Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 05 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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NATIONAL CALENDAR OF EVENTS ~ R......s . . advised lIIa t II sU. In lII is eat- C) S ....lIce. SUNDAY, APRIL 21st AUGUST 4 - PROFESSIONAL HILLCLIMB NATlO A.L CHAMP IONSlDP Musk eg on MC. Muskegon. Mlch . Mt. Garfiel d-EnlraDts IIOtlfie d Ie' A.'IIA . eaUr Is a free S.Yice. Cycle __s ell. cia/ lIS any respOAslbl llty lor c.Cel laUOII or a) cIIanllnl of ....ts by pro_oIers wllllou t ::E '" ~ AU NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SANCTION SCHEDULE :5 o APRIL 28 -1 MILE NATIONAL ~ CHA.I\IP IONSIDP DIRT TRA C K. Great Southern Development , 1446 Tully Road, .E .. AUanta, Ga.- Hamp ton Downs-Entries from A.'ItA or District Refe ree. Entri es clos e April 7. :>-. U APRIL 28 - 90 MI LE NATIONAL CHA.\I Pl ONSHIPENDURANCE RUNTomI pkins, Count.Y MC . RF D 2 , Route 13, Ne wfield, N.Y. - En tries from AMA or p rormtin g cl ub. MAY 5 -115 MI LE NATIONAL CHAMP IONSHI P ENDURANCE RUN MidW est National Enduro Ride rs As sn . , c/o Wm. Baird, Rt, 3, 181 5 4 th Ave. , Ste rli ng, m .-Illiana Speedway , Sche re rv ille, Ind. - Entries [rom AMA or promoting club. MAY 19 -13 MI LE NA TIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP DIRT TRACK Richmond MC. tn c. , c/o Ed die Boomhow er , 2226 Cha mbeday ne Ave, ; Richmo nd, Va.-Entries from AMA or Distric t Refe re e. Entri e s clos e April 28 . MAY 19 - HARE & HOUND NATIO NAL CHAMP IONSHIP Sa lt Lake MC. Box 17 11, Sa lt Lak e C ity , Utah-Entries from A. IA or p romoting cl ub. \ MAY 26 -12 MILE NATIONAL CHA.\\P IONSHIP DIRT T RACK J a ck va, ni no , 611 N. W yomissin g Ave . , W yomi ss ing , Pa.- Readin g fai rgrounds- Entries from AMA or Dis trict Re feree. E ntries closes May 5 . MAY 26 - 250 MILE NATIONAL CHAMP IONSHIP EN DURANCE RUN Enduro Rid e rs Assn. , 79 2 Francis Ave . , Cohn bus, Ohio 43209-Entrie s from AMA or promoting clu b. JUNE 2 - 5 MILE NATIONAL , CHA.I\IPIONSHIP DIRT TRACK Detroit Area Associa te d Motorcycle Clubs, Detroit. Mich.-Race course Livonia, Mich. - Entries from AMA or District Referee. Entries close May 12. JUNE 16 -100 MILE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP ROAD RACE New England Motoreycle Dealers Assn., 20 Brewster St., Plymouth. Mass.-Lou"'n, N.H. -Entries from AMA or District Referee. E n tri e s close May 26. JUNE 23 - MINIATURE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP ROAD RAC E Plttsburd> Racing Assn., 718 Hope Hollow Rd., Pa.-Heldelberg RacewayEn ~es from AMA or Distcict Referee. Entries close June 2. JULY 14-20 MILE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP DIRT TRACK Jad Lelch. c /o Mort Becker, 4118 s. E. Malden St., Portland. Ore. Entries from AMA or District Referee. Entries closeJune 23. JULY 20 -30 LAP TT NATIONAL CHAMPI ONSHIP Mt. St. Hele ns MC. P.O."ox 51, Ca s Ue Rock. Wash. -En tries from A.\IA or District Referee. I Entrie s clos e June 29. JULY 21 - 50 LAP TT :IlATl ONAL CHAMP IONSHIP J.C. Aga jantan En terprises, P.O. Box 98 , Gardena , Ca ll f.