Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 06 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• ~ ... '" D RATES: $15 per year (50 Issues) .. licit siagle IIaslaess listing, payable il advance, ~ ~~!.~ONA :::l ~ ~ t.:I ~ IIOITElELLO D owell R4.. PlIoen" 8SOO8. Tel (6021 27H671. : ~ TED EVAN S M otorcycle Sales MI Ser\llte. Comp lete d line of eeeesscnes lor Tnumph. Y~I and Bult.1co. Sheet and speed tuni l our specialty. Opea dally ! 10 n S. SaL 8"" Sun. & Ilon. 1 1W •• 'as'unlfon Bl ¥11 (2131 l!IG-Ja. IIOIIIEY .DlTEREY PAII I CALIfORNIA N ORII REEVES DOlNEY Honda, BSA, 11II BuI. 1Io1o . BU D STUBBS- ARIZONA HoD. Sol~nl all.ol A DV llz. Complete stod! of e~'Yttlln a: tor tf..D. FOUT tactorylui necl mecn..ics. Open 9-fi Tvrs.~SaL 2507 E. M e ALH AliBISA STEEN 'S 1635 .lley Bl ¥11 121 ~351. 3l t.:I Wholesa Inc. Rrtall,• • V 1 Forks and Rral Su sp ~ le and Cet'i3n ,.J o :... o DUDlEV PERKINS CO. H lIC .. Sal.s, 'vc.. -D i Beta, H ocL. KIWI. l~reest st lecbon 01 AeW andused ..'a ~y'lIilet'e. Wod. pacts & serVice ~ L -we trldt: Iof anyt'unt of value..· 95li E.. Firestll1e Bf'll1. C UI l I 86 90Q600. GAROEU All CleanflSo Taco Mlni·Bikes. Hoda SS Di rt Bikr5. ka "t he H • 01 SUP ERCOODIES" 8:30-S:30Mon- Fli., o• CBa«l ORS - Bullaco sales. We SYC. ~11 m es.. V T ak IIIi n ~ spares. Trail, street or sports: we f.1I the bill. Ch alile Hock & BIll Thorwalds:m. 1149 W EI Stgunltl ie . 8:30-2:00sal Bl ~ Calden~ ANAHE IM R BE R II. LA.I4'C SALES & SVe. 239 N. A h". O T na Blvd., An.ei, (11 533-1l>9. -W speaili ze in 41 e atter sates serYICe.- Trltllll h, Yamaha. Grieves. p Anail". NORII REEVES A EIM. 224 N NAH . Bl.4. (714) S35-];. . O.anl' County', ~iiest . 'e deal". Honda, I But. BSA, Ho4.. Moto Be & K l. .... CocnIl,.l! parts andservic e. BARSTOW say -HI· to Hank & Solo Suzuk i at the DESERT CYClE CENTER. 27 117 W M St., BaIStoW. The friendl irst . aIO sho & (Illy Cycle N dlr. in Barstow If your nan p ews . e was in last issu get iii Iree copy from us. Mon. thlU e sal 9 .. m.... Jl.lO, T.I. 2S6-2189. BE LLFLOWER BEL LFLO ER IVC SHOP.. INc.. 9135 E. Compiln ' 81¥11 (2 81k.. E. 01 LakOWJOd) Be llflo"". 92S0S091 -We _ati ze service..· Tn.. YanI." Man. PAUl' SH ARLEY'DAVlDlI3I1-16211 S.L",- B1~ B o..c Tel. ME " 1 P..l l . ... L.IIO ..lee. ellft m 01 new & used lIlO lOfcydes.. ' Ilte lor . ail orderparts new orused. BURIAIl ROEH RBROS. Inc. (Spoil' Lil. ) 311 N. V ictory BI~ Bulbank 8'2'18'1 . , 8'90' 921 U D lor V'" T.",. .s. ,s!. Yam., Mon., HoeL, K awa.. Yoto Guzzi, M e. Bonanza. / 'Ion. & FIl. 9-9 Tues. - Th 9-6. urs. CUOGA'AII IN TERNATION WC CO. 1233 Canol. Ave., Canol. AL " Park. (213) ~31lIIl. 100 01 usedpart.. Cyl. Iebors. Tn. Va.. H lIolooBeia. oel.. CITY OFINOUSTRY HONDA .H DRSEPO.I£R En~", t>u,ldonl and ",,,,, m fia tlon Po odi s. rfine /lid polisl'llne. ezpert crank r~ bltildinL biah pefformanct cams. b1 i bote and slltlker klts.etc.FoTfTee brochure send srllo-Jddlrssed s~ed ....lop toMOTORCYCLE SPECIALTIES COMPANY. . 