Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 07 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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COACHELLA VALLEY HOSTS TT SCRAMBLES AT PERRIS 1 from san Diego the thir d butln the course of running the three motes, wow- eel David Al dana (Suzuki) had the edge for a second several timesbut things happened and Gary Scott (Honda) really put on a sho w. r i di ng as hard and as professionall y as anyone we' ve seen. He gave Al dana one heck of a go in the second motol Edwards Again but ended fifth. He just didn·t have the power of the Home Town Brigade. Coachella has a European scrambles in the works for July that will run through part of Pioneer Town and it you have the equipment it could be well worth skipping a scrambles to ride. U you miss that one don·t miss their next scrambles. They throw a good one! (R esults on page 20) _____ __ . _ .- Dav. Brooks (34) and Lou Wolf (25) com. off the startlng lin. in the 21-lnch go. David won. Th.s. two are brothers·ln·law. Story and Photos by Maureen L e e Sporting their new jumpers. Coachel la Valley threw a scrambles at Perris Sunday, June 23, and a bang- up job they did, too. This is no story, but the truth; l 5-year-old Jackie Johnson, son of the r eferee, set up the heats . Jackie i s the y oungster who cam e to grief with his Greeves on th e Invaders r un and spent three- and- a- halt months in a cas t . He' s now on crutches and r eally wor ked hard Sunday as did his whole cl ub. All ran the l ong course wi th two - lap motos or fourlap Mains with the big boys being gi ven a UW e l onger since it was evident that there would be some time to spare as everything ran ott smoothly, The only real beef of the day was handled qui etly and etrlciently. One rider who we' ll not name was happi ly riding the same bi ke in two differ ent classes and got caught. Told quietly but firmly he had to make his choice or there would be a for mal protest. he chose. We woul d like to say that maybe this guy doesn't know the nast y things that are i n the r ul e book to put a stop to this kind of thing. This i s a sport but we still have a few rules to protec t everyone. The tiddl er classes all enjoyed r unning the big cour se fo r a change and the 50cc wi n went to Steve Ni cholls with Gary Caldwell second, both on Hondas; One of these days we' re j ust going to have to hav e a freckle contes t among some of the guys in that class! sandra Termi n was the Powder Puff winner on an exceptionally fast Uttle Yamaha twin Van Tech whi ch could ju st pull away f rom the rest of the gang. Two Hodakas came in second and third wi th sandy Lambert and DIane Connolly aboard. Preston Petty and his new single pi pe Suzuki turned out f or the 250 Expert on a shake down crui se for the new scoo ter. Th e bi g mote-crosses are l ooming on the horizon and Pr es is one of our hopes fo r at least an odds -on chance against the Europeans. The Suzuki looked good but like all new machines requires a f ew adj ustments here and th ere. Fred Edwards took the class on his Yamaha and John Rice (Honda) the second. Ted L ongwi th and Jim Connolly became invol ved wi th Davi d Aldana causing the am bulance to move out and the r ace to be black-flagged but l uckily no one was hurt. Now r iding A scot as a Novice, Davi d has " keep the throttle always turned on" philosophy. He goes! We wonder about the background of Open Nov i ce #593 Tom Simpson. On a Triumph and wearin g Rams M .C . colors, Tom fiat socked it to ' em . He'd get rather slow starts and just zoom around them all on the outsi de. With hi s ability and those Ram colors we suspect a good desert background behind him. As one guy said, " He might be a scrambles Novi ce, but he ain' t no NOVICE Novice." Don Dudek (Triumph) waltze d away fr om the Open Am ateurs you go to As cot you know about Dudek Triumphs j ust l ike you know about T riumph of Burbank Triumphs and Macias' Tri umph s ... they all haul but all the power in the world can' t help it you can' t bandle it and Don can. , SAVE ~ :HONDA Chuck ·Feets" Mlnert . 500cc winner who donat.d his trophy mon. y to a crlpp l.d childrens' home. 1505 Avalon, W ilmington. Calif. ~. , ~ ~)~<:t;.. ~~

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