Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 07 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- ed off the~r mounts to the townspeople who lined the streets to see the show. The li ne continued right on in to the Fa irg rounds . The next scheduled event wa s a disp lay of preci s ion formations and stunts by the Ace of Cl ubs Drill Te am. As the ge ner al public was ba rred fr om en tering the fairgrounds, the P oli ce Dept. blocked off the s treet in fr ont of the entrance and the drill team put on their ' program there so everyone co uld enjo y their breathtaking exhibition. 401- 900cc classes Ber nie Clark s queaked by Phyllls Clark to win the stock di vision. Leona rd Collings won the modified leavi ng second to J .A. Lloyd. Semicus tom topper was Mel Magnet who outs hone Darr ell Hill Hous, J udgin g of the S to ry a nd Photn s by lIill lI arm er 900cc-plus classes found Earl Kennicutt and Ronald Derouin taking the two top Touri ng cycli s ts began arrivi ng at stock positions, Euge ne Lafferty's bike the Far me rs' Fairgrounds in Hem et was judged best in the modified s toc k Calif. F r iday night, June 14 to sign in fO; class with F reddy Hayes awarded runner the Terrapins M.C.' s Fir s t Annual Heup. Top semi-custo m prize went to Odie met Tour. The tour was s ched ul ed offiPorterfield with Pete Fazio taking second. Ruben Landron-s perennial winner '. ' t. ~~ was again awarded first in the custom I I I bik es with Jack Corliss second. While the [udgrng was going on, Robe r t War d an d Jack Ca uthe n were in the big cafeteria bui lding, preparing fried chic ken with all the trimmings for the tour participants. Eve r yone ate heartily and enj oyed the effor ts of the coo ks . As the ev ening wore on, the crowd wandered ove r to the huge J. C. Loomis Hall whe r e th ere was pl enty of r oom for everyone to have a table to s it at an d enj oy refreshments or [oin in the dan cing a s they ch os e . It was the first time in a long serie s of motorcycle tours where there was plenty of room for everyone to enjo y the fe s ti Ace of Clubs Drill Team at conclusion of precis ion riding exhibit ion. vities an d trophy presentations . A talent As the day 's program was running a cially for satur day and Sunday, J une 15 conte s t saw trophie s goi ng to B.L . Miller little behind, the dress competition for and 16, but members of the hos t club for singing, Lee Duncan for piano playing clubs, coup les, families and bikes didn't were on han d to gr ee t an y early r iders • . a nd J . Radant for playing the drums . In ge t under way until after 4:00 p.m , but The F airgrounds is jus t abo ut as perfect the wee small hours of the morning the with 4 full hours of day light left , no one a place as any one co uld poss ibly find for tour members crawled into. their pup co mplained. Under the watchful eye of the end of a motorcycle tour . Branching tents or wen t back to their mo tels to g r a b Terrapins ' president, Ga be Palmer, the off a broa d, paved mi dway are narrower a few hour s rest before the Sunday j udges began their difficult job . They s tre ets separa ted by s hort bloc ks of field events . awarded the trophy for the best dressed manicured lawns whic h are ge nerously The trophy for the oldes t machine couple with a club affiliation to Don an d endowed with lo vel y sbade trees. Ins trucridden to the event went to Joe Walker on Katy Slayton of the Valley Men with a tions were to park off the pavement and a 1949 Ha r ley . Buck Buckner was presimilar award going to Bob an d Ruth pitch your te nt on the lawn an ywhere you s ented a trophy for the tallest man and Thornberry for the best dressed outrider wan te d to, giving bi ke lovers the opporAnita Vaughan received a s im ilar award co uple. Honors for the best dressed tunity to actually s leep with their treafor bei ng ihe talles t gi r l. Harry Ryun of clubs went to the Silver Eagles (lst and sured mac hines. the Sil ver Eag les won first