Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 07 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ t.l Californians #18 Mert L awwll l (H- D) and #16 Dick Hammer (Tr iumph) during big bike go. Ham- ~ . mer came from mld-pack to 4th before sli ding out; L awwl ll wound up 5th. :..J ..::J U :>.. U We ll heeled over In 250CC event, #58 Jody, Nicholas paces #31 Don Tw l gg and #5 Yvon DuHame l. All are on Yamahas. • Harley-Davldsons 1'2-3 at this hay-baled corner - #25 Cal Rayborn, #99 Walt Fulton and #20 Gene Romero. Rayborn led heat race and 100-mller all the way, now rank s lst In Nat' l point standings. this long. Perhaps the switch to what looked like an Ossa Ignition system dld the trick. It ....ras an immacula tely prepared bike and Mann ground his racing boots ot! to the middle toe In the peg-to. peg swervery, finishing 4th. Meanwhile racers wer e r etiring right and lett, with Marke l seen llmplng In the pits, Roger Reiman pushing his stalled stallion of! the course and #84 Gor dori Jennings fai ll ng to start. ..III. . oThe day ended with a new Champion, Rayborn, and a new trac k r ecor d of apHere's New Hampshire's demanding 1.8·mlle pr oximately 74 miles per hour ! Bryar Motorsport Park course, which was run The next ti me the cllp- on crusader s In clockwl se di rection, start ing In the middle will meet In s erious road r a cing comof the long slral gIItaway before left-hander. pe tition will be August 4th at lndianapolls ~--Start-F lnl sh Raceway Park for the n O Mile Championship road race. Can anyone s top Rayborn'S winning streak? We doubt It, The man has horsepower and handling In his bike and all the moxie and exper ie nce as well as "hair " to remain unbeatable this season. Road r acing Is one of the mos t demanding torms of motorcycle sport, requiring Intense concentration and a chess-master's ability to plan ten moves In advance . If Cal ever miscalculates or his mount misses a beat, there will be three or four close challengers to take his measure. But the chance s of that happening are about as s li m as the 1968 Daytona- Laco nia champion himself. (Results on page 20) fRESNO SCRAMBLES JUNE 15, 1968 200 AM/EX. CLASS AfM ROAD RACE CARLSBAD RACEWAY JUNE 23, 1968 lsi GUY SMITH BRIDGESTONE 175 GRAND PRIX CLASS lsi KEN GREEN BRIDGESTONE 350 PRODUCTION CLASS ELSINORE SCRAMBLES JUNE 22, 1968 100 NOV. CLASS lsi JERRY GREEN BRIDGESTONE lsi W. BLAKESLEE BRIDGESTONE JERRY GREEN AND HIS 350 BRIDGESTONE FOR THE NAME OF YOUR NEAREST DEALER SO, CAL. McCULLOCH OIST. INC, (213) 112-2108 NO, CAL. COAST McCULLOCH (405) UN 3-5520

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