Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 07 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. . ae"" '" :> '" .... '" :3:: '" f.zJ by John Taylor Is the most moto points for !lr s t an d F . Ching second. Yamahas 1-2-3 or B)' Bill Petligrew The 250 Novice main held the upset the evening. Young R. Ellis or ACA short track tame usually wins this event hands down. in tact, he bas racked up enough wins to be point leader tor the bond . It was not In the cards tor him Saturday nlgbt though, as R. B. Lamastus took the win with J. Ar ledge and J. Grace thi rd . All three were on the new Yamaha DT- 1 Singles . Bulta co' s good name was upheld In the 250 Expert go though, with 'Taco mounted, ex-Ascot bots boe J . Sprague winning one ot his three trophies tor the night In thi s bash. P. Shepherd proved that cubic inches aren' t everything when, with a 360 Husky and consistent r iding, he was high point man In the 500 Novice motos leading home D. Finley, second on a Victor, and G. Herron, third astride a big thumping Matcbless. The Open Novice Motos turned out to be the usual T , Simpson cakewalk as he won all three by a IraIn length. When the battery hangs together, he and his super: strong, blue and white Trtumph are Invincible In class. The 500 Open EXPert class was taken by J. Sprague on a pre- unit Triumph but only atter J. Foxe put up a good struggle, winding up second. Sprague made It three trophies tor the evening by winning the sweepstake race defeating 100Expert winner W. Hosaka. ~ I! you're staying home on Saturday night and crying " scram bles ain 't what they use to be " blame only yoursel! as the atmosphere Is early Californili casual and the racing vintage tun at Elsinore. See you next week? (Results on page 20) . THE BUL'S STAMPEDED / For the last ten weeks an 'e xtre mely valuable service bas made Its elf available to desert riders in DIstrict 37 in the torm or an emergen cy helicopter . The Pat Hustls owned chopper with pilot Jim Lasley at the controls rues over the desert courses keeping an eye out tor injured riders. 'The chopper works in conjunction with the grea t new Rescue #3 Team to locate Injured riders and ny them out It they cannot be reacbed by the tour- whee l drive vehicles or It the rider Is In serious condition. ThIs great service Is a costly one, though, and It Is Increasingly hard tor the North Hollywood Helicopter !lrm to make the day In the desert pay tor Itself. Pilot Jim Lasley Intorms us that he will take anyone up betore the races tor a rught over the desert at a nominal cbarge or $5.00, whlcb Is a real bargain tor those or you who know what It costs to keep these rigs In the air. ThIs would also make for a tew great aerlal sbots tor you shutterbugs. What a great ...,ay to ride the des er t! Seriously. It would be an overwhelming loss It mounting costs were to for ce this service to stop, So, It you're out In the desert for a Dis trict 37 point run and lind the chopper, take a ride and bave a ball and at the same time you'll know you 're help ing keep this emergency service available. It any other cl ubs or promoters In the Southland need this service tor a special event, etc., please contact: Pat Hustis Camera Copters at 7785 San Fernlllldo Rd. In North Hollywood, Calif. MOTORCYCLING FUN LOST ANGELS M.C.HARE SCR. 6/16/68 1st OVERALL - [lst 250 EX.) LARRY BERGQUIST 250 PURSANG 2nd PL. 250 EX. - (7th OVERALL) DAVE LEWIS ·250 PURSANG 1st PL. 250 AM. ~ (11th OVERALL) GARY SCHULEKE 250 PURSANG For Your Nearest Built-To-G D er Call o eal TR.7-2400 or PO. 9-0441 tor America 's trials riders that England's Sammy Mlller, the World Cham pion In this unique torm motorcycle competition, will make a U.S. Tour this sum mer . Prime purpose or his tour will be the hosting ot a series ot rider training schools across the country, with the tutor being the young master hlmselt, Mr. Mlller! Eash or the six sessions are set up as two-day events, with the !lrst day set aside tor the Sammy Miller's Trials School and the second consisting ot his ac tual participation as a competitor in an Obs erved English Trlals even t! Speed Is not a tactor In trials r iding, but r a ther ve ry keen coordination an d bal ance , . coupled with the a bility to keep your teet on the pegs while negotiati ng the Incredibly d I tt I cu i t observed sections . Penalty points are given tor such things as toucblng the ground with your teet, stal11ng the engine, going out or bounds, etc. Naturally, the tinishlng rider with the lowes t score Is the winner. The schedule tor the Bultaco-mounted MIller' s U.S. visit Is attached. Good news COOLI N' IN AT ELSINORE Mor e and more Southern Califor nia r iders are tinding out Just how mucb f.zJ tun It Is to race In the cool of the -J U evening. Saturday night, June IS, riders, :>-. pit crews, and fans were out in droves o with their campfires sprinkled over the toothills surrounding the track. Even with this large turnout, races were run so