Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 05 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SAIl IERIARDIRO THE TWO 'lHEELER - Tnumph. Su211ki. Bultade (714) 684-4747. HAP CO KlTORS - Hon., Hod., Kaw.Sales-SerVl cePatts-Ins.-Rentals. Porting fot all 4-stroke brands. O reputation is buill on Service. 11637 Pico Blvd., ur W L.A.GR8-0984. O,en7 days - 8:30-7. . OUSE OF YAMA - BSA. BMW. HA PETE JOSEPH' S H Bullaco.Yamaha sa les, service & parts. No down paym«lt. O.A.C O M thru Sat. 8:30 5:30. · Where . pen on. !h stars buy their 2 wh eel cars." 11975 S ta Monica e · an il go BIvd., I m e West of S. Die Fwy. Call GR 3-671 7 for , pickup and delivery servIce. TED'S Imports - Tri. Sales & se rvice. Competition e i rs dese bikes ready- to-wlnin stock. ·W w ll lake ca rt ORl les, in trade: 11726 Santa M ca Blvd., W. Los Ange SACRAM EIITO GR 3-1101 - " .. 7 dayS. JOE SARK EES - MOTORCYCL ES. Troum,h . Honda. Ducatl . BMW Sales, Service and parts. Custom parts , WH ITTIER iIld accessories. $ame day mail order service, anywhere. 2509 Broadway, Sacrcrnento, Calif. Phone (91 6) WHITII ERHAR EY- DAVI DSONfull hne new and used L motorcycles parts& service dept. Lots 01 CDnversalion while we serve you iIld free coffee. Open Mon.-Sat. 457-D88>' S JU NKY JOH N - Jobn Smith Motorcycle Parts. EE New & Used - Many brands - Mail Order. Insu lance , motorcycles financed - no OOWll . Manuals, tool, elt. lor Q)oll-yoursellers. 5600 Franklin Blvd., Sacramento, C.,,,. 95824.P!lon~ (91 42 6) 2-2420. coin I Ell AKRONT A l OY RIM AND STAINLESS STEEL l S 9"OKES. Fret Iiteratute 14>00 le1ie . 359~161. HARlE Y ViDSON INlOS AN GElES IRlch Bu'~ ,,, ·DA Co.) 2531 t M n Slreel, L.A. RI !l-62lS. · l alge' f H . ·D servi ce irId patts headquarters 1M U.S.A: Can fo r for most. Compl. m ne shop. Open Tues. tl'Iru Sat. adll -We emphaSIZe service.- Trl., Yam.. Mon. PA C HONDA - Monfesa "No. Cal. Hq. for lie DR ""oni ' '''' 'aIll.. _-Sal 9- 7. Paafic HOIIda.6]1 9--6. 10249 San Fernando Rd. P. co'" . 896-1046. HURTIIIGTOII BUCH San Diego. CaliL Palm ttlo,Pacrfiu,tail. RORWALK BELLFLOWE R WC SHOP. IN C. 91lS E. Com,lon Blvd. (2 Bl ks. E. 01 l .......od) Be llfto..r. 9~5093 ser-ic.e,. 1O,U CoIUllbii Sl. LOS AII'ELES HO NDA OF GARDEN A.15515t We, lern Ave••Gardena. HONDA OF GLENDALE. · W here yo m the nicest u eet people." Large stock 01parts.Finest medl. & co urleo us persolVlel. Sure would like to m you af 905 E. eet Colorado Sl in CflJldale. just ac ross from Bob's 8le Boy. 246-2461. oraer Sp.IShmlc 01 International prest1ee.- Featurin, Paafic n spec. svc.-parts-acuss. & Tech CORrPetition . MOIlTEREY PARK GLEIIOALE IO.TH AIIEIICAl SAil FHAICISCO CBUOTO RS - Bultaco sales. W svc, all m . VIIe akes f Iiprs spares. Trail, street O $pOrts; we fill the bill. Char lieHockle & Bil l Thotwaldson. 1149 W. EI Segunoo Blvd.. G.rdena, (213 .1669. )756 Ph: 710-0603 or 323-8314 Begin. private tralA. course . , tree riding inst. Come In or call lor full info. GUY UROU~ART - Tnumph. Yamaha-saI~ TrilllllJh. Yanaha, lnciian. Anel & Cushman parts- 1 clay Mall Beach. 3S8O E. P. " loc Coast Hoy. 121 433-9967. 31 piCkUtl or dellV!ry serwce, N ORM REEVES DOW EY H da, BSA, IJlW. Bul. Molo N on LE BARD & UNDERWOOD. 221 E. l""en.1 H oy. La Habra-,hone 714-37'J-!252 or 213-691-3104. · Service is our middle name"' . BSA, Honda • • Al so no it , w lONG BEACH TRlUMI'H SALEt 624 W. Pao loc Coast Hwy., Long Bead'l 0 ; -0158. - Best serwce 1'I.ailab le, speaahl'ne in l&In~~s.- Tn.. Yam.. yO.... L1IDA SAl DIEGO RATES: $15 per year 158 issues) fir eacIl Ii"e IllIsiMss listing, payallie il advuce. ~ PHOEIlI AI'ZO"A ~ '0 A'It.. Colton JUST SEND IN YOUR lIST1NG"1lI che'" for 115 and mIlle fest. we'll · THE IIlTDRCYClE IN SURANCE WRITER" ~nce 1937. Fire lIeft. COalp., P.D.& 8.1 indiviclual lIIOW'" . . eyer!' I n ~ifanc e omd Dealer insuraPta. JOHN MAY· N ARD INSURANCE. 3447 Molor A .... l os An &

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