Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 05 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ADS OFFERItIG ANYTHING TO GIVE AWAY OR TRADE - FREE ~ Pr ices ••• 10 words or less, piu s address ••• $1.00 . ••• 25 words or les s, plus address ••• $2.00 P icture ( suppli ed by you) ••• $3.00 extra HEADLINE IN BOLD TYPE--Sl.OO extra. FOR SALE OR TRADE: Good 250 Honda ~ 1/2 miler, short track, fast, fresh & t.:l reliable. All spares & too ls needed ...) $1500 value sell $475.00. Trade good U road bike . Ca ll (2 13) 340-1985 or (213) 889-0979 . 'SALE Yamaha 80 Gyt , cylinder, piston and r ings $30.00. (2 13) 347- 4683. 175c c O.S.S .A., s et up for T .T ., super fast, mi nt. c ond ., new top en d,expa ns ion cha mbe r , comp, release , glass s eat, s prockets , jets. Lots of extras $395. (9 16) 527- 5969. 1965 TRIUMPH 200cc all dirt, with s treet extras. Excellent condition $395. (213 ) 347- 4887. 1965 DOT Squa re barrel r ecently rebuilt, compression release $330 . (2 13) 7843776. 65 MONTESA DIABLO, new piston, crank seals, Akron rims, paint & seat recovered, quic k sale $350.00. (805) 2592675. 66 YAMAHA 100 twin, r eady to r ace, expansion chambers, new 3.25- 17 K70's, big car buretors, Gyt ld t, porting. All s treet eq uipment $250.00 firm . P h: (714) 527- 7281. FREE SAMPLE: British magazine; De~ tailed photos, 1llus trating repai ring, preve ntative maintenance, tuning, tou r ing, 'compe ti ng, customizing, all Eur opean , Japan e se cycles . MOTORC YCLE MECHANICS, 3388 Modoc, Ker man, Calif. 93630 . COMMERCIAL ADVERTISERS RATE Ten words ..... S2.00 Twenty five words .;". S4.00 G '65 GREEVES Twin 250cc, low mtleage, excellent c ondltlon $345.00. (213) 7288383 - (71 4) 525- 202 9. TRADE: Kawasaki 120 (115cc) di rt bike. Has big tires, for k brace , Barnett clutch, chambe r, large carb, hIgh comp., an d other engine mod s . For Hodaka or street bike or ? Call Norm at (213 ) 263- 1804. SUPER T .T. Hodaka 5 s peed scr ambler. Brand new Universal Pir ellls , ported, 26mm earb., TT s eat, many extra s $375. Spare 4 spd , Engine new bott om end $100. (714) 622- 8635. 65 DUCATI MK 111 Like new, excellent condi tion, be s t offe r (2 13) 781-2818. FOR SALE 1966 250 CZ Moto- c ross. See to appreciate. Call 673- 5258 anytlme. · I HAVE 360cc GREEVES In s to ck . Steve Hur d Motorcycles , 1405 Oly mpic Blvd., Montebello, Calif. (2 13) 724- 0466. GOLD STAR half-mller for sale. Call (213) 363-2193. lev el on 2 and 4 stroke bikes. Earl, 1700 E. Hill #9. (213) GA 7100 L .B . FAC TORY WORKS Husky for sale new. Winner for Mot o X. Extra geartng etc . (213) 941-4416 after 5:30. MECHANIC WANTED Honda , BSA an d Kawasaki. Must be well exper ienced and stable. Paid ins uran c e, unifor ms an d va cation. W1ll help with moving for out of s tate appl1cants. Send or call collec t to Norm Best com plete r esume Including desired pay. Norm Best Motor s, 8461 Commonwealth, Buena P a r k, Calif. 90621. (714) 521- 3642. DAVE THOMAS At Cen tury M/C In San Pe dro Is a bou ntiful guy. 1967 HUSKY 360. Good shape $775 .00. Ar t McKnight 345-7844 (days) 748-9475. BILL.KRAUSE E:nERPRISE BULTACO REPAIR& HOP UP MAtlUAL Inglewood. Call Tuesday- Frida y (213 ) 671-0407 or (213) 678- 5289. NEW CARS, trucks , EI Caminos ...used, too . Call J i m Woolwine a t(213) 352-3241 or 353-322 6. LESCO ACCESSORIES P os t Offic e Box 16081 N. Long Beac h, Ca lif. 90806 ma il order . Hap Jone s, 100 pag e Parts & Accessories Ca talog $1.00 . . 88 page Webco speed an d acc es s or ie s catalog $1.00. RICKMAN-METISSE HANDLEBARS Street, r acing, s crambles , sole u.s. Importer' s Dist. H 0 us e of Suzuld- Tr lumph , 16112 Har bor Blvd ., Fou ntain Vall ey, Calif. 