Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 07 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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D 00 se .... RATES: S15 per year (50 issues) for each single business listing, payable in advance. TED [ V ANS M ololcycle Sal es .:J1d SrrVlce. Complete MONTEBELLO ~ ARIZONA 0' , hne 01 1 T/lul1lDh. Yamaha.:J1 d Bettacc STEVE HUR D llOTORCYCLES - K ... B . . . Ich•• . ... C> ~ PHOENIX .:; BUDDYSTU BBS - A RIZONA H~o. St!'vlOi all.01Anz, Camplete Slock 01 everyUllna 101 H..D. Four fact ry-. o tramed llltCtla'llCs. Open 9-6 Tues.-Sa 2507 E. Me t. ~ 00..11 Rd., P....." 85008. T.t: l60ll11 1-1677. ~ CALIfORNIA t.:l ALHAMBRA ..,J STEE N Inc. 1635 •• V 'S .lley B 1113) 189-4351. lvd. tJ Wholesale ~ Retail. Ce llarll For s and Real Su SPerlk ~ SI I1. Rld!. an Me O m lisse KIts. Uagura Leve Fill ron rs. CJ All Cl eaners. Taco Uml.81kes.. H octaka SS O.rt 8Jkes. "lh e H 01 SllPERGOODIES"' 8:30-S:Jl Yon-Frl.. ome 8:1I- 1:00SaL AIAHEIM Street irlll spffil tumnr cur spellally. Oll n Cllly 9 to e ': S. Sal 8 to 5, dosed Sun. & LIon. lllH '1:. W3stllng toA BI,~ ' 113' 3'Jl)o3 • DOWN EY ' ORM REEVE S DO. NEY Hon", BSA, Et1I, 1M, Malo Beta Hod.. Ka LarEtsl seleclton 0' new and used , wa. n -cs alyYltlere. Mod. parts & service lI ll -We ttad~ q 10, irlythlnr 01 value: 9~36 E. Fueslon BIvC., 1113\ e 869-0600. GARO UA CB i()TORS - Buttam sales. We we, all m akes. VI!-litis sparts. Tral. street 01 spotlS: we 1111 the brll. l Thorwaldson. 1149 •• EI Serunm ()alhe HoCk le & Bd BI><1.. Ca,dtn.. (113' 116-1669. ROBERT Il LA' M'C IALES & SV 139N An""m C. . Blwl. Anaheim. (714) 5J3-lJ)9. -W soecratrze in . e after-sates serv - Tllu Ice. mpn. Yamaha. Creeves. HONDA OF GARDENA,I 5515 S.Western Ave•• CArdena. Ph: 77tXl603 0' 323-831 4. Bet'n. pllvate l'aIR. course. tree ndlRr lnsL Come In or call lor lull mlo. NORM REEVES A A N HEIM. 224 N An"'"m BI,d. (711) . 535- 641. Orange County's btggest m' c deale H 3 r. onda, Bul., BSP.. Holl, Mok! Bela & Kawa. Complete parts andservi ceo • GLEIIDALE HONDA OF Q..EN DAL E -" ere you meet the nicest people.- Large stoell. of parts.Finest memo & courteou s personnel. A K a. & M . SUre would like to meet lso aw you at 90S E.Colora Glendale, just across from Bo~ , a;1 Boy. (113) 146-146 1. HUNTINGTON lEACH teor•• C~•• Due.. Mon•• HOil. L1.Jlchles9 pens ralo,e. StrVl ce & pa,ts 1 "'at w sell. 1405 O I~IC 91 VCl.. 0' e llonlebol lo 11131 l1H1166. M ONTEREY PARK EDKRETZ& SONCYCL E lIlOP. m E. G",,>, A ... , M onlerey Park. AT 0-824.&. r n., Hen IJ.lW and Sol. ., Complele parts & se'Vl C ~ Elpelt tu, nr & m " edl. work.. 1I0RWALK JENKI NS SPOR TS CEN TER - · Th. E.tra \elv" . De : SQeo ahzln Y ~ aha e,;,ctuslVely. Complete aler gln Smrte. Parts. Sales. Open 9-6 eV!'ry day e,;,cepl ~nQay . -.tome 01 The HI-J ln,;, famtly Mo tolcycle 200 na Club. 13 Slrl Antomo, .11 !he SatU A Frwy.. ' N orwalk. Phone: 868-9991. BEL LFLOWER WC lIlOP, INC., 9135 E. eomplon B (1 Blk ~ E. 01 Lak"",odl Bellllo..., 91\05093. hd. -We emphasize service.