Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 05 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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»; . . - .. _. . - ",:- ""- . ,.. Harley -mounted Cappy Skene (Iv) powers his way to victory In the Open A Class Main E..nt ahead of #6Y ROC- Stanley (Triumph). The lead changed hands at lea st ten times m.rlng the race. Story and Photos by Vic Ebbutt SCRAMBLING AT CASTLE ROCK Cooli ng off period for two slightly off-cour se Open Class compsters - #6. Roger Stanley (T riumph) and Harley rider T iger WIlliams (90w), who manages a smile and wave In spite of It all. Bearded ri der finds that the first turn Is no pl ace to lake a nap. No Inju ries resulted Just ruffled feelings and slight dlsCOlllfort. • mounted Cappy Skene ot Tacoma and Roger Stanle y, Washi ngton' s 1967 tOP Novice from Bur ien , swapping the lead at least ten times In the 10-lap event._ Cappy ' s Harley gaining the lead In the stretcb each time and losing It to Roger 'S Triumph on the turns. The !1nl sh line, being at the end of the stretch, must be responsible for Skene's victory, wbich he attained after r iding nine laps with bis brake pedal torn oft. Though only five foot three and about 120pounds, dripping wet, be is nine feet tall aboard bis Harley-Olvldson. Young Dan Kirk, ri dinga Kawasaki , bad li ttl e trouble winning the 200cc A Main, nor did 15- year- old Jim Elnar r son, In the 250cc A Main, also on a Kawasaki. Both boys are trom Shelton, Washington. Coming trom far bebind in the 12- bike SOOcc " A" Main, Bob Reed of Vancouver did a beautiful, steady job of threading bis way through the pack to take flrst_ Summing up this day's racing, It can be described fully with one word Terrific! (Results on page 16) Taking advantage of beautiful, sunny weather on April 21, 167 motorcycle riders put on a performance for approximately 600 spectators that will not soon be forgotten at Castle Rock, Wasb. On this, the most magnificent TT track in the Nor thwest, speeds are attainable that are unusual for a scrambles. Aided by a club that knows bow to present an event prOPerlY,the affairs are aiways a suc cess as attested by their being bosts to the Na tional TT Cbampionsbip each July. To be brutally frank, the 100cc beats do not usually turn me on, but the duels between Mark Nimick and B111 Langley on their two Hodakas in the Tropby Olsh and the Mains were as spectacular as any racing I bave seen. Wheel to wheel and handlebar to handlebar, for five laps on the 5/ 8- mil e track, the outcome was in doubt even as they crossed the tinisb line, but the winner was declared to be Mark in the Olsb and Bill In the A Main. Skene/Stanley Swap _ The Open Class A Main proved to be the same type of race with Harley- FAR-OUT FAR WEST MOTO-CROSS By Tom Dilling Sunny and clear weather greeted over 40 racers at the "Don Turnbull Motor- cycle Playground" on Sunday, April 28, for the last rougb scrambles that the Far West M.C. of Eureka, Calif. has planned tor this season. The Moto-eross style event was held on a hand-made course twisting around brush, through a clear area, and squeezing between large unmovable objects such as redwood tr ees and thos e big, big stumps. Jack Williamson ot Arcata planned and then laid out the course, rode around at speed tor five laps and then retired to the job of flagman. The majority ot the half-mile-plus course was visible from any one place as the pits were set up in an area out of the way. Cars to Bikes In the 0-I00cc class the final tally sbowed Hodaka-mounted Olve Luzzi in the number one spot. Dave is a retired stock car racer and seems to be !1guring out the fas t way around with a sc ooter too. Bill Hunter of " the Hodaka- out-tolunch bunch" spent the -afternoon tearing around with a big smile on his face and pulle d the 2nd place troph y. Vernon Long could not seem to !1nd a place long enough to use all the suds he bas packed Into his Honda and settled for 3rd. Rob Roy Ntels on used bis Bultaco to win the 101- 200 class . second was another Bultaco rider , Dave