9270 8. DICK'S M/ C SAL VAGE 9061 E . Artesia Blvd, (2 13) 925- 9054 . Ju nk bikes bought. EXPERIENCED HOrmA MECHAtUC Guarantee & co mmi s sion, unl im ited pote ntial. Bus y shop with ma xim um be nefits , 5 day wee k. BILL KRAUSE HONDA TRIUMPH Inglewood, Call Tuesday- Friday (213) 671- 0407 or (213) 678-5289. BOOK: "HOW TO RIDE & WIN' Expert r i der s In American sports co mpetition te ll the technique s of track and trail. Chuck " Feets" Minert on T TSc r ambles , Bud Eld ns on Moto - Cross . Eas t Coas t' s Don Pink tells how to ride Enduros and woods. J ohn McLa ughlin on Gr an d Prix Scr am bles . Helpf ul ti ps on setup of moto rcycles, cards & li censes an d mucho more . Ha rdbound. $4. postpaid. Se nd che ck or money order to _ How to Ride & Win. c/o C&S Pub l1s hlng co ., Box 498, Long Beach, Ca l1l. 9080 1. Covers all mod els, Incl udin g 36Occ, discuss por ti ng port al1gnment, 5 po r ti ng 7 porting, reed plate s, cutting pl s tl ons , ti min g by I1ght , ge ner al t une up, shiftIng problems an d re me dy , Clu tc h heat treating, glass peening, etc . Send $3.00 to: Morgan Engi nee ring P .O. Box 2774 F ullerton, Ca . 92633 35% SAVlNGS ON INSURANCE Dealer garag e l1a bil1ty 15% sa,vlngs on Dealer 's bonds . JOHN W. MAYNARD INSURANCE , 3447 Motor Ave., Los Angeles , Calif. Phone: 836-5211 . PARTS MAN WAnED Experience pr efe r red In B.S.A . a rid Ya maha. Top pay to top man . Cont ac t Harry at Milne Bros, 793-51 53 In the Pa s adena area . SALESMAN WANTED Top co mmiss ion an d salary. Experience prefer r ed. Ma jor brands, goo d oppor tunity for right man. Conta ct Harry at Milne Br os. 793- 5153 In the Pasadena area. 65 TRIU MPH 500 good for street or di rt. $550.00. Call after 6 (213) 355- 6136. TURNER EXPANSIOtl CHAMBER WANTED MECHANIC • ! ENCLOSE CURRE NCY ( Inc lude area code with phone number.) ' 67 HODAKA 90cc, top condition, Intensified by Steen' s-new Xma s . Expansion chambe r - flItr on air filte r _ Cer lani' s In back - fork brace 3.50 tires., Meti s se handlebars $395. (2 13) TO 2-1 400. TRADE: Enf ie ld 62, 700c c dirt ready, very dependa ble fo r s maller bike (21 3) EX 8-7443. TRADE: 1960 Mere . Monterey co nv ., excel. condofor ? (213 ) 674- 7515. TRADE - ' 1967-1/2 Loblto Sc r a mbler, big rims (Akront), 5-por t , Hodaka s eat, extra super fast, many more special features - W1ll ac cept good condi ti on Hodaka or Sachs. Pho ne : VE 8- 5762 area code (213 ) Bruce. BSA GOLC6TAR 500cc Cl ubman for street black & chrome. Near co nc ours e condition. Must be s een to be appreciated $540. (7 14) 624- 6886. TRA DE TR6 Head 1966, for Bonnev11Ie head or buy. (2 13) 679- 4102. Two neede d, mus t be nea t, well dressed and good personallty. Expe rienc e desired but not necessary. Norm Best Motors, 8461 Co m mo nwea lt h , Buena Par k, caur, 90621. (71 4) 521- 3642 . I Ten Words - Sl Twenty Five words - S2 Headline in BOLD TYPE SI extra Picture S3 extra Extra word - IDe each COMMERCIAL ADVERTISERS RATE Ten words ..." S2.00 Twenty five words ..... S 4.00 Bold Line ..... S2.00 Photo ..... S6.00 Extra word - 20C each I I : I I • • • • • • • FREE ADS no words maximum) • If you hav e something to giv e away . MAIL TO: CYCLE nEWs, P.O. BOX 498, LONG BE ACH, CALIF. 