926 All..... City ol lndo'try, Cal. 91 or call 1 111 213) 3»3611. S V H U E URD IIlTORCYCl ES- K .. BIll,Mal"'. a. N"Of.. G .. Due.. Mon., Hod. Ilatch re less.tOarts ealore. $efYlC! & P artskM ..~t wt sell 1405 Olyqllc Blva.. Ilont.t>.uo 1213) 121-<1166. (21311 66 S6-1 9. I ORAUl Deal.e Spea~1i ZJfte In Y.,atu el clusive Complete serVI ce. Pa ris. Sales. Open 9-6 every day ucep t Su~. -Home of The. Hi-Jinl Fami ly Moto,cycl e Club. 13200 SM An ton" • •1 th. SMt> An. Froy. HOND AOF GARDENA. I55IS S.lestem Ave.,Gamena. Ph: 710-0603 0' 323-8314. Bq!ft. pnwate t'lln. murse, tree rldlne InS!. Come inor all lot lull rnfo. CAS£Y'S CYClE REPAI R- BSA - Bul. Hodak.. Svc. 10 ees, Ccwnpl. lIIJ 1 dtine Sbop. Open TIt!S. thru Sat. &LEIDAU HON D OF Q.EIlDALE ...... ,.. meet lIle nicesl A n p"",I..• l.IIO _ 01 p.u. Fi est oer:lI. & coo"",", """"",eI. AI .. K.... & 11I'I.. ~ _ Id I,ke 10 meet you at!lll5 E.Colorado Sl. in C18lda1.. just_ss h.. . 1Io~ , Bil Boy. (213)215-2161. s-s, 10219 SM F..-m R4.. PIQl' ''' 896-1016 . NORM REEVESPARAMOUNT. Hon., BSA, 11II. Bul. HoeL. MotoBe & K L A...... , BlGG EST dealer. t> .... M O parts dt!pa,tm81L Huge serY depL 1S 5 ail ldrl lce 74 O aks. 14460 Ventura HONDA OF TEIlPLE CITY , 9228 E. Las Tunas, Tcql1e City. AT 7- 5949. Han. & G tor No re. rtheast a.u. Parts p lOlt MId svc. too. $ho wroom open MoIl.- sal 9.... Shop open T,...- sal 9.... HUNTIIGTOI BUCH BOil I1LSH IR H NDA. 11091 B.ach B E O lvd.. Hunbnt Ion Beach, Cal" . 922.1. Tel. (11') 8.2-5531. 01"'1' Coonty's newest Hondl deiltl. ~Ies. semce iIld Darts. ~k fmanana. ()pfD 7-7 TIIf~ ltml Sat...SundJy 10 Closed Mondays. UtdI. " c nf'tded. -6. TORRANCE PASAOERA HOCKIES MOTORCYCL ES - sales & , vc. 22025 S. Fiau erDI St.. Torr ance. H arbor Fwy. - Car'On S tumL 011. (213) 32B-12'2. G Y"'k.., Ossa, Hod. Also le., U . CIIUBBUCK H-D SALES - H .... nl the Road Riders. "e SpeQ,liu in Pmonalized SefYIC!. - lJi I E.' alnut SL. Pasadlm.. (213) SY 2-lllll. Ilsed tikes. BestPlrls SClC)ly in town. We Stl'YiCt wtJat .. sell. CompI.I. oadl. mp - EJlIl, toni' l & mech. ...... H,,"~ 10-7.Closed Sun. & lion. M TY' S FOREIGII IIlTO RS BU' - IIlTD ZZI AR -GU II;LEWOOO CIIl'EL l CY ClE SHOP, 10'27 P.... A Inil" ve., _d. OR HSl1 Malch.. Hod.. Bul CocnIlI.te parts iIld Svc.lorall os. ()pert 6 day, 9-1. Phone (21 m -0616 " (/I' ) 622-~ll. Authorizer! Sales-Servtee-Parts-AtceSSOfies. ClubMeIlIbers weI3) Hlriey-Dawidsoa rlr. toe pOIlDfta. FuJI lineof pIrts & COIIO ' 11311 • • c.rson SL (al .est" n) TO RRANC E. I ICttS. Quality seh'lC! a fully .J1p L StfYIce depL . .,1. So.ol SM Do", F... Tel l2Il-11I1lI Svc. Hrs.B-1. : HARLEY-DAVlDlI3N OF INGLEWOOD901 II. LaBlea BllId. Autm nzed H-D dealer tol Inrl ewood area. Special izing in Road riders KteSSo & parts for all models. Fu I!IJ'I_ service depL withlaeL trained ll medl . Open T....- Sal 9-0. 