smoothly that the torty-!lve events were over before mldnig bt . At some tracks, when a large number or races are run In a sbor t time, riders are given secondary consideration. Not so .at Elsinore Satur day nigbt. Each rider bad a t least three r ides, with some getting mor e. With r ougbly sixty riders in the 100 Novice class, it took s ix bea ts and !lve semis to ge t things so rted out tor the MaIns . Since this class Is so large, it bas been set up with two Mains so that more riders will bave a chan ce at those trophies. An int eresting note in one or the beats was the lather-son team ot Larry and Tom Hardison. Larry (the son) bas been riding tor some time with Tom doing the mechanic work and paying the bills . Tom saw the tolly or this situation a couple ot weeks ago and started r iding hlmselt. ThIs week they drew the same beat and while Junior leaped Into the lead on a Mote- Beta, never to be beaded, Senior, with little experren ce and no brakes, rode considerably astern or his S~lD~ With more tather-son participation like this, juvenile ball could be turned into an indoor short track. P. Shaver copped the gold In the !lrst 100 Novice Main on a Yamabaslng1ewlth B, Rugtlve second and J . Cooke third. Another Yamaha won the second Main with T . Trana aboard leaving D. Busson! second and R, Talbot third. The 200 Novice race was a Bultaco affair, as usual, with M. Little coll ecting :c: WORLD CHAMPION TRIALS RIDER INVALUABLE SAMMY MILLER EMERGENCY TOURS U.S: SERVICE NEEDS or YOUR HELP Olnar,,"Ventura "lOod euys' (from 1.1l) M arty Moon. y, Pat N. w. 1I and Bob RountrN . vi... trophies to be awarded at Ju ne 30 Tr. asur . Hunt In Oxnard, Cal. WHAT: Treasure Hunt WHERE: Honda Oxnard, 1032 S. Onxard BlVd., canr, WHEN: This Sunday, J une 30, 1968 11:00 a.m , sign up, start 12:00 noon. AWARDS: 10 bea utltul trophies, numerous merchandis e prizes . An enjoyable rider tor the street rider; an eve nt where all bave a 'chance to win; an event where riding double Is mor e fun; Ins tructi ons at sign up, Cycles must be street legal; No horseplay allowed aU traffi c .la ws mus t be obeyed. Everyone with a moto r cycle Is welcome to r ide. "'bat Is a Treasure Hunt? Riders tollow a pr esc ribed route watching tor markers. When a marker Is located, contes tan ts pa rk cyc le and look for the treasure within 100 feet ot the marker . Treasure can only be Identl!1ed by the fa ct that there will be a quantity ot them. Points are give n for each tr easur e at the end ot the run . Tie s will be bro ken by best Poke r Hand. SAMMY M ILLER' S SCHEDULE AREA DAT ES EVENTS New Sal. ,.luIY20,' 63 Sammy Miller's Trials School Eneland Sun.,.luly 21'68 Observed Ene.Trials For Information, entry forms. etc., on Satur· day's school and/or Sunday's event, please contac t: Inter sport, Inc. 277 Rantoul Str••t Beverly. Massachusetts 01915 Phone (617) 927-3400 De troit, Sal. ,.luIY27,'63 Sammy MIII.r's Trials Mich. School Sun. ,.luly 28,'68 Oborsed Ene.Trial s Conta ct: Mlc hlea ..Onta rlo Trials As socia tion 7890 Lone Island Court Fairhaven, Mlchlean 48023 Phon. (313) 725-8244 SL Lous Sat.,A ue. 3, '68 Sammy M r' s III. MI ssou rl Trials School 5un.,Aue. 4, '63 Observ.d Ene.Trla ls Contac t: SI. Louis Two Stroke Club 6115 Gravois SL LOUis , Missouri 63116 Phone (314) 481·7983 III. Seattle- SaL,Aue.10,'68 Sammy M r's Tacoma, Tr ial s School W h. Sun.,Aue.11,'68 First Annual No.wost as Trials Champlu~sh lp Conta ct: Seafalr M C Club / P.O. Bol963 Auburn, W ashlneton 98002 Phone (206) 833-7313 San Sal.,A ue.17,'63 · Sammy Mille" s Francisco Tr ials School Bay Sun.,Aue.18,'63 First Am ual Pac. Trials Championship Contact: Pac ific Internati onal Trials Society P.O. Box 2272 Menlo Pa rk, California 94025 Phone (415) 368-6475 So. SaL, Aue.24,'68 Sammy MIII.r' s Ca lif. Trials School Sun.,Aue.25,'68 Cycl. World Inl.m'l. Trials Conta ct Mr. Ivan Wapr c/o Cycle W orld Maea. lne P.O. Box 20220 Lone Beach, California 90812 _ Phone (213) 436'3241 DON McLEOD INJURED A serious injury bas ended EXPert Don McLeod's hope tor the Washington State Championship. McLeod ran !IP Qll the rear wheel ot a slower racer In the tlrst lap or the Expert Main at Graham Speedway June 7, then spllled in fr ont or the othe r eager EXPerts in the dogleg backstretch ot the Tacoma track. As the other scrambled to avoid the Impending collision McLeod was thrown under the wheels or another bike . Hospital reports indicate that McLeod surtered a serious dislocation or his r ight hlp and will be hospttallzed tor at least three wee ks . Casts an d braces will preclude anymore racing activity for the Nor thwest Harley- Davidson star. A second year Expert, McLeod was enjoying his best year In moto rcycle racing. He had tour wins, two second place tinisbes and a tourth In the early race season. In 1965 the Harley-mounted Tacoman topped the nation' s TT point list. He also headed the lIsttor amateurs in 1966.

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