Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 07 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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... ..........•I: ~., HENRY TAKES 2S0cc MAIN AT CHICO ~ ~ .~ .~ ~:~~ !: . '::' fi(';'<':" ~, ••••••••• ~ ~ .._...~ ..&."l r.J r.J ~~i';~~~~;~~~~04 O~ ~ I TOUR 01 EUROPE AIR FARE , HOTELS. MEALS FOR FREE AND SIGHTSEEING ' th the purchase of I( . The leavlnc Wr f (~ NORTO". " A J.S Sepl. lours will vlsllJuly 29 \ I' , 14 Holland, a new motorcycle ~ MATCHLESS, BMW Germany, Auslr la, Swllzerland, TRIUMPH or BSA Italy, Spain, France, England, Belgium. Slart plann ing your vacation now. FOR DETAILS CALL OR WR ITE VAN·DER·KOLK & SONS 1809 SO. BRAND BLVD. GLENDALE, CALIF. PH: (213t 244·5000 DO YOU WANT T O J OIN THE TOU R W THOUT RlDING A MOTORCY CLE' I Winner 01 the 250cc Main Evenl at Chico, #89J Joe Henry (Ducall). This is possibl e. For those we have available a sp ecial deluxe motor coach tha t will accompany the lour. story by L i s a Willis Photo s by Dale McK innon Well racing fans, we're back at Chico, Calif.' s Cycleland Speedway for mor e racing eXcltemen~. With the beginners races, the scratch races , and the bandicap race, r iders come fr om many differ ent places to compete here, because they Uke the track and the wei r d program, . .which gives them 'all plenty of laps. The June 8 event started with the heats , which ran off efficiently and with relatively few accidents. The only restart was In the second heat of the 100cc' class when three men went down In the first turn , calling for a black flag . Getting Into the 100cc Beginners' MaIn, It· was Bob Snyder on a Hodaka winning, Bob Is a very good rider, and bas placed first many times before. The 200cc Beginners' Maln was won by Jensen. This was rave's first victory, and I must say he did a beautiful job. The only r ider downwas Cycle News photog IlII.Ie McKinnon r iding a Honda. But this Is one man you can't keep dowr for long; he came r ight back up fighting , Then In the 250cc Beginners' Main Mel Nichols , Kawasaki-mounted Jumped out In fr ont and led the entire race. The battle was between Bill Hays and Larry Gralg for second place. When all was over Bill placed second, Larry third. The Scratch MaIns started with Joe Allen, In his usual grand s~le, jumping right out fr ont with Ste ve Goff second, and that's just the way things ended when the chec kered flag went out. Then cam e the 200cc Scratcb Maln, and Ed Thayer on a Bultaco shot off the Une ahead of Dick Tunner . They.rode the entire race without changing position and f1n1shed In that order. But we must say "Good Riding " to Thayer, for the fine r ide and beating Tunner at his owntrack. Tunner takes most of the 200cc MaIns at Chico. Itchy Scratch Race Next on the prog ram was the 250cc Scratch MaIn. This one had many of the well-known regulars at Cycleland and a Cyc le land Speedway att racled a hosl 01 rid· er s, Incl uding thi s nat tlly- attlr ed Bul laco pllo l. - - - - • • • •• - - . __ In Ihe 100cc Handicap Main, Joe Allen (29r) pushed his Kawasak i Irom 45.yd. line to vlclory. very well known rider at all race tracks, sportsman and professional, Mr. Short Track, Butch Corder. With the drop of the flag Mike Cor coran, Bultaco mounted, barreled r ight into the lead. But Butch wasn't going for It , and came through to take over first. He was only able to hold It for a very short time, however. Mike came on with a little mor e dr ive , again took over the front-running spot and finished the rest of the race there,leavIng Butch In second. After a short intermis s ion the prog ram got on with the 100cc Maln (which they call the Handicap main). It started off with Jim Capps leading Dennis Mayhew, but this lasted for three laps only. Then came the tornado, Joe Allen , working his way fr om the 45- yard line right Into first place. Joe stretched Itoutandpicked up his second trophy for the night. In the 200cc Handicap Main Ed Thayer on his super-fast Bultaco ca me out for his second win, with Dick Tunner coming from the 45-yard Une to place second. He put up a real good battle for the lead, but just couldn't get through. Sacto Screamers The 250cc class would have been completely dominated by sacramenlo riders, If Butch Corder could have claimed his trophy for third place. But with Butch being a professional Expert, he was unable to receive It. He rode Just for the fun of r iding. sacramento still won the top two honors, when Ducati-mounted Joe Henry came off the Une In front and led the entire race. Ray (Hole Shot) Vaine wheeled up for second, but sUd out. Ray was not hurl; he got back up and In the race. But by this time Mike Corcoran (Buitaco) was In second place. Because Corder wasn't counted as third man, this gave Manfred Heyrend (Yamaha) the show spot. Two-fif~ r ider RalPh Gutierrez, better known as the "Spanish Flyer" , has nown his last. He's decid ed to hang it up, for reasons no one r eally knows. Ralph r ode a Bultaco, and with this bike trophled many li mes , mos tly fir s t a nd second places. He had just gone profes sional, r idden only twice a t pr o events , and placed well in both. We r eally hate to s ee him quit when he has so much poten tial...but, then, that's his business . (Results on page 20) COACHELLA VALLEY TT SCRAMB LES PERRIS, CAL. JUNE 23, 1968 100 NOV. CLASS 1st GREG HASEROT HODAKA 3rd RANDY ROET"TETE HODAKA 4th LARRY SPROLES HODAKA 100 AM. CLASS 1st DANNY HOeKIE HODAKA ~ . ELSI NORE TT SCRAMBLES ELSINORE, CAL. JUNE 22, 1968 100 EXP ERT CL ASS 1st D. HOPKINS HODAKA 2nd K. TENNIS HODAKA For a first-hand demonstration of HODAKABILITY, visit your dealer for a free test ride. J...... For t he dea le r ~-- 'D --~CO nearest you ,write: .-,,~ ' .0. lOX 327 ATHENA. OIEGON 9781:; - 1101)""" 1101)\", HOI)''', 1I01l'''' 1I01l'''' 1I01l'''' 11011'''' 11011''''

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