67H6Il'J. . prts' ONE STOP CYCLE SHOPPIN - Auth. " led dll. tor C Hon., Tri.. Gr .. BMW. sales. S t vc. Ill$,. Bi ll K ..... H ond>-Til""""" 1251 S. La Btea B1¥11. I' il" _ 4. 61B-SIllS. · Th IVCOeol Sil...• . H ARLEY-DAVI~ OF POlION A-12'1 • • Holt Bl ¥11 I. REIIOII; TUJ UIGA NORBERG'S MOTOR CENTER. 2lJS6 Eureka '.y, Red.inL CaI,I. 96IXJ 1.(91 2'3-1660. _ -Flc 8:30 6) O lorcyeles ",d il 5:30 sal 8:30 to S: O. Yamaha IIo . Dat3A! astos. Race T~i RIo custom p.ts & acetSsori~ bonne.rnachlrUlle. . ,lIlfIIbeJds. WCIftSUfillCt.. aVII ~ IIlle. 'ONE STOP CYCLE SHOP: CRESCEN TAV LL EY SPORT CYCLES.7139 FoothIll ' A B I~ TUlunl. Calof. 910. 2. 352- S9I7. V . ..., H o4.. LA.DALE CYClE - s.z.. BSA, V._1e, Oneall.. -Best deJler ill 10. - Speedr l-day seniCf IS OUt _ ~. H _ B1 od. TeI_ ~ SP 2-1822 - 67600161. LOI; lEACH DALE BROWN II'C'S, 2"1 Lon Ileaclt Bl¥11. lo nl l Beach. 127~9 11. SUZukI. Bidtaco. N .rton, Oocab, Ha fIll lr N 01 RiverSl lSr Fwy. 620 N. U3In at R lf' . lvel ~oad (11' ) 135-S600. CULYEll CI TY LOS UGEUS HARLEY·DAVIDSON INLOSAIICELU IRlm_,,, Co. 2531 S.M . Sl ..~ L A. RI ~Z35. 'LOll's! HoD ) a . seMC! and parts h ~a rters In U.1.A. Ca lor n pickup or deliYet)' 5efYtCt. WEST LOS Al GELES PJrts-l n:s.~Ren tals. , Pottine fof all ...stroke brands. II VERSI DE SKIP FORDYCE IIlTORCYCl E CENTER. ...... been kJld it's one of ArlIeritl'S tnOst taq)lrle . d modem laaliti.... Shop lIle Bil Store lO1d SAVE _ere the baflains Ife. In Itte middle olliai ll Street at .t 1'11I. RIverside (11') 611-41. 1. or '1Ii". TED'S Import, - Tn sal.. & Sol~e.. Competition . de3ff1 bikes ready-Io-win in SIln. -We will take cars in tr.- 11126 $alta Mania B lvd.. t . l os Anlere!, GR 3-1101 - _ 1 days, b:t' J .K. Lacey When Sldp Van Leeuwen ventures into the Pacific Nor thwes t area of Wasblngton/Oregon be leaves bebtnd bls s unny California and the potent Van Leeuwen! DlI.nny Macias/Triumph combination that has terrorized the As cot troops of late. There be teams with Gene Curry of Por tland, Oregon , who tunes Skipper'S Northwes t ride wbUe managing Jack Le igh ' s Uulted Motor cycles dealersblp, also in Portland. Gene, once blmself a racer, has been motor cycl1ng some 14 years, doing all wrencb-twisting bl mself, maintaining bls own macb1nes, Trtumph. C-z. WASHINGTON BUDSCIIAT IIlTORCYClES - Ovcah. Hodaa, IIoto A SeaIU., ' ash. 981 31 Ph: (206) U 6-2lJ1lI. .... IA/C's & PARTS JIM'S CYCLE SHOP · U palls Hdol. i. the west.' ..d Wr tkIy and sell ust d motorcycle parts. cu tiIlks /lid sL A lIiIlhe A .. . Lyn...od. NE H 298. . INSURANCE ' THE IIlTORCY CL E INSURA NCE .RlTER' s nco 1931. fu .. ~ 'II, CllIftP.. P.O. & al. in tYde Insurancr OI1d Dealr, insuratce. JOHN MAY · NARD INSURANCE. 3441 IIotol Ave., Lo, AnJlOl . s, IiL 5 Ca 836- 211. LEATHER APPAREL CUSTOM MADE motorcycle ~arel. Number chtllres. altelation s and zippers rf.l)taced. Clancr Amberlo ABC c.,tom Lealh" s, 98111 S. AII",b, Ave., Soulh G. le, Cali l. 90280. Plxln~ (213) S6l-1lS Open 8 .. m. to 0. t 30 PJll. Mort. Ituu Frr. By appointment only sa turday. EVlll'lin, appointments lYailable. O!