Jackson. Third went to Honda- mounted Bill Nichols . Br ian Lee rode bis new 250 Yamaha si ngle to two very impressive fir s t then looped It on the li ne at t he s tart of the last 5-139 heat, pic ked her up, and with his adr enalin count up to about 100%, took after the troops and pulled a 3r d in the heat for overall first place trophy. Young Glenn Corner (Honda) took 2nd while showing s ome of the mor e mat ure r acers how to get around a given dis tance in the s hortest amount of time . Don (Darn) Wright ended up 3rd on his new Yamaha s ingle . (I thought there was s ome kind ot a rule about racing with a cigar In your mouth wbile wearing cowboy boots. Or is 11 vice-versa?) Open Class tor B riders winner was Ed Frisbee on a Triumph. Second place and prime nominee for the "crazy old man" trophy went to Mr. Ross Kuhnle on his BSA. Tim Warlick, also BSA, picked up srd. Three For Kuhnle Expert-rated Gordon Kuhnleborrowed a nomad Bultaco for the 250 "A" class and made a lot ot dust while fighting for 3 nrsts, Trusty old Slim Jokela and bis trusty new BSA were 2nd. Montesamounted Elwood Anderson lall1ed enough tor 3rd. Iron Man Gary Howard was first in the Open " A" class withbis Triumph. Lou Brero 011 bis Husky was second. Two special classes were run tor the younger riders and tor lack of anything else we called them Junior and Juvenlle. Jay Minty (Honda) won the Junior DIvis ion with Yamaha-mounted Jerry Marquardt runnerup, The Juvenile event went to Scott Turnbull (Honda) with Lou Brero following on a much- modified macbine that s tarted lite as a Yamagucbi but changed by bis dad to !it him. Very Speci al T rophy! The Far West or ganiza tion has a unique trophy that they justlove to award for any r eason. The trophy Its elf is the s outh half of a northbound horse but It Is not called this. At this meet it was presented to Byrel Zollo for spraining bis ankle in practi ce . Tha t In Its elf is not too bad but he was wearing low- cut boots and is als o our AMA r eferee. Congratulation, B.Z. As mentioned, this event was held on Don Tur nbull' s proper ty and I would li ke to say thanks to him from all motorcyclists . Don has donated his time and equipment to build r oads, cut brush, bulld par king areas, install sanitary facili ties, and al so fight a legal battle over it all. He doesn't r a ce - just works so we can . Res ults will appea r next week. Keep California Free... UME What You Get JOIN memb er ship c a rd e nti tli ng you to all pre s en t and fut ure b ene- When You Join What yo u g e t i s th e s a t isfa ction of knowi ng tha t your interests are being looked ou t for i n Sacramento, a nd t hat yo u aredoing yourpart to help pro t e ct the e njo ym e nt o f moto rcycl e riding in th e s t a t e o f California. If you joi n your s up po rt wi th U . ~ I. E . , mi stake n moto rcycle laws can be avoi d ed. You also ge t a .~I.E . fi ts, Plu s yo u'll re c ei v e a ni c e I etter fro m you r lobbvi s t as we ll as a ll' future m: lilings. " C l u bs will ge t a n irnpre ss i ve ly e ngraved corti fi c a t e of mem be rshi p s uitable for frami ng. Member s hi p fe e s wi II be u s ed e xcl usi ve ly for lobby ing purpo s e s a nd a s s uc h a re no t tax dedu ctibl e. Un i te d Motorc yc le E n t h u s i a s t s i s a no nprofi t par ty . MAILING ADDRESS: U.M.E., Box 1154. Res eda, Calif. 91335 ----------------------------- Plea se enro ll the follo wing as a me mber of Un ited Molo rc yc le Enthusiasts of Ca liforni a: o o (n ame of person, fa mily, de aler or c lub appl yi ng for mem ber s h ip) rIJ (mai ling address , unles s member wishes to re mai n a nonymo us) (city) T ype of Membersh ip App lied Student or Assoc ia te•. .• . F ull Membersh ip . . . . • •• Family Membersh ip . . . . Club Membe rship Dealer Membership (state) For 53. 0 5. 0 10. 0 12.0 25. 0 L .:p~n~':.?~L~e~~~~ ~ 1~0 . 0 (zip) Please enclose curre nc y. c he c k or mone y order. M~I L ~ o z z o ..., TO UNITED MOTOR CYCL E ENTHUSIASTS , BOX 1154 RESED A, CALIF. 91335

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