door prize at the Valley Men (2 nd). The Wilson family We left San Diego about 9:30 saturda y the drawing, which was a Wixom fair ing' coppe d the trophy for the best dressed mo rning and ca ught up with the big second prize, a boot box, was drawn by motorcycle family and the Robert BeMary's Men M.C . during a rest stop at W.S. Keck of the Aztecs M C he nke family group was a war de d second Tem ecula an d at the invi tation of their In the "Running Ci rcle ~o~test" Earl honors . As men ti one d previo usly, the r oa d captain, Bob Warner, join ed them Kennicutt won the over-90cc class and Mary' s Men M.C., with 21 me mbers for the remai ning 40 miles of the run . Ron Wright captured the li ghtwei ght present, won the largest club trophy This club won the trophy at He met for class . Don Slayton was de clared winne r which is a large carved turtle (Terrapin) the largest cl ub an d we were amazed a t of the obstacle course for bikes over of so li d walnut. It is awarded as a pe r the orderli ness an d precision that Capt. 900cc an d E. D. Christiansen was awa r dpetual trophy. The Freight JockeysM.C. War ner exacted from hi s charges while ed the trophy for under- 900cc machines, was a cl os e second with 17 members m a t n tai n i n g safe high way cruising J ack E. Brock was judge d the best plank a mong whom was Hettie Mitc hell wh~ speeds. Th e Mary's Men M.C . is to be rider on motor s ove r 900Cc and Vance climbed nimbly off a 74 to claim the trocommended . Cadd out- perfor med all the other li ghtphy for the " oldest pa ssenger ." She a dWhen we a rrived a t noo n, cycle s were weights . Th e slow r ace was won by two mi ts to 78 years but her rocking chair parked all around the en tran ce way and member s of the Mary's Men M.C., Tom is the buddy seat of a big- Harley. The r ider s were signing in so we took a turn Waddington in the big bike class and Ken oldest AMA ride r a ward went to 64around town an d found that Hemet ha s an Ferguson the lightweights . Three troyear-old Howard sponsle r . a bundan ce of restaur an ts, motels, tavphies were a warded for fem ale s olo Riding all the way from Arvin, Calif. erns an d cocktail lounges an d there were riders. Phylils Clark r ec eived t st prize the Arvin Trav eller s claimed the trophy motorcycles parked in front of them all. and Gay War ner took 3rd. The youn g lady for the club co ming the longest distance Aft er enjoying a good steak i n a nice air who won second prize failed to identif y but their r ide was over-shadowed by an conditioned res taurant, we returned to herself as r e q u e s t ed. Margaret De outrider , Darrell Dickey, who came all the fair gr ounds to find preparations, for Shayes rece ived first pr ize in the pasthe way from Portland, Or e . for the twoth e parade through town, in full swing. s enger group and Margaret Mason was day event , The a ward for the younge s t The Artesia Pioneers ' " Willie the awarded 2nd. ride r was claimed ~y .r s- year- otd John Clown" had commandeered a little HonIncluding the hos t club there were 39 Andr ew Lessing and the Sweepstakes da side car rig from Gary Mattingly's motorcycle clubs represented, Includin g. trophy was awarded to Bill Jackson of Hemet Cycle Cen ter , and was careening Mary's Men, Road Cr uiser s, Pacific San Die go. Ed a nd Carolyn Folks r e wildly through the grounds with a bull Coa s ter s , Valley Men, F r ei ght Jo ckeys, ceived the trophy for th e fir s t entry horn, giving directions to the parade Ove r landers, Arv10 Trav ellers, Azt ecs, mailed in. start. Singing Wheels, Ze ros M.C. , Golden Eagles , Motor Maids, Vista Travellers Artesia P ionee r s , Jaspers , Callforni~ Eag les , Golden Nuggets, Sil ve r Eag le s Rainbows , Toppers, Gyp sy Wheel s To~ · ' Tl:'eds, The Or iginals , The Majestics, Freeway Coasters, BMW Road Runners Oxnard M.C ., Los Caballaros , c hannei Rider s , Val ley Vagabonds of Phoenix Ar izona, El Toros, H i ghwa y Kings; Kmg hts , Des er t P