_ions. Full Pirts. service n Actns. One ~odl _ . 1 Inland Cente<. 86 • • Colton A.... 1 san Bernardrno. Phon. TU 5-3441. IHlmER HARl EY- DAVIDSON fullliftenewand used .otoKycfesP'rtJ& ,.,vice depl Lots of COClvtls.JtU:la serve you 11'11 het tonee. Open Mon.-Sal . 't '" GUY URQUH ART - TIU.llp11, V ... ~ ... TritJoph. _ Y_a, Indi... Anel & c....... parts - I day ••11 lOll CoIllOllria SL. SM lli'lO, Ca hL ••,""IC" SAl FRAICISCO PACIFIC HONDA - Ilontesa "110. Cal. Ho. 10. Ire Sp Jlhstl al e of latflflltional prestiae-· Featunae P~ fie n 'l"t. S¥C."'1larts-oecess. & Tech. ~tioa 1"""1 avai labl. . lIon. saL 9-7. Paafie Honda, 6ll P~oetto. Pac,I,CI,Calil. 359-<1161. Hills. 018- 7865.Yoof lllllldly nei~rhood dealer fo. BSA" Honda & Bu l1aco. Complete parts and se rvice depl l E BA RD & UNDERIOOD. 22 E. 1 1 ..,,,.. 1 Hoy. L. Hallla,pllon'llH19-!252 or 213-li9 1-31 0~ ' Sorv ice is oof m iddle l\Illle-. BSA. Hondl, BMW. Also now at 18351 Im perial Hwy.. Yorba Lind1. AKRONT ALLOV RIllS AND STAI NLESS m EL 9'OKES. F,ee titetatur IC*l recJ.lest. N AIIlencan e Olth IlllPOrls., Pos Office Boa 621.Garden Grovt. Ca ilorn t l ia 926l2. Phone: 1I1-531 39Il. ... possible are macblned from 60- 61 T6 aluminum. Noticing every visible nut bad been cut down to ODe-half Its original thi cknes s 1 asked why. "To get light, man," answered Gene, neve r looking lIP. "Ya' gotta get light. west. " Sldp and I were brougbt together for the '65 CasUe Rock Na ti onal by Jack Le igh," recalled Gene. "Our other rider bad dec ided to quit an d I bad tb1s engine all bui lt but bad s tuck It away a few months before. Jack got Skip to come up so we took a ne w TR-6 off the fioor, yanked the e ngine, and s tuc k our racer one In.'' ThIs engine bad never been r un so Gene took It out to Delta Parkfor testing. " The darn thing scared me slllyr" "I'd neve r ridden a forty-incber so strong," remarked Gene. " At the Na tional Sldp' s heat was the fastest, wbIcb he won, but later be fell off in the MaIn and that ended our casUe Rock for that year." Basically the Curry rig Is a 1963 Trtumph, standard bore and p1stonS. with no deep down bidden go-fast secrets. 'Ibe spark plugs are re-located In the Y_ alia brake laced to Akront ri m BROIN FAIRING COMPANV - \peti. lizi' l in c.stoon Fairin,,- T~ks. and Seats. J.O. Brown, IlJ41 Pafana' ' . y. sanl Ana, C I. 92701. (11') 633-1627. Cu_ . ali lIPair 00 all fiberetass components. heharc. prllll3ry Cfa'lkase, p s . d 011 tank repair. steal IIId ~ Ioy weld. l15!l V "cilJl> Rei.. Lo AnI'I.. ' 901161. Phon~ 22 1-1579 or 212 -9182. saves as _ell as 10 Ibs. oyer standard Trlllllpllllllll••I. SCl eci~l i Zine in • Bo rinl S1em fti - Vain Gnnlinl • Seat Grind,ni • Valve Seats • Hrad Porbne • Head& Cylindel Sirrlacina- The Only Genuinr Litdl Guides & COBal's · Bored Cy liodrf Exchanee On Hondas • Ffre Pick UP & Deli"" • Fasl Sol~co. ' 23-1133. SI05 AtlilltrC, LongBea ch. JACK O'BRI EN PAlNTlNC - C... tonk & " Imel paonl, fi ~lll ss M)r compl. wred& lebu ild." _eel lacme & k.. Iork straiihtenine. tire hardlllin£,. Free pickup and ~ deal" .. 