T OURS FORMING AT ROEHR BROS. Street and touring riders are Invited to meet at Roehr Bros. Sportcycle Center in Burbank any Sunday morning for I nfor mal, off-the-treeway motorcycle touring. These group rides will be mostly on paved secondary roads through the more interesting parts or southern Ca1Ilornla. Any street-legal machine, no matter what size, will be welcome to join. For more Information call 842-4847, or drop by Roehr Bros. next Sunday a t 317 North Vcltory Blvd. (between Magnolia and Olive Aves.) In Burbank. Rides begin 8 a.m . MOTORCYCLE PUZZLE # 1 A DFGlljILLENBBCHGDADOTSBALNQX RTDHFZIIIjKNQTVCBTEAOHNODXAYW TOXRDFIHMNPOLRWYMCACZDGJLMOQ UVYCEFHU SQVARNAGWWNKMLIIOQjKG APHAILPEQHFDNHPVCLEV£LANDPOD CMWRLSVUU CTRIUMPIIMAQEF X LBjAN HAOKI'lEWjVB SNTCIIVTLVjOIlAU~1WP L P Dj SEXNI3KBUXIBLO LUBRAUDENPRV LNIRUDWFR FNLBETIVPSSRWQIAMNM GTGUCNGSIALCTXRSGCEOAUADTOPN BOYAYEXCUETONAMRMTEVHINRSTOO jMILCTYTRjLUPLCCN SPNKUMDLORT BLKMLTVAYQADDLIOPAjOZR IKTBHR KTUXOBGMMTSVPRMT GIUME VCFPBGO WEZBNCHEY APOADHTECHWADEjCTBN K T U I BOA T PUll S B T X 0 T A' N D U T W S CAR A RASFRLTVTOHATSUNOXYOUTCMQLMI NTWOIENU DUQKTSXPALPFQCQHOKQR ID XATVB AW USACIISWEUBMPV AO LNU V D AGDS jK LR KSERM IRCD ATOD jTWEK M RCHNMAUK GI LER A AMWE PLWRHHIGS P o I K 0 I P K A P PEE P 11 C I N D I A N P F D I V E S TjEHEjOljNYL ZLNECCjEMAQLjHOW CADLBRIDGESTONESMOTOGUZZIRUL Bxample : lfONDA. . QWERTYUIOP OGAON DEPAU LeA D N 0 HJP PAT ZXCVBNMLKj By John C le me n t Here'. a new brain-twister lor Cycle News readers to ponder over and work out. In the puzzle above, a number 01 motorcycles are devious ly hidden. Encircle all the makes of machines you can rind then send your completed entry to Cycle News belore the deadline date, September 1, 1963. Wi~ner 01 the $10.00 contest will be the person who locates the most bikes and, as a hint, they may be listed horizontally . vertically or diagonally. So good luck, and get In gear! .'.,:.... . ' ..'. :. , . . ...

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