Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 06 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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MESSIN' AROUND AT MESA SPEEDWAY ,. StOl'Y an d Pbotos I:lY BiU Harmer 1 '!be Elrperts M.C. presented a prograrn d TI racea Sunday, May 19 at the Mesa ~ y on otay Mesa, South of C hula Vlsta. '!be early morning coastal fog buroed off In time for the practice circuits and by the time the girls li ned uP for the first moto of the Powder Puff series, the sun was beating down mercilessly \IlOI1 the air e a d y hard-baked speedway surface. Tireless hours of work by the members of the Experts club bad the course In beautiful condition and they are to be commended for their • 2SOcc "0Y!" wi Inta f1nt turn .t II Order yo... custom set up c0mpetition HODAKA, NOW! Glrllnc shoe... - Est..ded Front Forks 19" Front ""eel - Bobb),oJoA lrClun•• Choice of T ires - Crowell Port Job .....b. Plale - Skid Pla t. Crowell Tuned P ipe - Fork Breee 18427 Prairie, Inglewood Phone (213) 613-5562 11)'- CerIer, defendlnc Open E"Pert point eII.p, JOt bedl Into wl..lnC 1t)'1. . . d captured .11 thr.. IIOtaS In cl.... An Impressive grOuP of machines took the field to compete for the Open Novice crown but Triumph-mounted Gary Pendleton out-gunned them all to win high point standing. Triumph rider Pe te AnhIsta looked good taking second and Roy Laws displayed Improved skill by snatchIng third spot, Friends and Neighbors AU the winners In the 100cc classes live on the same block In Spring Valley. Carol Chiara captured the Powder Puff derby while her neighbors, Earl Roloff Jr. and Jim Harmon shared the ir Yamaha to win the Novice and Expertclasses. It was ll-year-old Earl's first time to win the Main In his class . Big (daddy) Earl, who Is the genial sales manager at Guy Urqubart's san DIego Yamaha and Triumph store, has another boy who Is only 8 years old, and already a good motorcycle r ider. When he grows enough to touch the ground, Earl says he 'll be In tbere, too, on a speclally-bullt Yamaha 8Occ. Ollpl.)'I.C the form . 1til will ch he took the lOGcc E"Pert d ... II J im H.rmon. Thoup IlIp In JlOlnts It .u hll li n t '68 sw..p. In winning the l OOcc Expe rt class , J im Harmon did not have an eas y tim e and if It weren't for the bad luck of old maste r Jim McGuire on his " reed induction" Hodaka special, who had a throttle bre ak In the second moto, the outcome could bave been different . With just a little more luck Jim Dunn on a Brldgeslone could have hung up a win. When these three boys are competing the breaks a r e Important as they are all ex cellent jockeys. Behind winner Carol Chia ra, pressing her all the way In the Powder Puff classic, was Hodaka -mounted Deb Rean, followed by Susie Fa ucher also riding a Hodaka. Besides running all three motos, Carol and Susie did the lap scoring for the entire program which even In the cab of a pickuP truck was a very warm job. '!be Experts M.C. put on a beautifull y timed program witll the very minimum of delay, a good sized crowd lined the fen ces and r iders an d spectators alike hac. an ememely enjoyable afternoon. (Res ults 011 ~" I C) Class hit top ti me with 4.81 seconds. The ()peD Class seems to be what everyone walts for . Ins tead of having the class during Intermission It was decided to walt unW tile climb was completed . Having the ()peD Class a t intermission has caused several damaged machines so that tile rider s couldn't run again for their second chan ce. I've )lOtic ed more and more new, interested hill-climbers a t each meet I've THE MOTORCYCL EINSURANCE WRITER Sm ce ;"7 JOHN W MAYNARD . 3447 MOT O R A V E. , L. A. 9003 4 836·5211 BRIDGESTOIE If, ~GTR _ .. THE HOTTEST .. _ _II 350 GOING ,. , ... _ So. Cat IkCel_ Dlllr.l_ (ZUI 772.zt. HOlliE HALL FLIES 011 A BENELLI Wrile: Jesse C. Levine Nalional sales MlIIagef COSMOPOLITAN WTORS, INC•. DepL A., 5521 Wayne Ave., Philadelphia. Pa. 19144 __d t1111 bike ..uti the m.clc ribbon u .ell. tators. Frank Durso won his class (40 " Expert) on his mighty BSA and In the Open INSURANCE FOR DEALER INFORMATION IN SELECTED AREAS 'Ibe san Jose Dons are one of the oldest and best-organized motorcycle clubs In the United states. They organized tbelr club hack In the early 1930' s, ThIs year they put 011 their annual sanctioned hIllclimb at tile well-known Halls Ranch, near Gilroy, Calif. The May 12 climb started promptly at 11 a.m, with over a hundred rid e r s and about 1,5000 spec- day. =~~ CROWELL Oxford It was cool and crisp throughout the day, perbaps reaching 60 degrees, but that didn't stop the crowds complete wltII blankets, chairs and picnic haskets. Ambulances, Fire Department members, AMA offlc1als and some of the best referees I' ve ever seen were also on hand. No snlshaps occurred during the ~~ ~=::~= by DONS H'LLCLlM8 I:lY M.J. !:: HODAICAS ------------SAN JOSE Slory lUld Pbolos iNTENsiFIED :~ efforts. . With Don Matthews, star of the " Mike ' s Speed ~" team , still on the disabled list and AI Finan walking with a limp suffered In his last Mesa en, the ()pen Expert event looked like a "shoo-In" for last year's champion, Myron carter. With the exceptio n of the first two laps of the fir s t moto, when AI Finan sparkled, before he broke his front wbee1 hub 011 Earl Roloff's Norton, things went exactly as predicted. Carter led from start to flag-fall In all three motos, looldnc the champ that he Is. PerJlaps the most hotly contested class was the 250CC Elrpert division. A regular contender In tbIs class, Ray Vanderpool, couldn' t get his Yamaha ready In time and dl

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