han toms, Socialhles, Is thaman M.C., Past P res idents, Ace of Clubs , and the host cl ub, The Terrapins. The citizens and merchants of the ci ty of Hemet were enthusiastic in receiving the cyclists . The l ocal mo tor cycle dealers le nt the ir s uppor t and assistance to the Te r rapins to make the eve nt a su ccess. Larry Maddox of the Midway Mower and Cycle Shop and Gary Mattingly of the Heme t Cyc le Center were especially helpful . Sgt . F loyd Piersall of the Hemet Police Dept. spent mu ch of the pre-meet week with club president Gabe P almer going over plans and pr epa r a tio ns for the tour . Mayor Charles Reader an d the city co uncil, although not a ct ually in co ntact, gave their bles s ing to the affair an d upon its co ncl us io n s tated that they enj oyed hav ing the motorcyclists as their guests fo r the week end and is su ed a sincere invi tation for the~ to return nex t Toy poodle, 'Llttle Bit," lets rider Tom Ritte nhouse and passenger Adriana Lipper join her on yea r. On behalf of the touring frate rnity, her own persona l Harley-Davidson 74. the Ter raptns accepted their kind offe r At 2:30, Sgt. F loyd Piersall of the As there were 342 total sign-ins you and thus perpe tuated " The Heme t Tour ." Hemet PolIce Dept . with red li ghts ca n imagine that the re were some outThrough the ti r eles s effor ts of Martha flashing and siren wailing l ed off the standingly beautiful machines ente r ed in Palmer and her sign-in c r ew, Ann Ca uparade . The Silver Eagles M.C. of Burthe bike judgin g so the judge s had a very then, Robe r t McKernan and Mildred and bank, with Old Glo: y, the Californla diff ic ul t job but came up with the follow. Les Ward, the re gistrations went ;ta.te hanner an d their own club flag all ing de cisions: in the 0-400cc s toc k class smoothly and with a mini mum of delay as lYIng prOudl y, . l ed the rest of the clubs J erry Maelard narrowly beat out Ken did all the varied activities on the cr owdFerguson an d in the semi - c us tom George and outriders 10 a double col umn, clo s e ed two-day program , an d the Terrapins a nd Wilmer Streeter took 1st and 2nd to fo rmation parade which s tretc he d out for are already making p12.:s to s urpass this . 4 CIty bloC~ tas theproud ~J.:cli ~ts showkeep ail the gol d in the famill'. In the . firs t!L""~ Hem et Tour next .ti me around • . ,. THE BIRTH OF THE HEMET TOUR - • GET MORE SHCAS wrrH SACHS TH E BOO NDO CKE R Its Pure sacbs 2422 E. Huntlnpn Dr. Duarte, CallI. Ph_ (213\ 359-4541 . ::: ..; .. .. : .' .,,',',.': :>., Caution: Adults at Play! SUZUKI MAKES IT ... SO MAKE IT SUZU KI J It's what's up FRONT that COUNTSI 1 j I ! I .1 1. Fro ntal Facial Protec tio n. 2 . Semi- Resilient S hock Liner. 3. Resilient Shock and Co m fort Liner. 4. Vinyl Edge Beadin g . 5. Padded N eck Curtain. 6. A ir Cooled 7. Velcro Chin Strap Adjustment. B. Quick Release Chin Strap Bu ckle. 9. N ylon Ch in Strap . Every Sierra Safety Helmel is pac ked' w ith Sie rra safety fea tures bu t wit h Sierra's Eagle and Falcon ';'odels it's what's up front that counts. . T h i~ entirely new con cept in head protect ion gi ves yo u greater prot ect ion in the frontal a nd facia l areas. 83% of all fata l and critical injuries occ ur in th is area. Sierra Engineering. o ne of t he larges t man ufaclurers of milita ry protective headgear, now offers you a sporting he lmet Safety Engineered a nd bac ked by Sierra' s space age desig n experience I For complete information send 25c for beautiful color catalog . p -' ,. IG~ ., ~ • SIERRA ENGINEERING CO . SubSidiary o t CapTech Inc . 123 E. Montecito Ave . S i ~ ~ra Mad re , 9 Cali f . 91024 . :J,'~. ," .. / 00 .... fI;;o;;:;;;;:;;;;;-=-::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;o:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;-=-::;;;;;;;;I ~ II .. Now available at McLAUGHLIN MOTORS : .' '.' ' . ...... ~. .. .' ) I ., , , . I j I' I ! 1 I

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