-Ascot-En trles from AMA or District Referee. Entrie s close July 6. AUGUST II - 25 LAP TT ATIO AL CIIA.I\IP IO SHIP Midwe s t SlJeedways, 4600 , ' . 27th. Lincoln. e br. -Entries flOlD A.\IA or Distric t Refe ree. Entries Close July 21. EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT INDOOR SHOHT TRA CK at Po r tland, Oregon Exposi ti on Center . Paved track , classes 0- 25Occ, Class A & C. Time trials at 8 p .m., fi r st heat a t 8:30 p .m, Regular s hort track pro g ram plus han di cap e vent , fast time attempts, match races, e tc . Will r un every F rida y night for r est of winter . LIGHTWEIGHT IT & SHORT T RACK RACES a t Trojan Race way , ACA s ancti oned. Loc a ted corner Long Beach Fwy . and Fires tone Blv d, Take Flreslone 10 Garfiel d, go south on Garfie ld, west on Southern to track entrance. 100cc and 250cc class es In both TT a nd s hort track . Po in ts, trophies and money. Starts a t 8 p.rn , every Friday night. 0 SCRAl\IBLES at Spr ocke ts Pa r k in Ba kersfield, Ca lif; presente d by the Bake r s fi eld Sprocke ts. Signup closes at 11:30 a.m. with fi rst race at noon. MOTO-CROSS at Phelan, Calif . by 100' s MoC. Limed fr(l~ t.~ sr. 395 and Ph elan \. Rd. Limite"l\c t.,=,,\Jcc and unde r; e ntry Is $3.00. ~..,r e will be three half-hour races . 14th ANNUAL SPORTSM AN SCRAM BLES by capi tol City M.C .of Saeramen to Calif. At Helvetia Park on the road to Woodland, cal. (Hwy . 16). P ractice and s1gnup 8 a om. to 11 a .m. F irs t race a t EVERYSATURDAY ADELANTO TT SCRAMBLES TRAC K, practice at Redding's 8/10-mlle cours e on Hwy. 395 near Adelanlo, Callf. $1.00 per rider, spectator-s $1.00 per carloa d. Call (2 13) 861- 518 9 for more Info. EVERY OTHER SATURDAY ROAD RACE SCHOOL at WhIteman Atr Parlt, 12030 Pi e r ce St ., Pacolma(cor ne r Pi e r ce St. and San F e rnando Rd.L. street bike .pr efe rably, 9 a.m, start, $10 per s tu dent. F or Info call Bob Braverman at (2 13) 785-2421. noon. SCRAMBLES at Lodi Cycle Bowl, Lodi, Call., by Lodi M.C. Slgnup 9 to 11 a .m, Race at noon . Admission $1.50 ride or watch. Running all classes, AMA sanc . For further Info eaIl 36B-7182 In LodL EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT TT RACING under the tights at Elsinore Race Track. Just off Hwy. 71. east 01 Perrts, Calif. turnoff. Sportsman eropIlles fo r all classes . Sllectators wel- come . EVERY SUNDAY ADELA NTO TT SCRAMBLES at Reddlng 's 8/10-mlle on Hwy. 395 near Adelanto, c anr. o-ascec practice at 8:30a.m.. big bikes approx. 11:30 a.m. Adm tsslon $1.2 5 each person, $2.00 entry fee. Class C rubber. Call (213) 861-5189 for further Info. FRI DAY, AP RI L 19111 TV DEBATE on the Joe ~ Show in the San Franclsco Bay Area with Joe Hope of BSA, Sonny Barger ( Hell' S Angels) and Assemblyman John Foran. General debate on the principles Involved with the helmet laws. SUNDAY, APRIL 21st ·4 th ANNUAL A.C .A. "CHALLENGER" ROAD RACE , WIllow Springs international Race way, Rosamond, Cal. All GP '" Production classes. 