Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 06 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• bridge as It was HOT ... more Shamrocks out in front In the Open Expert class with Gene Smith ( Tri umph) leading and dad Buck Smith behind him wi th Al Baker third but thlrd place eventually goi ng to Buck and second tofellowShamroek Di ck Dean ••• we thlnk that thls day the Shamrocks beat the Check ers but you can't down the Checker s thei r eye- catchi ng color s they l ook I n comm and and they all RIDE •••the back-breaking task of hauling the sldehacks up tha t hill lap after lap by the team s of Vi ewfinders pl us retri evi ng sol o ma chine s and pushing and hauling them i nto position tim e and again .. .young Scotty L apr aik winning the Open Novi ce class wi thout a serious challenge , this y oungster almost fresh . out of the trail bi ke cl ass . unknown quantity, unknown territory and an unknown club. It coul d have bombed ! It didn't. If you don't rIde next time you'll have missed something. The stuntmen 's Association helped by providing patrols on horse and f oot , selling beer and programs and were backed up by Ventura County policemen had I t become necessary . It di dn' t . Hlp, hi p hooray [or the Vi ewfinders I They really pulled thls one off l ( Results on page 16) ... Sidehacks had a hard way to go through mudhole, then tackled uphill section with help Irom club members. Jack Morgan who had bits r ipped out of his sweatshirt collar proving he REA L L Y endoed •••" Th er e's no disgrace to being beaten by BaUey . This type cour se I s really great, there wer e parts of it just for my typ e r iding and par ts Just fo r his. I wish It could have gone five laps further ...Just maybe ..."", Our comment, we'd like to hav e seen that because Jack was catching up fast. Buck Smith after chasing his 'son around i n the Open class ..." Make sure you tell everyone thi s I s the best run race I've seen I n a long time and one thing that' s really important. It's brought all the scrambles people and the desert people together and we should get to know each other." Jim Hunter, entered in the 500 Expert class on his Goldie ..." No, 1didn't chicken out but my bike di d at Perris last night and I'm klnda glad It dld.. .next time I'll ' enter the Victor but I sn' t thls just great?" Yes, It was gr eat and we hope that it will bec ome a classi c . The l ocation Is the very best, right off the freeway although you have to go back In for quite a while on company property roads, It's easy to get to . The overall scenery is really lovely, big trees, hills cover ed in wild flowers , the whole bi t plus movie sets that are still used . We saw the cream of the desert brigade i n action and the cream of the moto-cross riders and some of the cream of the scrambles riders. We wish more of the scramblers had showed; John Rice was In the top six for a while leading J .N . Roberts and Gary Conrad and looking great until he broke his clutch. But we feel a lot more didn't enter because thls . race was an - 100's M.e. rider negotiates jump. The Grand Prix course was 3 miles In length and Incl uded a run through old western movie-set town. MAKE.IT OONG with the A.C.E. ADJUSTABLE FORK CROWN made to .ru all motorcycles and all forks PATENT PENDING him now •••they won't be for long •••Checker Lynn Fortner (Husky) with his tremendous lead built up in the 500Amateur class •••Wow•.•but H1lltopper Bob OlUey had Just as good a lead bum up over third place man Wayne Peterson...5ammy Berg in that same race looking absolutely efforUess as he rode the banks of the mud wash •••the only way through It that was correct, but It took great skill to do It••.steve Scott's huge leadagaln In the 500 Expert class with J .N. Roberts hard after him along with Fry, Hurd, Staats, Conrad, Baker, et al.. .In that one race the win could have gone to either Husky, , Bullaco or Montesa with eachbrandhavIng a real chance at the over all win ... Eddie Mulder (Montesa) went from 40th on the Une to 7th going up the hill to a 4th place when his throttle stuck and down Edward went••.Ron Nelson was In fifth when he and his Montesa parted compan y and John DeSoto was in second when Lady Luck decided to turn her face away from the Montesa team •••we won't tell on Ki m Kimball, the distributor , who got Invol ved i n the mud washl •••the sound of the big bikes laking off the line and the thought that we hope we never see the day when all we can listen too are two-strokes however good they are •••the Open A m atilur cl ass wi th Shamrock John Th oma s way out i n the lead and Di ck Allen a scrambles man In second and way out ahead of th e third rider even though hi s enthusiastic pt t crew dar n near knoc ked hi m off his Triumph wi th the custo mary shower bath of water just befo re the leI RETAIL PRICE 50 - 200cc $62.00 250 - up $72.00 S I FY M PEC AKE, MO DEL &FO RK S When 0rderi ng Dealer - Di st. Inquiries lnvitec 5046 Clamview S Baldwin Park, Cal if. (2 13) 962' 4319 t., CHAMBERS ENTERPRISES P.O. Box 20033 Long Be ach, Ca li f. 90801 R epresentative For TARBO- Vampire-Mondial ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HEY NO RM REEVES PARAM OUNT IS OPEN 9 10 9 M - FRI. ON. 15;45 Lakewood Blvd. (213) M 0-4313 E SUZUKI MAKES IT ... SO MAKE IT SUZUKI J. C. AGAJANIAN Present s . . A. M. A. ~,~19[~Y~t~a~@ce NIGHT ~ T. T. RACES SAT. NITE, .J UNE 1st SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACT ION DUNE BUGGIE RACES ON T. T. COU RSE H"d"r & San Diego Frwys. .............................. -------------------------• • EXPERT #J9 'SONNY' NUTTER SA YS • • : : • SATURDAY JUNE 10,h IS MY 10,h ANNIVERSARY • : : • WITH JACK BALDWIN MOTORCYCLE SALES • : : : co <0 ~ • S?.~ ~ :::l ~ AND I'M GIVING MY BOSS'S MONEY AWAY :c: "'" ...:J W ow Springs 5/26 / 68 ill A.C .A. Roa d Ra ce EVERY FRIDAY c.. "' o" ~ o 50cc Div. 2 G.P . MONDIAL 1st in SOce Prod. -------------------------- Steve Scott (Bultaco) here displaying 75 mph sweeper style that helped him get 57·second lead . over rest 01 field In 500 Expert class. Scott fell later. gj, '" .. :s Ul ITALJET VAMPIRE 1st & 2nd Quotable Quotes r-, : • • EVERYBODY GETS A BIG DISCOUNT • • : : • ARTS • : P -BIKES-ACCE SSORIES : • • : COME IN AND SAY HI : • • • • : 395-6650 or 394-7365 : • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • JACK BALDWIN M SALES IC • • 2705 P i c a B LV D., SAN TA MONICA, CALIF. •

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