Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 06 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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-America's Oily Weekly Meloreycle Newspap.... PubliSber• • • • •Charles C. Clayton Edi tori al stori e s . cartoo ns . photos. Bus ines s Mana~r••91aron Clay ton etc . ar e welc omcd and will be paid CircnJation Mer•••Gaye Tboma son for upon publica ti on (except pres s Edi tor. • • • • • • • • • • • Caro l Sims rel ea s es an d " Voicc" lctters . ) AdAdvertising Mer•••• • • Tom CuJp dres s ed. stamped enve lop e assu res Ph oto Editor• • •• • Dennis Greene return. Lab Technicjan•••• 8i11 P e tti g e w 6ft1 M. LNg Beadl Blvd. Sinde COP)' price ••••• • • • • • 25¢ hitelaw Boo......eeper, : •• • Susan W Subscription: One year 2nd class LIII& BeacIJ, Calif. 50805 Receptioni st. •• • • • • Judy Bailey Mail • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• •• $7.50 Or: Box 458, LOIig BlleII, Cal if. Published weekly exce pt the fir st and last wce k of the calendar yea r Pbone: 423-0431 (Subs cribe rs please all 0 w thre e by C&S Publishin g C o•• P os t Offi ce ~.. ek s (o r addl?ss changes ) e (Area Code n3l Box 498. L ong Beach . California. Advertising rates a nd c ircula tio n Second Cl a ss pos tage paid at Lon g FI'DIJJ L.A. Phones: 63&-8844 info rma tio n will be sent upon requ est. Beac h. Ca lif. lHANKS FROM S .L.M. C. The Salt Lake Motorcycle Clubs would like to a clalowledge the i r appreciation for your outstanding and consistent r elease of information concerning the nowpast AMA Na ti onal Cham pi ons hip Hare and Hound Race, Cherry Creek. Thanks to your help we had 174 entries, which made a beautiful blur of sand and sage as they tore out at the sound of the starting gun. The cours e , approximately 110 miles long, was quickly adapted to by the outstanding r iders that had entered the race. As the race progressed through the course a few r iders dropped out. They thought it was getting a little rough, although unIalown to them they were going through the easy part. The race went on and as the riders slowly fillered out of the sand dunes it was, " Wher e did all that sand come from ?" They all Ialew they had earned those Clntsher pins and trophies . All In all the race went quite well. The overall impression we received was as one rider said, "The r oughes t and toug hest I have ever ridden an d also the best." We would like to thank the riders , thelr famll1es an d friends for their excellen t cooperation and their good sportsmans hip . This helped make the event a very good one . So come back next year. CHARLES J.LEWIS Salt Lak e M.C . Salt Lake City, Utah PIT RACERS DON'T IMPRESS A lot bas already been said about pit racers, but here we go again. I love goi ng to the r ac e s In the deser t but there is one thi ng that r eally frosts me. Pit racers!! I designate a s pec1f1c area close to our camper for my children to play In, and 10 and behold, some dumb jerk who thinks he is a real hotshoe comes raeIng around the back of my camper, s catter ing the kids and di r t. You'd think that with the acres an d a cre s or de ser t to ride in, that thes e idiots co uld go off away from the pi ts and play their silly games . They also co uld ente r the race unl es s they are af raid of compe tin g with real racers . I don't know who the y're showing off for be cause I, for one, am not the least bit i mpressed. Eve n if you can stop them and ask them to be careful, it does no good . They keep on doing it. I wonder how they would feel if they ever happe ned to hi t a child? I do know one thing, if the y ever hi t ei the r of my kids, the y' r e in a world of trouble . JUDY MORGAN Torrance, Calif. Desert Foxes M.C . Bell, Calif. WHAT'S SO NEW ABOUT WOMEN THROWING A SCRAMBLES? WELCOME I.M. A. ours is a ne w and young organizati on and s om etimes it tak es us a while to respond to that which is not urgen t . Thts Incl ude s things of a complimentary nature and the purpose of this letter is to co mpliment you on your March I , 1968, issue on legislation. You have given our association some good Ideas In our approach to the 1969 meeting of the Illinois Legislature. Our organization is presently working with voluntary help and a small treasury. Do you have complimentary subscriptions to your newspaper? . Yours truly J OHN PASZKIET President Illi nois Motorcycle Assn. 25 W. Chicago Ave ., #310 Chicago, Ill. 60610 