Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 05 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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all forms required by the RRC Rules within I S days. The RRC Referee has fifteen days In which to r et urn any promoti ng club'S enlry for ms. Sec. 4. The pro moti ng cl ub referee shall be available at the finish of the rally or tour at all times to settle any questions that may ar ise. G. OFF ICIAL JUOOING FORMS Sec. 1. TIle for ms set for th In this section s hall be used by all promoting clubs for jUdging purposes and the comple ted cards shall be re tained for aper lod of one year. Sec. 2. Dress Competition, Solo, Sidecar and Three- Wheel. Name AMA No. Clas s =--- "-_~ _ the start opens and post any unsafe portions of the r oad that will be traveled. The Referee shall sen d a r eport of his check to the RRC Refer ee within 15 days after the check. Sec . 4. REFEREE REPORT FORM (on a 3" xS" flle car d)• . Club Name _ Refer ee --..,.-0--:-:0-- --:-_,_--,--_,_-:-:-- A safety check of the route to be followed by the entf ants of the _ -= _ poker ru n was made __--=-= =--_ ._ _ a .m. _ _ p.m. by --=-=,.,=---=.,-----,' The safety haz ard s found and the meth od of pos ting are lis ted on the rear of this r epor t. Refere e's s igna ture _ --'=-==-=--_-= _=__ =----==---__--== _ ARTICLE III: PROTEST PROCEDURE A. PROTEST Sec . 1. Any contest participant and/ or r ally entrant may pro tes t the action or deci sion of judges that violate the standing RRC Rules or AMA Rules for the contest 1. Tires In question. 2. Pa int Sec. 2. 3. Chr ome The complai nant must advise the cl ub 4. Appear ance -"-7----r eferee of the pr otest within I S minutes S. Safety Equipment _ _ -,-__ of pos ting the names of the contes t winners, re ceiv e and comple te a pr otes t APPEARANCE: Award up to 15 points form, and return the form to the club max. per Item. r eferee with a fee of $10.60. Any trophy or awar d affected by the pr ote st shall be 1. Neatnes s of motorcycle -"-_ _-"'-'stayed untll adjudication. If the pro tes t 2. Neatness of dr es s Is denied, the fee shall be depos ited In 3. Matc hing uniform _--==--_--'==_ the club Tr easur y. If the protes t Is al4. Helmets lowed, Ihe fee shall be returned to the S. Overall dlsplay - ' -""--"='_ compla ina nt . This motor cycle has mel all of the Sec. 3. r equir ements of the DMW. The Cl ub Referee shall ente r tain a r guTOTAL POINTS ---'= -"-"- - '= :=ments from both par ties and shall ImJUOO E'S SIGNATURE ---=-'--'--'-_~ mediately r ule the protest valld or Sec. 4. Inval id. Dress Competition: Clubs , couples Sec . 4. and family. If a protest Is lodged agains t the promoting cl ub r ather than a si ngle contest, the complalntant shall submit the protes t In wri ting and a fee of $10.00 to the RRC Refer ee within 5 days . The Referee s hal l r ender a decis ion and notify the complal ntant of such deci sion within 10 days . GENERAL APPEARANCE lOpolnts max. B. FORMS per Item . Sec. 1. Protes t to Referee or Chairman oflhe . 1. Shirts Executive Board on Protest or Appeal. 2. Pants Official RRC Referee (chm., Exec. 3. Helmets ---'=--=---_ _ Board) 4. Ensemble _ =--==---_ _ Dear Sir : S. Insig nia Please find herewith $._ as a fee for a Award 10 points for a match. 8 points pr otes t against _ _,_--:-,.=----~ all or less for a near match . 0 points for AMA No. in contes t _---'=-_ mismatch. _ Helme ts: Deduct S points If not dis - 'held by _-,-,-~::-_ _--: under Sanction No. _ Date __=--__ played ::=:=,-,-=:,=-,..,....::.,...,., Signed AMA No. _----''--_ General conduct whlle obse rved _ _ Addre s s -:__,_--,---__,_---,------,-.,-------,-(15 point s max .) To be pri nted on the r ear s ide of a 3" xS" flle car d. Lis t one specific cause FOR CLUBS ONLY: 10 points max. for pro tes t , and Initial . Pe r centage of members In uniform C. APP EALS 6 members or mor e must appear for Sec. 1. Judging Appeals from the deci sion of a Club -=--"' TOTAL POINTS JUOOE' S SIGNATURE -= Refer ee, must be fll ed with the RRC Refer ee withi n 7 days after the r eferee has rendered his decision. Each such apSec. S. peal shall be forwarded In wri ting and MASTER TALL Y FORM: accompanied by a fee of $10.00 to the C LASS _ Chai r man of the RRC Executive Board, who shall r ender a decis ion within 30 Llc. No•.-==--=-=-- - - - - - - days. Motorcycle '-_ -'' ~=____'_ Sec . 2 . Appearance =-=.,....,::=''==__-='''-=-= All penalties Impos ed by the RRC ReMASTER JUDGE'S SIGNATURE _ feree and the Chair man of the Exec utive Boar d are SUbject to appeal to the AMA ARTICLE II: POKER RUNS Competition Committee upon payment of $S.O If the appeal Is upheld, all monies O. Sec. 1. shall be returned to appealant. All general Rules of Article I shall Sec. S. apply this article. All fees or monies pai d toward exSec. 