Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 08 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.. ClO .... '--UWASAII ~ -.~ I Headquaners '" BEACH ari ES CYCLES 0... ClO 525 II. EI Camino 1t . 1 . S. CI_nt., Caillorni. .... 014> 4S2-6lU se 0> "" 0; RONNIE RALL FLIES ON A BENELLI " ~ CI) "" FOR DEALER INFORMATION IN S ELECTED AREAS W rite: Jesse C. Levine National Sales Manager ~ ~ ~ ...:J U ~ U COSMOPOLITAN MOTORS, INC. DepL A 5521 Wayne Ave., ., Philadelphia, Pa. 19144 CZ ¥ -¥ Triumph * Jawa . Story and Photos by John Shedd MIRAMAR, cal., Jul y 21 - Sunday was hot and dusty. The course was more r ough s crambles than moto-cross , but the scoring was by points ac cumulated in three motes, Hosting club, the Uons, had the starting area on a hard-packed surface with a big, steep, grass y uphill dead ahead, steep enough and long enough so that some r ider s had pro blem s just reaching the toP. The f i r s t threequarters of the two- mile-plus cour s e was mostly high gear stuff - more like des er t than moto-cross, The last part had some tight twisty up and downhill parts , and passed the start-finish line in a rocky botiom wash, where Gary Bal1ey provided the fans with the most spectacular crash of the day. 0-,; .".. MIRAMAR MEET Suzuki • .. Trail Bike Tussle The combined Amateur- Expert class es ran their three motos first, with the Novice classes runnin g last. Fir s t to head for the hill were the trail bikes, with Ray Vanderpool leading the way on a Yamaha. Penton-mounted Lars Larson took over on lap one, and Gary Balley (Hodaka) pushed his way to second on the .. a t Walt Axthelm Triu mph- Suzuk i Mot or s. 1049 W• .s th St•• Pomon a, Calif. ( 714) 629-864 2. Lars Larson, mounted on a 125cc P.nton, look all Ihrei 100cc molos bul was Inell&fbll to win dUI 10 ovorsizi Inelnl. • USED PARTS ALL MAKES 40% TO 60oz. Off I , " YAMAHA DEALER " SCRAMBLER MOTORCYCLES . 1801 W. Burbank Blvd. Burbank, CallI• 849-5907 or 845-ll738 Ext. • 7 • • THE ..AELY FLAT TRACK SPECIAL RACING BOOTS. 8'" h i.h . laced. we ight 2 Ibs. per pair SI1• 95 plus e.c .d ,' po sta•• Kf~,W':!.~y~ Route 2. BOI 75B, Corona, Calif. ""It [. - Intrepid Tom Culp, Cycle Nlws' ad manaeor, se.klne an Inside view of Ihe daY's acllvltles aboard hi s Hodaka . HU l Irk tltt wit, wurr $25. plus C.O.O. & Poslae l Sind bool or carboard cutoul ~R"'~*j : .. • HIGHEST TRAD E-IN 239 N. Anahllm Blvd. Anollelm, Cal. Phone (714) 533-1309 : • .. -. ::::::;:;0-- RhUne a 360cc 1I0nlesa Cappra, Don McCarl.y he.. Iuds f.llow Expert Gary BaillY, and Illes on to class win. next laP. Since Larson was r iding a 125cc machine, he was ineligible to win by District 38 AMA rules. Balley had problems along the way, and Vanderpool followed Larson in to take the win. In the second leg, Larson was in front with Balley again grabbing the spot behind him. The third moto was a repeat of the first, and Vanderpool got the win, even if Larson and his Penton Six- rays led the way past the !lag in each moto, The 250cc Amateur-Expert class was a cakewalk for CZ-mounted Lon Peterson. He won all three molos and led each one from start to flnlsh. In the first leg, no one was even close to him, but Husky - rider George Etheridge held down a solid second in the last two, but was never really close enough to challenge Peterson. McCarley, Bailey Battle ...: " Montesa manipulator Don McCarley burst into the lead in the 500cc AmateurExpert class, and powered his way to the top of the hill. Greeves rider Gary Bal1ey took over on the first lap, and Gene Fetty, also on a Greeves, pulled Into third slot. Bailey s tayed out in front until the last lap, then McCarley regained the lead to win the firstleg .tn the second go, Bailey led from start to finish with McCarley chasing all the way. Fetty was again running third, but Malco rider Mark Gooding pushed by to finis h third• In the final moto, McCarley again powered his Cappra into the lead. Fetty was running second, Gooding third and Bailey fourth, until his front wheel tangled with a big rock coming out of the wash near the starting line, and dumped him. Bal1ey and McCarley each had a first and a second, and the spill blew Bal1ey's chances of winning, so McCarley took home the gold. Another moto-cross is scheduled near San Diego on August 4. It will be sponsored by the Sage Hoppers M.C. on an all new one-mile course, complete with mudho1es, located near the old Enclnltas track. If the course ts as good as Bob Gooding says, and the Sage Hoppers do their usual great job, it will be a race you won't want to miss. Also, it's a benefit race with all proceeds going to charity. (Res ults on page 16)

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