Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 05 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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·"s·Ac"R·s"· KIRK TAKES SO. CAL. HARE TRAIlIlIfS Hercules Dis" Co. LT D 1171. Santa M onica Blvd, Los An,.I •• 3, Cali f. 90025 ..,.. I""'" ,." I.'••••" ••••,•• CAUTION ADULTS AT PLA Y HEYI Trail Bikes Story by Dick ll'riehl P bolos by Jeff ll'ridJ t The lead changed many times. but when the dust settled at Californi a City, Cal. on May 5. Steve Kirk, #27 Open Expert. wheeled his big Triumph across the finish line first. taking the win of the two 4D-mile-Ioop Hare Scrambles against a large entry of 225 combined Open and 250cc riders. NORM REE VES DOW NEY is loaded willi used bikes 953& E. Firestone Blvd. 869-0600 PANTSIINS No pockets , no looling. j ust you in skin tlllht black leather. SOlt, tough, black cowhi de leather Dts you Uke yo ur favori te • white- jean s. $31.50 p pd • PANTSIINS P .O. Box 75775-(; Lo s Angel es, calif. 90005 First plac. overall and Open Expert wenl to Steve Kirk (27) (Triumph) aft. much Iu dswapplnl took place. (Send ·tllb!" waist and Insu m measurements. In Calif. add 5% tal or ....d 20<: for brochure) Th e smoke bom b was placed on top of a hill abo ut four miles out s o you could see it, but there was a r oad crossing be tween It and the starting line. At the drop of the banner everyone too k aU. but some of the riders didn ' t s cout o ut the road crossing as well as the y should have , because there were s om e wild thi ngs going on In the deep di tc hes on each s ide of the road. DALE BROWN MOTORCYCLES 2441 Long Bea ch B!vd, . Long Beach, Calif. SCRAMBLES ~ M McCoy (221) and his Husky flnlshed l 6t1l ike overall and 5th 250cc Expert at So. Cal. hare scramble s. At the s moke, J . N. Robe rts , #2 on a 360 Hus ky, had the lead, with Sieve Staats, #95 on a 360 Bultaco , an d Larry Ber gquist, #888x on a 250 Bultaco, r ight be hin d hi m . Bergqui s t got a nat tire atter the smoke and had to give UP the chase. leaving Rober ts and Staats to blast out on the ope n boo ndocks until atter the fourth ch eck, when the expansion chambe r came of! Roberts' bike. and staats took over th e le ad. Com ing Into the pits atter the !lrst loop, Staats had a good lead, with Lynn Fo rtne r, #506 on a 360 Husky, In second, and Bill Bogner, #997x on a 250 Husky, In third . Steve Kirk, #27, was r unni ng . seventh . The !lrst loop took its toll or top r ider s ; besides Roberts, .the early lea der. an d Bergquist, Mike Patrick, #42l x on the Yama ha, had brake trouble and pulled out while r unning third . On the s econd and final loop, Staats broke hi s shoc ks Jus t atter the s e cond check. He was r eally fiying over the road crossing , cl earing the ditches comple te ly, but It was too much for the s hocks. ~ The banner was dropped for the 176 trail bike riders atter the dust had cleared from the big bikes, and they were to go one loop on the forty-mile cours e . The trall bikes were no different from the big b1kes at the road crossing a half- mlle out ; there wer e the big ditches on each side, and some mounds of dirt piled up . One rider used one of these mounds as a springboard and went s ix feet in the air. coming down In the middle of the pack and hitting another rider , both of them going down In a cloud of dust. At the smoke bomb, the leaders were Jack Morgan, #1, an d James Jacklett. #11. both on Hodakas , and Jack Froelich. 112, on a Bultaco, but all or them got lost r ight atter the smoke and had to make big circles to fi nd it, givi ng Wes Anderson sr., #4, and Bob Belt a cbance to take over the lea d. Jack Morgan was able to find the traJl, and regained the lea d f1!teen miles out. By the time he came to the steep, rocky, and sandy downhill, there were big-bike r ider s still all ove r It, but he moved off the trail to the right and bounced over the bi g rocks, picking up a lot of time on the m. Morgan held the lead the rest of the way and pulle d In fi r s t Trail Bike. He was running with the big b1kes in ' 36th spot, not bad atter a ten-minute-late s tart . F rank Morgan, 6, also on a g 10 Blk' s So. of San Di ego F wy. 20 Years at same l ocation BULTACO TUt{ED EXHAUST SPECIAL $48.50 AS OF MAY 15 RETAIL $55.00 FOR 250, 350 & 360 WELTV'S MOTORCYCLES 211 14 De vons hi re St. Chatsworth , Ca li f. 91311 (213) 341-3840 Designed and Bu il t By TO RQUE ENGINE ERING BRIDGESTONE Sales-Service Barn ey T ilIman' sSPORT CENT ER 6027 Whi Uie r BI vd, ; E. Los Angeles (213) 723-3523 G (I) Honda ~ulYer City ~!.: ll§A ' .. 4421 Sepul,efIa 391-6211 Lovely II1thuslast Patlle O'Keefe, recllnlne on an " Intenslfled" Hodaka, Is the elrl you' ve admired In Crowell' s Hodaka ads. TORSION FORK BRACE . That Works! Prime Steel with Alloy Clamps, no Holes to dril l. Super Stro ng. 223 W. CAM INO REAL . MONROVIA. CALI F. 9 10 16 WR IT E - 21344HI342 For tner then took ove r the lea d, but before he could com e In for the win he ran out of gas, an d by this time Stev e Kirk was making his move up to fir s t and turned that Trl urnph on to pull in for the win with a minute' s lead. Jack Bye rs, #3 on a 500Cc Rickman Triumph was secon d and took fi r st 500 Expert. Bill Bogner, #997x, pull ed In be hind Byers to take first 250cc Expert on his Hus ky. Dusty Coppag e, #60P , wound UP fourth on a Triumph, and Lynn Fortner, #506, was able to find some gas and came In seventh to take fi r s t 500cc Amateur, Dave Brewer, #46, was the ninth man in to take first Open Amateur . Howard u tsey , 11'1 37, took first Novice, running sixteenth overall, and Ted Brlch, #802, was the s econd Novice in on a BSA single. Here's Hodaka hauler #1 Jack Morean, zlpplne along to lst overall In tile Trall blke division. He pass ed many ble bikes en route. Hodaka, pulled in second. Jack F r oe li ch. 112, found the li me. but had to move UP from 20th to take third. Mark Rader, #608, came In fourth and was the first Novice In. James Jacklett, #11, charged UP from way back atter losing the lime an d placed !Ifth. Don Reynolds, #56. was firs t Am a teur and took seventh. Mark Wilson, #422, had a good day , taking eighth overall and second Novice . F irs t gi r l r ider In was #16 Ros e Mar tino ( Hoda ka), who wound up 46th overall. (Re s ults on page 16) - ~ :=e ~ b;j 2: ~ t.l >.. t.l

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