2. penses shall be returned to protesting Any rider that misses a check point or and appealing parties In the event that comes In from the wrong direction .wlll their protest and appeals are sustalned be dlsquallfled from the rest of the ani! the above fees and expenses colevents. Missing a moved checkpoint that le cted trom the losing parties or partY. Is shown on the promoting club's map D. REINSTATEMENT will not be grounds for dlsqualllication. Sec. 1. Sec. 3. For good and sutflclent reason any Promoting Club Referee will make a rider or clubs under suspentlon, and not safety check of the run three hours before Judlng s tandards shall be to RRC. SUPP. Rules MOTORCYCLE: Award up to ISpoints max. per lIem. THE MAELY FLAT TRACK SPECIAL RACING BOOTS. 8" h i.h , lac e d. we1aht 2 Ibs . per pe lr $1595 plus C.O.d . • post••• otherwise dlsquallfled by these Rules , may be r einstated by a ma jority vote of the body. E. PROCEDURES Sec. i . On Imposing a flne or s uspe nsion, the RRC s hall give the r ider s or Clubs a re ceipt thereof, and r epor t the same to the RRC body. Sec . 2. Any rider or club upon whom a flne Is Imposed shall remaln suspen ded until the flne Is collected by the duly author ized representative of the RRC. ARTICLE IV: CORRUPT PRACTICE A. CORRUPT PRACTIC ES Sec. 1. Accepting or offering to accept any bribe In any for m by any rider , or otfl clal In motorcycle competition or exhibiti on or l1y any pe r son In charge of or having a cces s to any motor cycle. Sec. 2 . Willfully entering or causi ng to be entered In any competi tion a motor cycle known to be disqualified or Ineli gible for competition. (Art. I- B Sec . 15) Sec. 3. Being guilty of conspiri ng with any other per son for the commission of any other cor ru pt or fr audulent practice In relation to motorcycle competition, In this or any othe r dis trict. Sec . 4. Being guilty of unfair pr actice or mis behavior In connection with motorcycling In gener al whe ther relating to the competition or not. Sec. S. Wlllfull prevarication or misrepresen tation of any motorcycle or contestant for any motor cycle competi tion. B. PENALTIES Sec. 1. Reprimand or suspension for corrupt practices shall be Inflic ted by the Executi ve Board, but a first offense no sus pensi on not otherwise pr ovided for shall be for a les s period than one month, or for a second offense of the same nature, for less than six months. There shall be no appeal fro m the suspension or reprlmand Inflicted by the Executive Board. Sec . 2. . For ungentlemanly conduct or wl11ful Infra ction of these r ules , the Club Referee may s uspend any rider or clubs for the re mainder of any event and may require that any offensive att endant be removed from the grounds. Sec . 3. For Ins ubordi nation , tal king back , and for minor offens es gener ally, the Executive Board may fine a rider $S.00 to $10.00 for ea ch offense . Sec. 4• For major offenses , cor r upt prac tices and for violations of the printed r ules , the Executi ve Boar d may fine a r ider or club up to $SO.OO for each offense, or suspend him or them tor any pe r iod up to per manent dlsquallflcatlon . . Sec. S. Disqualifi cation entail s the los s or any right with regar d to any even t In respect to which Ihe cause of dlsqu allflcatloh ar ises , and may be extended by the Official Club Refe r ee to apply to any other event of the sa me r al ly or r un. Sec.6. lf a protes t against any mac hine which has won or tak en par t In competition Is upheld, s uch mac hine and Its r ider shall be regarded as not having taken par t In the competi tion and the other riders shall be placed accor dingly. Sec. 7. Any promoting club failing to enforce and abide by the AMA and Supplemental Rules may In addition to other penalties be fined up to six ellglblll ty points on their RRC Calendar Standings. TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN C'YCLE NEWS IUL TACO & GREEVES Fiberglass Tanks '40. w/cap PLUS a complet. line 01 Flb.,II.. parts lor lIultaco Mail Order to: VEGAS CYCL E CE NT E R 1020 Fremont . Las Ve ~s,. Nev. 89101 PROVEN America's finest Racing Lubricant. ADDZIP ADDITIVES 1433 First Street, Escalon, Calif. 95320 MAKES IT THREf STRAIGHT ls, JOHN KITE Mil 100 MICA'S RANCH INDIANOLA, IOWA MAR. 31, APRIL 14 & 21, 1968 KEN MAELY the shoeman ~, . Route 2, Box 75B, l..Corona, Calif. ",,! Irir tltt "''''' /JIll, U1'!1rr $25. plus C.O.D. & Posta,. S.nd boot or carboard cutout John Kite, riding for Honda Town In Des Moines , Iowa has taken three straight at the Mica's Ranch Scrambles. John is unbeaten i n heat races, semis and main events. Distributed by M Sportscycles 311 E. Alexander, Tacoma l Wash., 98421 Il ..., ..., ;:p a:

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