Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 05 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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c .... _. USED PARTS ALL MAKES 40% TO 60% Off 00 se .... '" • YAMAHA DElLER • SCRAMBLER MOTORCYCLES .11 W. " ...k Blvd. lurlllllk, CaUl. ae-st07 or 145-1731 Ed.. 7 ASCOT SKIP DOES IT AGAIN ATASCOT TT Sto ry by Ca ro l Si ms P hotos by neon is G ree ne Skip Van Leeuwen and D -anny Macias' Trill1lph were once again the winning combination at the monthly Ascot Park TT Steeplecllase program hel d SatlU'day night, May 6 over the Gardena, Calif. twist, twn aad jump j:Ourse. ~ #59 Sk ip Van Leeuwen, Triumph, and lhe winner's checkered flag are becoming a habit al ASCDI TT evenl s. Firsl Harley to fi nish lI1e Main wa s thai of 4111 place Melt L awwll l (18), whD had earli er won hi s heat race. Alex Chinowskl le aped Into the lead on the first time around, then Ron Pierce took over on lap t wo. By la p 3 Mark Brel sford had moved In to fi r st plac e and held It for the rest of the ten la ps . L ots of position- swappi ng went on bet ween Pi er ce and Chinowsk! as Jim Peter son ( BSA) move d up to chall enge. The fi rst f our were close all the way . SEE Y O U R DEALER Sleady Eddi e Mulder (12) and hi s Tr iumph wound up thl rd In Ihe Trophy Oash, third In I he Main EvenL I\ lex Chlnowskl (35x) IDDk his heal rae.. the Amaleur lIain bri efly, unlDaded from Tr iumph while fightin g for 2nd. MOTO-COSF YER RS L 11 was the Ihlrd time in three outings at Ascot that Van Leeuwen had turned back the Main Event troops, and by a healthy margin, too . Bul first he beat out Dallas Baker (BSA ) in his heal race, then took the measure of Dusty Coppage (Triumph), Eddie Mulder (Triumph) and Mert Laww1ll (H -D) in the 3-lap Expert Trophy cash. The Trophy Dash finish was a sign of things to come . Though Coppage grabbed the lead at the start of the final and held it fo r almost two laps . Skip came storm Ing by on the front stralghtaway and was never headed thereafter. Dusty r emained In second , and Mulder held Ihlrd all the way. Lawwill got by fellow Harl ey ri der Cal Rayborn and Paul Bostrom ( Tr iumph) In the early going to take fo urth , while the most agr ess i ve performance of the evening was turned In by Dan Haaby (H- D) . Winner on the half-mile the ni ght before , Haaby mad e the TTMain the hard way, beating out Bostrom, Jack Simmons (No r ton) and Jack 0' Brien (Triumph) in the semi for transfer posi tions to the 15- lapper . Then Dan worked his way up from far back In t he pack ( 11 th) to take over fifth ahead or Ralph White (Triumph), BI1l Manley (Tr iumph) and Baker ( BSA) at l he chec ker . Amateur Action A three-way T rlu!JIph go for first place I n the yellow- plal e Main Eve nt spiced up early lap proceedings . Heat race wi nner lOOci: SENIOR CLASS 1st DAN ETHERIDGE-HODAKA - .I....... • Hansen Hauls To Novice Win Six jam -packed heat races sorted out the Novi ce Main Event lineup. First and lOOcc JUNIOR CLASS 1st TOM RAPP -HODAKA 2nd RUSTY BURKERT-HODAKA For a first..hand demonstration of HODAKABILITY, visit your dealer for a free test ride. -----n --""'CO .-.1'...... for the dealer nearestyou.wr ite: Amateur Main Evenl winner #47y Mark Brelsford comes ever the jump. A real atl- areunder, he was 2nd In half-ml le race the night befDre. But, wi th one la p to go, Chl nowsk! got I nto the firs t turn a little too hot and went down, ending his chances fo r a topspot !inish. Brelsford l ed Pierce, Pete r son, Ji m Rice (BSA ) and Butch Tu rner ( Tri ump h) to the !lag. P.O. lOX n7 ATHENA. oaEGON 97813 /I0!),,, , /I0!),,,, /I0!),,, , 11(1)'''' /lOll'''' /lOll'''' /I0!),,,, 1I0!)'" , Oauntless Ousty CDppace ( 32) was an early leader i n the Experl Main, wDund up secDnd 10 felIDW Tri umph ace Van Leeuwen In bolh Oash and IS-lap fi nal.

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