50cc through Open plus SIdecars. Gen'l. admission $2 .00, all children free. Pit gates open 8:00 a.m.. practice 9:30. first event 12:30 p.m, Trophy presentation Immed1ately fo llowing last evenL Traclt located 11 miles north of Lancaster, turn left at Rosamon d mvd., go 5 miles 10 traclt. F or Info conlllct ACA. P.O/Box 247, F ullerion, Cal. or pboIle (714) 528-4290. ? SCRAMBLES by Ridge Runn e r s M,C, at DeLaveaga Park In Santa Cruz, Calif. All ne w course with proceeds donated to Santa Cruz - Recreation IXs trlct. AMA sanc., Class C tract1on.Slgnupand practice 9 a.m. Race at noon. Good spectator areas and room for kids to pla y . Res trooms, ambulance, etc. F or Info call Ken Rogers (408) 475-7133. BENEFIT SCRAMBLES at santa Cruz, Calf., DeLaueaga Park, by Ridge Runners MoC. Limed from Hwy.l & Morrissey Blvd, in Santa Cruz. Signup 9 to 11 a.m. Races start at noon. All classes, DIstrict 36 rules . For further Info call (408) 475-7145. AMA Sanc. MOTO-CROSS by Bushmasters M.C. Tike UoSo 60-70-99 to Beaumont, calif•• take Beaumont Ave. otrramp and follow the llme 2 miles south. 10:00 a .m, start. Entry $3.25. All classes-5 makes a class. POKER RUN presented by Oakland MoC. AMA sanc. Slgnup time 9-11:30 a.m. at Club Hall, 1116 36th SL , co rner of 36th and san Pablo sts., 0lLk:Iand, calif. Entry fee $1.50. Free bean feed after run. FRONTIER DAY '" BUFFALO FEED at Calico Gbost Town, Calif. Presented by Dave Mason, Ed Kretz and Skl pFordyce. 12 to 2 p.m. Ttclte ts on sale a t all 3 stores: Mason Mtrs ., 3360 E . Colorado, Pasadena, Cal.; Ed Kretz '" Son , 417 E. Garvey, Mon terey Park, cal.; Sldp F ordyce, 14th at MaIn, Riverside , Cal. All customers and frie nds are urged to get tickets early. 5th ANNUAL 4ger ENDURO present ed by Polka Dots III.C Starts and finishes in Fo r es t Hill, Cal., 21 mile s northeast of Aub urn. Entry fee $3.00 , team entry $3.00, post entry $5 .00 . First r ide r out at 8:01 a . m., co urse less than 125 miles. (Nice, easy Sunday ride In the woods.) Spark arre stor s and helmets absolutely r equi r ed , Classes: Expert Class A, 012Scc ; 126-25Occ ; 251- 0pen . Novice C lass B, 0- 125cc; 12 6- 25Occ; 251-0 pe n . Sidehack class too , if you ' re crazy enurr, Perpetual Sweepstakes trophy. Numbers assigned as received after drawing on l'olarch 19 at 7 p. m. ; 4555 Auburn Blv d. , sacramento ; c'aI. Entries close April 14. Pos t en try c harged thereafte r . Fo r ino, en tr y write Po lka Dots M.C 0' 86 l\lalone Ct ., sacramento, Cal. 95820 or call (9 16) 45 1- 1845 or (916) 428- 6110; 0 3rd ANNUAL BEN EFIT RUN by Singing Whe els M.C o of Sa n Diego for the Home of Guiding Hands for me ntally re tarded children In La keside, Cal. Dona ll on $2 .00 per pe rson. Sta rt at Chuck Holenda's M/ C s hop in EI Cajon, Cal. Coffee a nd donuts , lime 9- 11 a .m Los Angel es r ide r s sign in 9- 12 a t check point, Hwy. 395 a nd Sunset, about 2 miles outside Es co ndi do, Cal. Deadiine 2:30 p.m, Field events, trophi es , refreshments, fun. All proceeds go to the home. For information call 420- 9702 In Chula Vis ta, Cal. 0 HALF-M IL E AMA IJIRT TRACK race a t San J os e , Calif . Fai rgrounds . Pr omoted by Barkhimer Assoc . P r ofes sional xov., Am . an d Ex p ; r iders . Fi r s t race at 2: 15 p.rn, Pur se $900 with Main Event winner gua r an