Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 06 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ ARTESIA PIONEERS l 6th ANNUAL RUN ~ - 2 4> § ... ~ !oj ~ !oj -.J ~ W story aad PIIo"'s bY BtU Ramer Tbe Ane.1a P10Deers M.C. termIDated tbeJr 6lil annual nmatRamoaaoab in 8BII Dieeo ColJDtY. saturday aDd SuBday, May 18 and 19. Ramoaa oab IS a prha181)' owned "party raDCh" aDd . . just about tile most IdIIal place that you can IDJ8ClIl8. Tllere was pleai;7 of space for campiJlc UDder clant oak trees, plenl:7 of space for tile field events on a 1eYe1ed-off field wb1ch is ordinarily used for ball pmes. 1bere is a huge swimmine pool all 111081)' feoced for tile proteetlon of tile children. DlffereDt clubmembers traded off on tile life guard duties while the Idds and a few of tile Dal. SlDddsrd .d ,..II, - ... ,. Jo Ann and _pt•• Llnda.dNancy- anh,. at Art••la PI._. .nul run. Dal. I. p,eX)' tile newt, Ol'pnl zed 5.c.M.A. 0' Field events got underway promptly at 1 p.m, and Immediately bogged down as tilere was a discussIon of the point scorIng system to be used. Varied and sometimes heated op1n1ons were llstened to by tile "easygoing" referee, ElUs"Smltty" SmIth. After taldng all things under brief consideration he handed down a ru11ng that may not have pleased everyone but was satisfactory and fair to the majority and enabled the contests to resume. Trophy winners Included Bernie Clark who captured the Sweepstakes prize In the field !!Yents Cecil Webster received ; a trophy for the first mall-in entry (male) and '-year-old Cynthie LucldnbW received a trophy for the flrstfemale mail- .... - .~ 0_' in entry. First place trOPhY in the male sweepata1te8 went to RIIlIlle1 Mc~n at tile Omard club. The b1Ch JlC)ker band trophy was won by Gary Gardner wilil a b1Ch Ollllh. Female solo trophy winner was 14-year-old Phyllis Clark, who although too young to ride on the public streets, put on a display of r iding sldll that was absolutely maptficent. There was a three-way tie for the person enterIng the most events. Weare embarrassed to report that only theIr first names were 0 b t a I ned so congratulations to SuzIe, Mary and TIny who flipPed a coIn to _ wOO would get the trophy. WIth tile fIeld events over, the vartous groups gathered over cold drinks and pIcnic lunches and engaged In much good natured Iddding and b8ppy conversation. Soon tile sun sank and the lights came OIl over the dance fioor .An orchestra showed up and all hands enjoyed dancing unill around mIdnight. The Idds kept the swimming pool busy until nine o'clock when theIr mothers shooed them to theIr sleepIng bllgs. Sunday was a sImilar day at goodfellowship and motorcycle talk. BIkes and club uniforms were looked over and admIred by each other. The Harley rIders busIed themselves pottshIng chrome and bright paint Jobs, the big Honda pilots were very convincing in theIr obvious prIde In theIr spoUess bikes. The two-stroke enthlllllasts were revving their screamers and the BMW owners were obllvlous to everyone else as they stood by theIr machines off In a group by themselves telUng each other how great theIr cycles are. There was something for everyone and a wonderful time was had by all. Incidentally, this was another event under the auspices of the newSouthern Callforll1a Motorcycllng Assn. .. Oldeat _.cycle r1dd.. III lIIo o".t .as a 1938 Inlll.. 4 Ihown ho,o as Donn, YOIIII, _poto. In ·Slow Rac.." parents really made the most of It. ridden to the event and used In all the There was a large ' cement slab with field events was a 1938 Indian 4 ridden llghts strung around and over It for by its owner, Denny Young. Clubs represented included the OXlBI'd danctne in the balmy eveD1ng. Ttu!re were modem rest rooms and a screened disM.C. , who came the greatest distance, pensing l:7pe Idtchen which in this case the San Fernando Valleymen, the Freight was IIlIed to dispense Ice cold punch Jockeys M.C., the Road Ramblers M.C., all day. the Norwalk Rockets, the Singing Wheels, There were ten motorcycle clubs rethe Terrapins M.C., the Road Cruisers presented at the run and virtually all M.C., the nattily attired Pacific Couters and the host club, the Artesia PIoneers. Idnds of machines but the oldest bike OllJla,d ILC. _bora on I_.culate BMW. trlV.led furthut dl.tance. THE BOLD WORLD CONTINUES SETTING TRACK RECORDS & SALES RECORDS EXPERT MAIN EVENT ASCOT PARK MAY 24, 11&8 AMA PROFESSlOIIAL HALF-IILE TROPHY DASH lst DEWAYNE KEETEt ISA 2. IANDY SAY ISA ls' IAIIDY SA Y ISA 2"" CHUa JOlES ISA Ini MEL LACH ER H-D .", CHUer JONES ISA 5" LLOYD HOUCHINS ISA Ini MEL LACHER H-D ." DEWAJIIE (EEJEt ISA THE ·FANTASTIC BSA SINGLE AND DEWAYNE KEETER SET NEW TRACK RECORD TAKE OVER ASCOT POINT LEAD NEW RECORD TIME 5:47e93 OLD RECORD SET IN OCT. OF 1966 SEE THE BOLD WORLD FOR 68 AT YOUR DEALER NOW! BSA WESTERN 2145 E. HUNTINGTON DRIVE, DUARTE, CAlIFO RNI A 91010 PhDne (213) 359-9211 ..

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