Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 07 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. TRIUMPH 650cc-$1l95.00 pl us - Ta x. L i cense. & Set- up - INTERNATIONAL M/C 00 i 2:33 Canoga Ave., C anog a P ark Phone (213) 346-3100 RONNIE RALL FLIES ON A BENELLI FOR DEALER INFORMATION IN SELECTED AR EAS W rite: Jesse C. Levine National Sales Manager : COSMOPOLITAN MOTO RS. INC . DepL A., 5521 Wayne Ave., ' Phi ladelphia, Pa. 19144 *******************~ 60 * : THE TWO-WHEELER • : * ** Final daJ event at Lad; CJcle Bowl brought out a tremendous entrJ of 275 ri ders who competed In over 50 race s, F • LAST LOOI DAY RACE Story and Photo s by Edward .Johns on A Competition Congress race was held J une 9 at Lodi, Call!.' s Cycle Bowl as a benefit for Leroy McDonald who is going to be District Representative in October at the AMA's big meeting in Columbus, Ohio. With a track- full of club members from all over the Lodi area , the jobs were all well manned, and well done. With 275 r iders entered in more than 50 events on J une 9, ther e was ce r talnly ple nty to do. The first busy event was the lOOcc Novice, and a busy Ray Douglas led all the way on his Moto- Beta. Jerr y Tyler seemed never to lose his one- le ngth dis tan ce behind Ray, but he couldn' t seem to shor ten ' that distance ei ther . Alex Jor genson slid his way Into firs t 100 Amateur which wasn 't too big a surpr ise, for altho ugh he is a little on the young s ide, he' s an old hand around the Cycle Bowl. There were fewer riders In the 100cc Expert class , but they didn't s tring out. They all r ode har d on the tai l of Jac k Jens en. His r oughes t opponent was Kenny Roberts, but as the laps passed, Kenny didn' t. Don Bowie took his Main for the 200cc Novice honor s . Stan Coffet, Dan's number two man following up on the track, had no better luck In grabbing the lead than anyone else in the pack. Raggie Reigns As the classes got up to the 250 Ama teur, the MaIns added a little variety. Until the dust cleared on the fir s t corner aft er the strai ghtaway no one could see that Steve Fe r ron l had the lead, but that was only the first cor ner . With the next lap came Keith Parlson Into fir st spot. He held it till the thIrd lap when Steve took it bac k agai n. Steve looked as though he was In to stay, but on the final lap the tell tale checkered flag fell on Harold Haggle and his Yamaha. John S1lva led the 250 Expert class , but he to was to lose his plac e as a fas t moving Paul Johnso n jumped ahead and s tayed there for a fir s t place win. Another s tory of a second place rider moving ahead can be told of the 350 Novice class. Krls Bakke shot his Honda ahead In the middle of his Main, and although he slid wide on his last lap, he held his spot for the win. The 650 Amateur main found Jim Snodgr as s leading his pack In a straig ht line down a center groove . Harrold Rollie, didn' t li ke the order and after r olling up to J im and chec king out his weak s pots, pus hed him self into first to ~e•.oag. -.,.~ .. . e ..:-: _ _ X%. ..,. . --- ,,$ii.. ' "" ~..:~. : SUZUKI Ready for tnmediate Delivery! 867 W. Colton Ave. San Bernardino, ca llf (714) 885-3445 * * l ~***************** • J " Hodaka Mo to rcy cl e s Greeves Montesa Kawasaki Westminister Sport Cycle Guy R. L oui s CloselJ· matched 650cc Expert . vie for top honor s; #42 John Frazer beat out f ell ow ri der Tr i· umph #15 TerrJ Sag.e I~ fi nal rundown. - Frazer Flie s •. . ~; I'S ~ . In the 650 Expert class Donald Cas tr o ran his Tr iumph in first place but John Frazer r olle d up behind him and r ight on by on his Triumph. Donald tried doing the same to recover his spot, but could not quite do It and settled for 3rd. The race was the last of the day races , with the nexl Friday s tarting the first of the good ti me night events . The cool evening Is expec ted to throw a pleas ant new 11ght on the racing around Lod!. (714) 893-7057 7574 Westm inister Ave. W estmi nster, Cal. NEW! CAR MOUNTED CARRIER WRITE: GarNoCo Box 243, Novalo, Calif. IN LANCASTER IT'S HODAKA Don & Ray ' s Mot orc yc le Shop 1223 W.Ave. I, L ancas ter. Ca li f. (8051 942-9624 USED PARTS ALL MAKES 400l Tn &0% OFF I PREMIER SEATS TO SUIT New design, new constr uctio n and new styling have been introduced into the 1968 li ne of motorcycle se ats offer ed by Premier Seat & Acces s or y Company, 524 . Maple Avenue, Hamilton, Ohio. A handso me chrome mounti ng frame nowcomes as s tandard equipment on the compa ny's univeral-mounti ng Enduro and Gemini s eats. An ups weep TT wedge has been added to the two-passenger Gemi ni for gr ea ter s upport and r iding comfor t , Both seats , quickly interchangeable, will fit mor e than 80 cycle models. A 1968 innovation for BSA riders Is the Premie r / BSA Enduro seat. Offering the s ame advantages of the Iow- srlh ouette Premier Enduro, it comes ready for mounting. A special featu re of thIs new seat is Its r ugged, fibe r glass base plate, which reduces overall weight. Also new is a Premier /Triumph Enduro seat fas hioned for quick, easy mounting on 1968 Triumphs. Like the BSA Endur o, this seat fea tur es the fiberglass bas e pla te. In addition, P r emie r stocks Enduros made especially for Triumph models 1965 thr ough 1967. "Look Lively," a 1968 catalog describing the company' s complete li ne of seats and other cycli ng acces s or ies , may be obta ined from any Pr em ie r deal er or by "!1:1tI!l&: _direc~ . to th~ . !"~ufac,t!1Fer • , « YAMAHA DEALER 0:- SCRAMBLER MOTORCYCLES 1801 W. Burbank Blvd. Burbank, Calif. 849·5907 or 845-8738 Ext. • 7 Axthel~m~~~~~~ Ti ght turn bring s group of 350cc Novice. through In sin gle fi le f ormati on. Bullacomounted Earl Spoll . ( F) woundup third overall. Walt Triumph-5uzuki Motors 1049 West 5th Street Potuone; Calif. ( 714) 629-8642 ~====~ TORSION FORK BRACE . That Works! Prime Steel with Alloy Clamps, no Holes to drill. Super Strong. ~----';'-_~_';; '~~ -iiii ITfIiilW 22 3 W. CAM INO REA L, MONROVIA , CALIF . 91016 WRITE - 21 3-4 47-83 42

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