Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 07 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ .-----------------------------r ~ A NEW MISS MOONEYES ....J ~L- co By Bob Ebeling Bob Braverman secures top bike awards in two weekends of racing at :; Irwindale, Calif. His twin -engine Yamaha is consistent with runs that stop .., the electronic clocks in 10.70 seconds. Those elapsed times are good enough CI) to dispau:h contenders into bench racing, even if they are given two out of ~ three chances. :c: One week ago Rich Richards trailered came into contact with the asphalt he was t.:l his 45-inch Triumph to the Irwindale 10passed by a hurtling Harley. Smith didn't ...:l cation and with Jim Cook as rider, the have much control over ' where he was ~ Triumph netted runs at 10.50 seconds headed and was seen to rebound once U and 138.00 miles per hour. Braverman's from the guardrail. Joe was taken to the Yamaha and the Richards-Cook Triumph hospital and pronounced alive and fresh were the only ten second machines qualiwith the nurses. Joe has to make his fied for top bike and to provide a good advances with' one arm, however, as he spectator show they agreed to a threes ustained a broken collarbone, You readers should send a get well round match race. Braverman put down the Triumph in card to Smith and a sy mpathy card to two rounds. Maybe I shouldn't say " put Laidlaw. They will be back again In a down" for opposite, or the lack of keepfew weeks time. ing a front end down is what put the TriOops! umph out of contention. The 45-incher I made an error in last week' s repor t reaches rpm limits in third gear and of the A.H.R.A. Nationals . In the race for begins lUting the front wheel as though top fuel, Nance raced Sonny Routt in preparing to launch for a moon shot. Cook r ound one, rather than Barker vs, Routt. had to shut down in last anxious moments Nance won and the balance of racing acin order to preserve lUe and limb in tion was just as described. I might men180- degree loops. tion that in the pic ture of top fuel r acer s, This last saturday, Bill Chambers unNance is the one with a pretty wife at his veiled his new fr ame that holds a 74side and Bob Barker is s tanding bes ide inch Harley-Davidson scant fractionsoU his machine with his r ider (whose name the gr ound. FUty-two percent is a light I don't remember) sitting. nttro load , but enough to put powerful ponies on the rear wheel that gallop through the lights withrider,andmachine What's New? in 10.83 seconds at 126.00 miles per The frame on B.i1l Chambers' Harleyhour. Davidson is cons tructed fr om square Agaln this week only two bikes qualitubing but the machine cannot be des fied, Chamber s and Braverman. cribed as square. Its frame is the lowes t One short race and it was all over, in profile yet s een constructed for a 74fact it didn't get that far for Chamber s incher . " hung a cher r y" (r ed light) on the Stormy Mor r is sold his 450cc drag Chrond ex christmas tree and forfeited bike to Honda of Pomona. The new ownthe race to Braverman. Both racers ers seem to have it in mind to develop wer e going to try a second round but a the quickest and fastest 450 yet s een in rapid series of three automobile crashes drag racing. shut down racing action at Irwi ndale. Bruce S h ively 's Harley-Davidson Sportster is in near-stock form and has Which Way'd They Go? tur ned in the twelve- second realm. He made a few changes in frame weight and Wher e are the quicker and fas ter height and times have dr opped into -quart er'- mt fe machines? Boris Murray eleven-second territory. ran at Bakersfield some three weeks ago Look for the super-light fuel injec ted and his big twin-engine Triumph went 74- inch Harley-Davidson that won a through the lights at 155 mUes per hour. Sweepstakes award at the Cycle World When the final clocks are reached, Murshow for competition bike to make its ray puts the machine in neutral- hits the first debut in racing on or about the July kill button and begins to brake. All of 4th weekend. Bob Michaels may have those things were done in the proper se-' problems with all the new gimmicks but quence but the last part was to no avail. it can be forgiven U he just keeps the The brakes were gone, a tie fitting to beauillul workmanship polished I I should the hydraulic disc brakes had sheared mention that Bill Chambers did the off and emptied the reservoir of fluid welding and frame construction materinto ineffectual space. Need 1 say that ials were the same on his 74-inch dragMurray and the big Triumph were somewhat ' of an unguided missile? There was ster. a lot of room to travel in and all went Bob Bogan is now running a new twinengine Triumph. First time out and one pretty well until a shallow irrigation ditch swallowed the machine's front transmission des troyed. Either a bunch wheel and left Murray without a mount. of power or no synchronization between Both man and machine are bruised but clutch, shUt and throttle. Miller and Brackett unveiled