21131Colorado A .... SMt> Mon,ca, dtI,.. ~ «iH 311 _ IOIT1l DEli CAl COITlIUT flywheel. All busb1ngs and spacers wherever Gene Curry, tuney of lIM hot Trlulllph Skip Van L . _ rides .... II. JourlllJs to lIM N..-tb- _ y1bina. lowest pncn. Valvts., UMilolds., folk braces., Skid plates. Valve seats inst3l lec1. FoB. tlbes "'y l., ilIJ. HERB L1 TCII IIACIIINE SHOP at lonl Beach H onda. KOLBE CY ClE SHOP 22 20 Del V.lle, . oodl.nd . YORIA L1laa SAIIIE&O SERVICES BARN EY' S IIACIIINE SHOP 15145 lak. - BI ~ P. -...l 631-lSlS. Cylinder bonnl- •• D ' FLOREN nNE'S CUSTOM 'ELDING - C.s, .rc, III1n1ER woo IILD 0 HI LLS THE 1110 lIltEEl ER - Trillftllllt. SUZuki. Bultaco. HOIIIt PETE JOSEPIl' S HOUSE OF VAIIAHA - B 11II. SA, Bullaal. Yamalla ~ .s, _co & Parts. N ",OIl PI\" o . " l O C Open Ilon. thl> Sal 8:30-S:ll. .A. . lie stars 1lIy Iheir 2-whrel cars.· 11 Santa Moni ca 975 BI ~ I .d••est 01 s. 0,'10 Foy. CaJlCR H 111 101 plo.up and delivery servtce. bead, now vertical and between the rocker boxes mak1ng a true hemispherical cham ber wbI1e the 19n1tion has remained energy transfer. All rocker arms are ground an d we1gb exactly the same, as are the Slfton pusbrods; the cam follower s are drilled for lightne ss. Cams are by Connolly of Portland. BIIlanced to perfec tion are the engine sprocket, clutch hub, cl utx:bcente r, slator r otor, and of course the crank and s tory and P hotos gMPSllN IIlTORCYC LESal.. & sm.. HodaU. J. ... Rex. Bullaal. Complel. sal.. & serv. deIll Full nne 01 parts & ace 1026 S. 1st SL. Las Vrp s. n. Nev. 1 ~k. E. 01 Mar n, PHONE: (1112) 382-'2112. H AfCO II)TO RS- Hon.. HDCl.. IUw Sa . les-$erVlCf- LONG BEACII VAIIAHA. V D.a1"101 Lonl Beaclt ao. _ a. Ie serVIce all. 09en 6 dayS 9-&:ll ill Lone Beach, 358D E. Paal" Coast H (213) '33-9981. ... LONC BEACII TRII1lPH SALES, 62' •• Paa he Coast Hwy.. I:JlnI 8eactI ~ 1sa. -Best 1eMC! ..lillble. sooo•.,ziOi in ........... Tn. Ka. b en & Due. Klw.. Sales & SYC., sp eqJipL. co eed mpleteinsuran ce. 1 finarla n&00'1. Our ftC)ut1tion is bonll on SeMel. 1163 PlCO B1vt1.. 1 • • L A. G 8- An..m'l S'H69 I. Wf'1I do th lest. e PACOIMA HARLEY-llAVlDSllN OF LONG BEACII ];~ l onl Beach Bl~ lll;-11D1. H-D deal" lor Lonl Be aclt ¥ ea. Fu liM 01 parts & xcn. lortlotti Road & e-p., ll rid.... Top ~ ,ty - co. 'oily _ S¥C. deIll Open T..... -Fn. a..... sal b' I. eo.p. . ~ -or. ,e County's oIaest eslabhstled H lJt~ Cltaler.H , Tllumph. Kawas;;. ,. (114) 531-<17'2. _ JUST SEN DINYOUR LISTI N Gwith 101 S7S .,d SEATTLE CUST1lll aTY SPORTS CEIlTER Sale' & Svc. Va.. iii_ires, tes,file !rail... ars!. aaes. us 1001.. }'OIl doll. buy...II. Irade. 