teed ove rall winnings of ' 500. TT SCRAMBLES by Experts MoC. 01 San Diego at Mesa Spe edway . Graded and surfaced 5/ B-m lle TT cours e , Class C tracti on. ·Gear high. Practice a t 10 a .m., first race a t noon . South on Inte r s tate 5 to Maln St. turnoff south of Cbula Vista, Cal. Follow Otay Me sa Rd . and lime to track. For Info contact Earl Roloff at 479- 3209 or 239-6119 in San Dieg o. AMA SPO RTSMAN ROAD RACE a t San Ange lo , T exas. Presented by the Southwest M/C Racing Assoc. F or more Info on this and uPcom ing events, write Races, 2507 T o .U. Ave., San Angelo, C Texas or call (915) 949-1030. " PACIFIC SOUTHWEST CHAMPIONSHIP HARE SCRAMBLES by Sldehack Assn. Second annual Trl- Wheel TraIls event. All classes (except ha cks) . P lclt up lime or markers at in te r s e ction of Hwys. 395 and 58. Leave early for start at 10:30 a.m. Trail bikes 10:45 a.m , ThIs ts a snap co urse as It was laid out with s1decars and you know the y're lazy. IXst. 37 points If yo u finish. We dare you, solos! watch for poster. TT SCRAMBLES pr es ented by Orange County M.C . AMA point run. Big bikes only. First race ever a t the new Saddleback Park track. Pl en ty of laps for each class. Spectators can vi ew entire track from one point. Experi s lgn up closes 8:30 a.m., practi ce 9 a.m. Ama te ur signup closes 10:3 0 a.m., practi ce 11 a .m. Novi ce s lgnup closes 12:30 p .m. , practice 1 p.m, $3 .00 e ntry, $1.2 5 gate donation. LiTTLE L EAGUE BE NEF IT SCRAMBLES by King City Wheelers M. C . of KIng Ci ty , CalIf. has been CANCELLED o •••••• SUBSCRIBE TO CYCLE NEWS •••••• •+ • • • • • • • AFM NA T I O NA L MOm-CROSS at carlsbad, caur, J r . & Exp. 125-2505OO-Open classes. Organized by Callf. • Molo-Cr oss Club. MaU entry only to P .O o Box 391. Harobr Ci ty. Cal. 9070 1. Entries close April 16. P rize mon e y In 250 & 500 Exp. classes.Slgn up ope ns 7:3 0a.m., praetlce 10 a .m , Point events. General membership m eeting to be held at 8 p .m. April 11 a t Poplar St. P layground . Take Pasad ena Fwy. to Figue r oa otframp, left to P epper St. (Adja cent to San F er nando Rd.) MOTO-CROSS presented by Bus hmasters MoC.near Beaumont, Calif. All classes; 5 bikes make a clasa.Ptr s t r ace 10 a.m, Classes co mbined - O- IOOcc ; 101-250c c ; 251- 500/ 501-1 000cc. Three races ea ch ClasS, a mbulance s tan dby, great for s pectators. Tak e US 60- 70- 99 to Bea um on t, Cal ., take Beaumont Ave . off ramp a nd follow the lime 2 mil es south. Trophies to 20% of riders . SUNDAY. APRIL 21st D \ (VIA 2nd CLASS MAIL) $7.50 FOR 1 YEAR $12 FOR 2 YEARS D • • Via 1st class mail for one year S18. 0 Via Air Mail for one Year $26. • (pl ease eIIeck one of Ihe aboYe) • This is a ne w subscription • This is a Ienewal • I enclose check or money order '. please bill me later 0 0 0 0 0 or NAME _ ADDRESS ---' _ CITY STATE _ ZIP (du. 10 posb l reZUlali ons we musl haye zip codes on all su bscri pti ons) • • • • • • • • • • • • =MAIL TO : CYCLE NEWS, BOX 498, LONG BEACH, CALIF. 9 0801 : • PLEASE ALLOW THREE WEEKS fOR NE SUBSCRIPTIONS TO START. W : !I.............. . ..

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