90BOl • t •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ : 68 MOTO BETA Better than new with all extras, under 5 hrs, engi ne time, never r aced but ready . Mus t sel! $425.00. Can finance . Hunti ngton Beac h (71 4) 842- 5860 eves . THE FAMOU S TURNER EXPA NSION CHAMBER for Hodaka Ace 90'S and Ace 100' s are avallable e xclusively through your Hodaka Dealer from Tiger Distributing Co. For your nearest dealer call, (213) 245-1 678. • Address................................. City.. •••• ••••••• ••••• State....................... WRITE AD HERE- PLEASE PRINT TRADE : Gil era 125cc frame, s wing arm , r ear s hoc ks, front wheel 17" , gas tank for a Honda 160 rear brake or 18" x2. 50" alloy rim. (916) 451- 2952. BULTACO TSS, 200cc road racer . 31 hP, Metralla exhaust & head, I1ghts, all equipment necessary to make legal for street $290. (714 ) 624-6886. i·:~~~~~~~~::===~~~~:··~i[·~·_~:2f·······l • • : • • • • • • • • TRADE " 250" Dot 1964 good condo for desert Hodaka (213) 338-8687. Used by moto-cross and T .T . Expert GARY BAILEY, I customize In Hodaka, Moto- Beta, Bultaco, Greeves, Kawasaki , Br idgestone an d H-DRapldo.Don'tsettle for s econd best. Call Tom Turner at (213) 773- 5839 or come to 460 1- 1/ 2 Live oak, Cudahy, Calif. 9020 1; SALESMAN W .ANT ED Yamaha exp erience an d 4 cycl e experience. Va cation and good wages etc. (213) 286-2550, 283- 1310 ask for Glenn. Photo ..... S6.00 1967- 3/ 4 360 HUSKY, mu ch better tha n new with, 2- 1/2 & 3- 1/2 gal. ta nks , 10" or 21" rr , whee l, comp, release , fUt r on, Metisse bars, Magura con trols & 6 sprockets $850.00. Bakersfield Motorcycle, 120 Kentucky, Bake rsfield, Calif. ' 68 TACO "66" Mini-Bike with special West Bend 6 h.p , engine a nd Pa lmlnl racing header. W11l sacr ifice for $150.00 (714) 523-0866". COUNTER MAN PARTS DEPT. Monthly s alary. 5 day week andbeneflt s . 1 year experience r equired. FAMILY ,MAN with very goodmechanical knowl edge of bikes but limited working expo desires job a t gr ound fl oor TRIUMPH DESERT BIKES BRAND NEW TRIUMPH TR6C w1t11 Cerian i fronl .nd. All Ixtras. Rael ready. Cu.tOI'1 built for till serious riellr. BlSt deal. Van Nuys Cycll, 763o.,Van Nuys Blvd. Ph (213) 989·2230. I WAtfT TO mDE FRIDAY I' ve been desperately looking for a r ide on the Friday night half-mile races, but can' t seem to fi nd one. Would someone with a fast dependable han dler find me ? Ti m Harris, Expert #21x. (213) 3440433 'a fter 6 p .m. ; 8108 Paso Roble s Ave . , Van Nuys , Ca l . 91406. CREEVES 250cc T.T. SCRAMBLERS IN STOCK. SAVE $150 if you buy now! Ni cholson Motors, 11629 Van Owen, Nor th Hollywood, Calif. (213) 764- 8674. '66 TRIUMPH T R6S; street/dirt, super clean,fresh engine $850. (213 ) 427-5032, 62 CORVETTE 327 - 2 tone blue me talflake $1450 . Ca ll (213 ) TE 5- 9872 . TRADE: Hod. Van Tech with everything but 5 sp, for ? (805) 259-3682. 1968 GREEVES Trtals (2 4T JC) $550.00 or trade up, down or across for late , It.wt, 2 stke. s crambler. Dlrs. offers welcome . (213) 862- 4349. HUSQVARNA OWNERS! En d transmission troubles fo rever with special designed, s uper strong shifting box. Contact M.R . Montgome ry (213) 921- 4907 or write 14722 Cameo s t., Nor walk, Calif. BUSINESS OPPOnTUNITY Sacrifice establ1s hed motorcycle de aler s hip, for Inventory an d equipment only, health an d pe rsonal reasons force sale. Write - 3400 4th Ave ., spa ce #70, Yuma, Arizona 85364. 1964 COT TON COUGAR, 250cc (sa me as Gr eeves sq. ba rrel) Alp ha lower end, new piston, 4 exhaust systems, good co nd o $375 .00 or ma ke offe r . (408) 4265416 - San ta Cruz . 66 YAMAHA 100cc single . Runs good, 6000 mi . , asldng $'275.00 . Call (2 13) 280 -8995 af te r 6 p .rn, FOUND: Box of gea r and tools at San Jose half mUe . Call Ste ve E , (209) 529-3431. •

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