Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 07 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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celved trophies but no money), but found out that he lacked the horsepower and ended up 5th In the 125cc GP, and 6th ~erall. AFM ROAD RACE CAPER AT CARLSBAD s tory and Photos hy Len Fallscheer The Los Angeles Chapter of AFM held another road race at Carlsbad (Calli.) Raceway on Sunday, June 23 w1thperfect windless riding weather throughout the day. With 63 entries , all classes were surprisingly well represented except the lightweight production class. The heat races all ran smoothly establishing the grid positions for the MaIn Events. The finishing order of the first MaIn Event of the day, the Combined 50- lOOCc G.P. classes, was somewhat unusual although logical. All of the 100cc r iders fini shed ahead of the first place 50cc bike, an ltal-Jet ridden by Rod Scbrnldt. Winner of the lOOCc class was Roy Nakam oto on a Yamaha, followed to the line by Mike Morse, also on a Yamaha. In the combined 125-175 GP event, the opposite nearly occurred. with the first place In the 175 class finishing 5th overall. Reg Pridmore rode to first overall and first In the 125cc class on his watercooled Bultaco , followed by his Power Researeb teammate, Ken Green. Mike Lane rode his lOOCc Hodaka with the 125' s In hopes of taking horne some of the $200.00 purse (the 100cc class re- Vamaha jockey Mike Morse looklne eood In 100ee GoP. race. ~ ~ ~ Lane, McLaughlin Battle l'2 c;;; - However, his 250 Yamaha obviously had no lack of horsepower as he won a very close and very fast 250Cc GP final event. Lane led the entire race except for one and a half laps In which Steve McLaughlin, also on a Yamaha, slipped past him but couldn't hold !be lead. Salvado Soto from Guatamala (residing In Long Beaeb) held a close third on his Yamaha until he almost lost It from acceleratl ng too s oon corning out of the hairpin. Some wild acrobatics saved him fr om falli ng but he was unable to cateb Lane or McLaughlin by the checkered fla g and settled for thir d. There was only one producti on race as there wer e not enough entries to make a lightweight class . The race was a combination 250, 350, open event with first overall going to a Harley r idden by Hugh McLean. Jerry Green took second overall and first In the 350 class on a Brldges tone . Reg Pridmore was first In the 250 class on a KawasaId. Reg and his pa ss enger Ernie Cadsar gave a sidecar exhibition go on their super-rast Triumph charlot, but no one else showed up to give them any competition. Sportlne a new Norton ·Commando· Georee Kerker walked away wlth the Open GP class win on a producllon bike. Seen here leading D lc~ Klleroe's Honda GP ric. Ihls was Georee's flrs l road race. :-, Tr iumph outfilled Ree Pr idmore looklne like a European 'favorlte at the Isle 01 Man Ilew to IIrs l sldehack. Reehas Ihls beautllul machine lor sale as he has a new Ihree cy linder ric in Ihe works. • '"'' . { r- ' Jl ,', "' ,.~~.. "Real" Pavement Pounder 00 - ~ .:; CI) ~ :c: Col ..:l ~ ,t' U • ,- --,viS ," Probably the bigges t ups et of the day was In the comb ined 350-0pen GP 15- "u~~ lap event. Geor ge Kerker, r iding In his. " • fir s t road race, pUoted a production 750cc Nor ton Commando (the fir s t >p'n~ R a to be brought Into the states)tc> ~ s<:;or£IJn n Ing fir s t over all and a first In the Ope n ..., Grand Prix class. The bike was r idden to the track fr om Los Angeles to " br eak It In.'' Dick Kllgr oe took second In the Open Class on his GP 450cc Honda. ThIrd was the open productio n winner, Hugh McLean agai n on his production Harley. ThIrd overall and first In the 350Cc GP (fini s hing In fr ont of the Harley) was Jimmy Chen on his half-falr ed Honda (he lost the left half of his fal r lnl(in a fall during practice). ' ,S The race was well wor th It for those who atte nded and the next AFM r ac e (Sunday, June 30, at Orange Co. ,Rac e' way) should be even more of a success. (Res ults on page 20) ,~ .L ' r-----------------------------~------------------~l I ' . "'I ' I . ', " I " AT saOOLeBaCK parK JUNE 3 0 I I II' I I I I I ORANGE COUNTY'S FREEWAY•CLOSE AND SEA BREEZE-COOLED MOTOR PLAYGROUND! I I COMPETITORS " : \II , 0 '~ \II \II ~r:s:~~::i~il~~ ::.:~~e::Y~~e, Expert in 0-100CC, 101-250cc and Open. (Six en1ries needed to make a etass.) En1ries open 'til 9 a.m.j first race at 10 a.m, Track will be watered to prevent dust. Entry fee only $3, plus 50C for ambulance. SPECTATORS : ~~:~II~~=ep:~~ga~:jl~c~~t~ track. \II \II \II \II I Plenty of rest rooms. Food and beverage stands. Gates open at 1 a.m, Acmission only $1.50, kids under 12 enter free! , , ,I I D'STR'CT 37 AMA PO'NT RACE, ' I , ANTElOPE RAMBLERS M/ C L SPO RE BY: NSO D , ... .,. ... . ~ ~., ", -; I , • . ' ~ - .. , , . • • • • • I ~ SADDLEBACK PARK I is only minutes away from most of the LA. region by Easy freeway access: Take Newport Freeway to Chapmen Ave. East, go to Santiago Canyon Road, then right to Peters Canyon Road, left to Park entrance. SADDLEBACK PAR K and competition practice. •• - .' . , . .. ~ isop.. dail'~" , . ...anena riding ....... ....... ~ ~· - ~ " ' ~:.'I' ,

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