15121 S. Aa",tic, see WHEN TRAVELING NEAR SAN JOSE. STOP & VlgT SAIl SR. & SAIl JR. Compl el' pall' ",d ~I lor H -D 1llOdeIs. Fine we, dept. VI5'tUS welcome. Sal Arena, H POOIel',2921Ilont"" R4.. SM Jos.. 22 -D 7-l1121 M lsgDN H ILLSM sales & Sol. 8730 Sepul"d.. B 'C SA & Oue.· W stock thf ~a 'eslor VIiIat we sell.- 18Soc289. e SACUliEliTO r..... • SAM JOSE N o"'~k. Phon~ 868 -~991. Musllnl- Colnplete parts. ~tteS1orles. lfI4 servi ce. ../C insurance. Finanant. ASk. about OUI disco lllt dub.. Wald! for ouIlll)flttlly speci~ls l COIIPTOI enthusiasts welcome. 655 Ellis St., San Francisco. Telephon ~ PRo",,,t S-S321 EDKRETZ & SllN CYClE SHOP.lI1 E. Car,,!, Ave., _ "" Part. AT Q.82«' Tn., Hon., 11II ...s Sol. ·SAIT A AU Complet. parts& see ee, E"Il"l bInl nl & lI Ana. ' JEN K SPORTS CENTER - · Th E.lra Sol.. ee INS . Sian , Rickman uensse Kits. Magula Lev s. Filtltln " ' JlIl, repai r. 01 all lUkes. pnuine H-D parts. · W ship e atywtttff via mail ordef.- se rvicemen 3110 all m It 6 day'8.... IlOTO RCYCl E SE RVICE CEIlTER. Bul.-Hod. •• !il!MCr ill nV c~ Complete m ach. Stop for custom work. Z2D E. Hun tington Dr., Monrovia. Open 6 l!ay$ 8-li. N F"Ji'ls, Cary G ed llllon 351-227 1. Welgbt Is our biggest threat on the tracks this year. " I' ve got abo ut all the borse power out of thi s I can get," he said, poin ting to number 59, " S O now we' re really going to go 11gbt." Thus the Yamaha front brake spindle laced to the nineteen Ineb Akront rim, utilizing aluminum nipples and allay spo kes. (One spoke and nipple - 13.7 grams . One pound, 1.8 OZS. for nipples and spo kes per wheel vs . approximately three pounds for standard parts). " I saved about ten pounds buildIng this front wheel," said Gene, "and every ounce counts. Throw all the we1ght saved Into a bag an d carry It around and you'll soon see what 1 mean. Van Leeuwen won the Northwest T T opener at Boise earlier this year aboard this bike , an d led the race last year unUl collidIng with a slower rider . Sldp has won the MaIn event at the Sidewinders weekly TT races at Portland more than Jus t a few times, placed well a t WasbIngton's Graham Speedway and at CasUe Roc k, who r un bl-monthly TT events on their Nati onal track. Gene bope s for the National win the re a t CasUe Rock this year and at the rate Sldp has been going ther e Is no reason why not. 1966 saw Van Leeu wen with a burt knee cop a third. Last year, wbUe leadIng, the bead of the s winging arm bolt sbeered and jammed, leavi ng Sldp with no r ear brake . With the ti me and care that goes Into this macblne, and money no object , Sldp Van Leeuwen has one r em arkable Trlumpb awaiting. This could well be the year be and Gene dominate whereve r they s bow and capture those few r e maining races that have pr oved so elus ive in years gone by. (Res ults on pag e 16) •

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