a new not beyond repair. Glve them both about frame for the Harley-Davidson that just four weeks rest and we will see them turned 117 mlles per hour a couple of back in action. Joe Smith had his turn on the Laidlaw weeks back. Harley-Davidson a week after Murray's Ed Thomas gave up his position as soj ourn into the world of disaster. At cycle Pit Director at Lions Drag Strip in order to spen d more time boondocking 144 miles per hour through the lights at on desert trails. Dan Zeman has taken Irwindale, Smith was having speed wobbles, and when he shut the big 90-plus his place and is fully capable of handling displacement machine downit was thrown the chores U he can just stand the gulf in the most violent of lock-to-Iock competitors will give him. throws. About 100 yards beyond the traps Thanks, Ed, for all the good work you have accom plished at Lions. Smith couldn't stay with it and as he e-, two months checki ng out suggested sites for the Labor Day rally and r epor ted that Greenhorn Mountain is the only satisfactory a It ern a ti v e . The RRC agreed, so moved, and left to the Executive Board the pr oblem of negotiating with the owner s of the Alta Sierra Resort. New Business As an incentive for RRC member s to involve themselves in the RRC-sponsored annual events, the body passed a By Robert O. F e e motion to accord those representatives who worked on Pine Cone ' 67 or the ' 68 PIN E CO NE GOING Spri ng Tour , a free entry fee to Pine Cone ' 68. TO GREENHORN On the r ecommendatio n of the Executive Board, the assembly r eversed its Rider complaints of " too far " won out Monday, June 3 at the monthly earlier ac tion and abolished the free Southern CalUor nia Road Riders Comentry. The Board reasoned that the RRC mittee meeting with Vice Chairman is a club and club members should not --- Wayne Bonnett presiding. Too far was require payment to wor k their own events. the fr equent cry heard by the RRC about previous Pine Cone rallies that went to A motion to assess eac h member club Carson City, Nevada. $20.00 toward costs of Pine Cone '68 was tabled so the representatives could To bring it closer, committee head - ~~'~:'4R- ~.,,~ has.~t..~:.:: 'l:~t . ~..JA .l!W1l: bs.... llder. the Mis s Dianne Ogle of Covina , Cal . has been unanimously chosen as the Queen for the forthcoming drag boat cham pionships to lie held at Ski Land in Perris, Cal . on Fa ther ' s Day, June 16, 1968. Dianne is also the current Miss Mooneyes for the Moon Equipment Co. (Sta tis tics : 19 years old: 5' 8" tall: 125 pounds ; measurements 36, 24, 36. Hob- b ies: dancing, hiking , art, and racing of , all types.) She is currently attending Mt. San Antonio College majoring in art ,and. music. Upon filing applications to become an atrline stewardess she was s imultaneously hired by three airlines. A talented seamstres s , too, Dianne made her own binkini out of the material shown. NEW SUZUKI llB A C E R AT," FIRSTAUTOMATIC TRAIL -BIKE Dick orth, Marketing Manager of U.S. Suzuki has announced the introduction of their new pacesetting" Bearcat" model KT-120. This neat little 120cc trail machine updates the already performance proven B-105 Bearcat and features another industry "first" from the world 's largest manufacturer of dual-stroke engines, Suzuki's " Post- s elec t" . " Pos t-select" ends forever the messy , ti me consum ing Job of changing gear sprockets. Suzuki allows you to do it automatically, with Just a touch of your heel. When the highway ends, tap the Posi-Select lever and away you go, up and over 30 degree slopes. Bearcat also features 3-speed, constant mesh transm ission: 9.5 hP@6,500; single cylinder dual-stroke engine, PosiForce oil lubrication (the ultimate in automatically mixing 011 and fuel): and Q broad torque range. terms of the proposal, each club could earn back $10.00 by having two r epr es entatives wor k the event. The June meeting was the shortest in s everal years - the business was completed in thirty-five minutes. The early hour of adjournment surprised most of the reps who then took up a discussion o! membership improvement techniques which lasted another 20 minutes. The Chart Steward reported the standing co mplete throu gh Apr U: PASSENGER 1. Vi Bonn ett, Lucky Wheels 2. Diane Skillman. Toppers 3. Pam Porterfield, Overlanders 01. Dee Jones, Luck)' Wheels 5. Leon Portertield, Overlanders SiDECAR 1. Don Gomer. Toppers 2. Sherman Ames. Centaurs 3. Ivalene Tenney, Motor Maids CLUB PERCENTAGES 1. Overlanders 2. Lucky "beels 3. Ace or Clubs 4. Toppers 5. santa Ana Cruisers CHART STANDINGS MALE SOLO a)ne BonnelL. Lucky "beel s 1. W 2. M Ford. Toppers alL 844 828 Richard Wagner. Ce nta urs 804 01. Odie Porterrteld. Overland ers 799 5. Bob Skilman. Toppers 791 GAL SOLO 1. Judy McCombs. Overlanders 773 2. Dot Porterfield. Overlanders 758 3 Ph 'llis S;J~rk Molor . aids ,'- ' 593 3. SPEED .n ~~~L· Z'tP.13JDE _ IUS IUU...-sSU 820 780 7701 766 725 808 7015 2016 81% 67% 601% 63% 56%

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