- Tn•• Yam•• Von. PAUL'S HARL EY ·OAVI DSOtH6111 U>k~.... d BI><1., Be llnowel'. Tel. ME 4-l2n Paul Lass. la.1" selee. of new & used IIIOtorcyctes. W"le for m order parts ail new used. 0' BURBAIIK ROEHR BRO~ tnc. (Soorl' liI et 317 N. V 'tlolY 1:'><1., Ekrtbank 8.2-4841or 8~ 21 U.s. D lot Van Tech ISl . Yam..IbI... Hod.. Kawa.. Molo CuZlt, at's. Bonanza. Yon. & Fri. 9-9 Tues.- lhurs. 9-6. CAiDGAPARK INTERNATIONAL WC CD. 7133 Canol' A.... Canol' Park.(113) 346-3100. 1 00" 01 used p" t~ Cyl. lo!lol~ Tn•• Yam••Holl. Uo~Beta. CITY OF II OUSTRY HON DA HORSEPOWER Eni''' ·bu''' '"1 and speed modlllC3lJons. POfbnr and pohstlln&. e~r1 crank reburldlnt. hllh perfomt:l'rce cams, bir bore and stroker kits, etc. Fot Iree b,oa.,.re send s~r·addressed stamped "'''. 1 10 MOTORCYCL E SPECIALTI ES COMPANY , "" 926 Aileron, Cily 01 Industry, Cal. 917 44 or call t2lJ) 3])-3611. CDIIPTDI ONE STOP CYCL E lIlO PPIN - Au"'Ir ''' dll. lot G ' HCWl., Tn•• Cre.. BUW. Sales, Svt. parts J · Ins. Bi ll KllOse H onda- Tmlnph. 1257 S. La B'ea Blvd.. Inrtewood. 67&-5035. - The !.l'C Depl Slkue.LAWNDALE CY CLE - SuL, BIA, V.lotell••,. -B dealer In k!wn- Speedy l-aay set'V1ce IS our est standald. 1531' H".''''''"' BI><1. TeI_,,: SP1-1811 -676-<)161. LOIG BEACH DAlE BROWN 14 1 C" S, 24.11 Lonr Bead! Bl vd. Long . Bead'l. 42 7-8941. SuzUki, Bullaco. N orton. Ducatl, Musla'1g. Complele parts. accessorIes, and serVi ce. ..,Ie Insurance. Fln.1Ilcln&- ASk aboul out dlSCl)1Il1 club. latch lot OUf monthly soec ials' HARLEY-DAVIDSON OF LONG BEACH 365 ~ Lonl Beadl Blvd. , 42'6 - 7101. H-O dealef lor Long Beach a'ea, Full hne 01 pa'ts &actes. lorbolh Road & Compo fidels. Top quality ser~ ce. fully eIJIipped sve. depl Open Tues. -FrI. 8-6. Sal til 5. JACK S1 IAtONS Motorcycle sales & service. Norton . Suzulu. Oucati. Matchle StrVlce our speo ally-CO~ ss. plete mad llne ~ap. speed wnin & heliarc welding. g Op.. 6 days, Mon. m ill Fli. 9 .. .. -9 p... 15514 So. loo Alt altlc. Compton. Cahl.Phon (213)6:B-)f'77. e JOE KDON S SAL ES & SERVI CE - BIA, 11.4'. Suz. 3l1d Vespa. Full pa,ls & accn. I all m .or akes. Larrf qual. service dept. 1uIly stalled With trai ned mech. BrlOg tn your bik <1., callME 11-4313. PASAOENA HONDA OF TEMPI.E CITY. 9228 E. Las Tun.s, Temple City. AT t-5949. Hon••& Cle: lor Northeasl area. Parts gal oreandsvc. too. Slow roomopen Mon.SaL 9-6. Shop opeu T",~ -Sat. 9-6. TORRANCE HARLEY -OAVIOSON OF POM ONA-I141 • . Holl BI<1., Pa~lIIl 634-3S45. Cyl inder bonn£, Ie make alythinc. lowest prrctS. Va lves, M~ufolds. 101\ br3ces. skid plales. Valve seals mstalled. Fork ~s any lenrthBROWN FAIRING COMPANY - S(leoaliZlng in CustOll FairinrSo ToWlks. and Se.. 7 days- 8:1l-7 . CUSTOM CITY SPORTS CENTER Sal" & S Y .... ..... MinHlikes. Toteaoles. mlc tllilers. cust. KCtS, See,us belor, YOIl dul, buy "". t..... \5111 ~ Aa"'b t, , ~Ion, 63H058. FLOY D BURK db> CO RONA M CENTE R w. hm 'C . Honda, Tllu mph. BMW, Greeves & H a. Centrally odak located lorOranre& RiverSIde Coun hes. Open 6 ClayS. Ha ll-·mile N 01 RIverSide Fwy. 620 N Main al RIve . . ' Road (7\ ~) 73\0 5600. SAIITA ANA BUD EKIN S M'Cs In Sherman Oaks. 14460 Venlura Blwl. Call 872-2110. -Buy hom Bud.