Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 05 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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... ---~~---------------~._----~~~-..",..--~~-~~-~--~~- ---- - ----~~~:: SEItVlCE second place men went dlrecUy to the tina!; there was no semi. After winning his heat race and beatIng Eric Olesen (Bultaco), cave Hansell (KawaSllk.l ) and Don Cas tr o (Montesa) hi the Trophy cash, Yamaha- mounted Keldl Mashburn was favored to take the final as well . And It looked as If the rapid allarounder would do just that•••untll a llttle mix-up occurred with two laps to go. Mashburn and cave Hansen tangled. Keith went down, and cave continued on to victory. Following Hansen's Kawasaki came the Bultacos ot Tim Thomas, Stan Rogers, Rick Newby, Gary Landry and Terry Danaher . SALU HOCIIES MOTORCYCLES HODAKA YAoN~IE GREEVES Complete lllacll i ne ShoP Facil itie s 22025 So. Fi guerpa T orrance, Calif ornia (213) 321-1242 ~. ,.------------..i Wilmington Discount Cycle Center 1505 Avalon. Wilmington. Calif. Spectacular Sidehack Crash The Harley- Davidson sldehack teams ot Clem Pettis/OttIs Cheek and Dean BAIDSESTOIE Hummer/ Rulan Gulbransen ran 1-21n the 8-lap Main Event for three-wheelers, ahead of Triumph-mounted Mike Parti and Ed Morris. But a spectacular three-rig cr ash In an earller heat race narrowed the field considerably••.and sent two men to the hospital, one of whom wound up In the lake at the north end of the Infield. No report was available on hospitalized Carroll Gerardy and Jim Moffltt at presstime. (Results on page 16) ~~ ~ ...... , . . . - . . " _ _81 s.. Cal: IIcCod_ 01. ...... Rl gIIt: Kawuakl-mounted Dave Hansen here takes Yamaha rider Keith lIIashburn out of turn and on to first In Novi ce lIIal n. Keith reUred with C ..rbox problems and Cas tank mounts shot! (2Ul 772021. NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH NORM REEVES INe. 9536 F irestone Blvd. Downey, Calif. (213) 869-0600 Di s tri buted by RYDE X 1816 Georgia St. Los Angel es , Calif. 90015 24 Hr. Ordering Service ( 213) 749-5153 ( Deale r Inquiries ONL Y) Clem Pett us and H-D hack passenger Ott i s Che. lead H-D-mounted Dave 'Crash" Roesch and passenger Jim IIIcNeal throulh turn coming onto jump. DONT DECIDE UNTIL YOU RIDE INC. DUCAW The Thoroughbred of Motorcycles. Your Local Ducati Dealer has the fine , ful l lin e of q ua l it y l ig htwe ig h t s. A l l Overhe ad c am, fo ur- s t roke sing l es wi th th e new, st ronger I i gh twe i gh t fra me . The 1968 Scramble r fea t ure s new . longtrave l comp etition f orks , deep, soft saddle and reinforc ed handlebars . The Ducati Scrambler pictured here is ava i lable in 250 or 350c c for 1968 ! Do n't bu y any scrambler until you see i t at your lo c a l Ducat i D ea l e r. DUCATI WINS Sprockets Park TT-Apri I 21. 19F>8 350 Novice Class 1st Pete Willis - DUCATI 2nd J im Campbel I - Honda 3rd Art Swort! i guer - Honda 350 - 500 Amateur Class 1st Ron Spillman - DUCATI 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Orvi s Stacy - BSA Ron Clawson - Triumph Stan Sib ley - Triumph Mi ke Keen - Husqvarna 250cc & 350cc All O.H.C. 4·CYCLE • IMPOflTE D BY BERLINER MOTORS CO~P, Railroad St. & Plant Rd. Hasbrouck Hghts., N.J. WESTElm PAflTS HQ, ZDS MOTORS 527 Windsor Rd" Glendale, Calif.

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