C" A compli mentary subscription? Fo r you. sir• .ye s ••• it's on i ts way ," ) MY TIME WAS FASTER Sur e glad to see you ' re gi ving us hillclimbers s ome space. We don't ge t to go to ver y many a year, so I' m s ure we all appreciate a few words in your paper. And the pictures _ r eal nice photography! Just thought I'd let you know that in COMPLETEI : NEWl : HARD RUN BUT MUCH FUN My sincere thanks to Jack Ross and that crazy guy with the earring Cor waiting for me at the finish of the Ponderosa 100-mUer. Also many thanks to a great Desert Foxes pit crew, Jean, Bill and John, for if they weren't there tohelpmelcouldn't have f1n1s hed . Jack, it was a hard run but much Cun. RAY ISAAC ("Fortunately , these few ar e in the minority. and clubs are usually abl e to control their activities, but a s te m remind er doe sn' t hur t;" ) ............................. the June 13th is s ue, pg . 17, Modes to Hillcl1mb 500cc Novice class, my time was r ight (5.58) , but Mel Cunha' s wasn' t. I be li eve his was 5.68 . Anyway, I beat hi m. Musn' t let him think he'S better than me! Thanks again for the coverage and keep up the good wor k. GORDON D. MILLER sacramento, Calif. The Silver Queens Motorcycl~ Club of Las Vegas, Nevada have been doing it Cor years...lhrowing s crambles that is . After reading the J une 6th issue of Cycle News , we were disappointed to note that you don 't lislen very well, Maureen. When you were here for the SUver City Scramblers T.T. race, you made mention that the Powder Puff Assoc. was the first all-girl competition club A.M.A. sanctioned. At that time you were told that the Silver Queens Motorcycle Club bas been a sanctioned club for five years and have been throwing race s and also racing. Last year with only six active members (the others were inactive due t o Ulness or accidents) we threw a full weekend of a ctiviti e s, s tarting off with a barbecue saturday night and TWO poker runs Sunday, an all-street run and an all-desert run, ending at the race track for a full program of T .T. races. When we don't have our own race you will find the Silver Queens out at the races help ing out the other clubs, as checkers or what ever they need us for . Don't get US wrong. We think that you gi r ls are do ing for motorcycling Is wonderful, and we are for you 100%. But L lets don 't take all the credit. Hoping to see all of you at one of our races. SHIRLEY FULLER Referee Silver Queens Mlc Las Vegas, Nev. NORTH ERN HOSPITALITY-POOR Dear Edi tor: My name is Larry Demas and my r iding buddy is Mickey F r eeney. I belong to the Shamrocks M.C . and Mickey belongs to the Rams M.C . On Memorial Day weekend we traveled to San Francisco to compete in the San Rafael motocross to be held there on Sunday, June 2, ouly to arrive there and find that the race had been previously cancelled. So we decided to travel 50 miles to Lodi Cycle Bowl to co mpete In their evenL We arrived at 11: 10 a.m, an d were told that sign-ups were over at 11:00 a.m, and that we would not be allowed to race. We talked to everyone that had any authority at all and were still told that we could not enter the event. We also reiterated many times that we had just come 400 mUes to ride. Our words fell on deaf ears. The " Valley" council which consists of several clubs in the area, were the sponors of the event and a to tal of approximately 50 riders were In attendance . Th ere were 12 riders In the class that Mickey wanted to ride (25OCC Novice), and 8 riders in the 500cc Novice class that I wanted to enter. We feel this is a fine example of bad s portsmans hip and poor hospitality. We're s ure tha t in the same circumstance that a rider down fr om up north would be wel co me a t any ti me of a racing day in our district (37). Dtsgusted, LARRY DEMAS (Shamrocks M.C.) MICKE Y FREENEY (Rams) District 37 (" Many offers have been made through this section of the paper ~ Nor the rn groups to hav e some of our Southern boys come up north and ride! I\bieb win i t be fellas? ") Caution: Adults at Play! ' INTRODUCTORY PRICE $45.00 : • • • • • • • • • • • : CARRIER: • • • • • CHECK THESE fEATURES: • • • • • • : fRAME ATTACHMENT : ADJUSTABLE TIE DOWNS • : V' RAMP LOADING : : V MANY OTHERS : .SEND fOR fREE ILLUSTRATED BROCHURE. : • V V !GARNoCo ENTERPRISES: : P.O. BOI 243, NOVATO, CALIf . 94941: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . __ --_ _ -_ .

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