- Til. & H ondas. INGLEWOOD HARLEY-DAVIDSON OFINGLEWOOD 901 K. L.B". Blvd. Authorized H-D dealer lor Inr'ewood area. Sclecializing In Road riders access. & parts lor all modefs. Full ~ ! wed service depl WI th lacL !ratned ecfts. Open Tues.-Sal ~ . 611-1609. m WH EN TRAVELING NEAR SAl! JOSE. STOP & VlgT SAM SR. & SA!.& JR. Complel:e paIlS and all 101 H- D models.. Pme SIIC. dept VISllofS welcome. San Ar n e a. H-DP!OGJt lS,1'J2Illonl"'Y Rd., $al Jose. 22/-l1123. CASEY'S CYCLE REPAI R- BIA -1lI 1. Hodak.. Sec, lor mo s!. Compl. maC!liM shop. Open Tues. thru Sal 9-6. 10149 $al F.m",do Rd.. Pacn... 896-1046. PDMONA CROWEll cY CLE SHOP. 10 P,allle Ave.. Inile427 Telephone: PR ospect 5-5323. SAN JOSE SHERMAII DAKS CHUBBUCK H-D IALE S - Hom. 01 m Road . R Iders. -We Specialize In Penonalrzed ServICe.: 1361 E. Wlnul SL, Pasaden•• (1131IV 1-13110. . wood. OR 3-9573 Match•• Hod., Bu Complele palls . l. OlrIll Svt. 1 all_a kes. Open 6 lbys 9-1. 0' enthuSI asts welco 655 Ellis St.. San francisco me. . PACOIMA BOB WILSH IRE HONDA 17091 Beach Blvd.. Hunhne, ton Beach. Ca 922 Tel. 111 4) B 41· ~53 1. Oralge llI. 41. County' s newesl Honda deale' Sales, service 3fld . palls. BalkllnanclOg. O 1-7 Tues.l hr saL. Sunday pen u 10-6. Closed Mondays. MeChaniC needed. BfLLFLOIER DUDLEY PERKINS 00. H-O M/Cs. Saln. SYC.. expo reaeu 01 all mak"- renulne H-D parts. -W stllP , e W'l3 rnall Of~f. · SerVicemen an all Ill'C d ¥ly..nere M OTORCY CLE SERVI CE CEN TER. Bul.- Hod. W. service all mlCs. Comptete mad!. shop lot custom WOl\. 220 E. Huntinr lon Of•• Monrovia. Open 6 days 8-6. Ned Ferf'ls, CAry ClIffln 357-2274. day) and what mus t be the best hook and let-down cr ew in the Nor thwest, all this made a r i ght good day for everyone. Tricky Traction No rain on the hill In pr obably a week made trac tion con d it Ion s somewhat tricky. Good here, but three feet later, bad, then good again. And the last thirty feet, well, just loose as a goose . This stopped all but the 500 and Open classes f rom making the top and even then only thr ee topped the hill all alternoon. Frank Forester (riding two classes) bes ted his competition in the 100 class by only three feet winning at the 72 foo t mark, whi le Dave Stinson almost got the ten dollar bill f or first man over the top by r eachi ng the 137 mark. And on a 250 tool Then came the big bores and the heros . Cle arly Chuck Hodson was this to the crowd and if you didn't know of this fellow before, alter his first ride In the 500 class where he put his front wheel over the top before burying up, you certainly heard of him alterward. Hodson cleaned the hill on his second ride and won the class (an d $) then turned around and di d It again In the Open class aboard his 650 Triumph, hut won this on time as John Tatum (BSA) and Dick Clay (H -D) also went over . A day well spent, good and different excitement. The Ridge Runners put on a right smart event, even having four jeeps att empt the hill alter the hikes (da mned if one didn't go over too! ) and you can bet when word gets around they 'll be even mor e happenings July 7 when they again throw a hillcllmb out Corbett way. • (ResUltS on 20) ••

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