Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 04 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.. .-. - ~f,tA KES THE RACING- IT ~ ~ ~ i ~ • ~ - WORLD BETTER : "II • ~ :<= Readers are ad.l sed that li sti ng In this calendar Is a free Ser.lce. Cycle News iii So cla ims any reSll"1Slb llity for cancellation or cHanging of e..nts by promoters without notice. t>:l d ~ U JULY 20 - 30 LAP TT NATIONAL CHAMPIONSIII P m. st. Hele ns MC, P.O. f1 0 x 51 , Castle Rock, W ash. -En tries from AMA or Dis tri ct Refere e. E ntries close June 29 . ,2 .~ AMA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP SANCTION SCHEDULE APmL 28 -1 MILE NATIONAL JULY 21 ":' 50 LAP TT 9 NATI ONAL CHAM P IONSHIP J. C. Aga- j an ian Enterp rises , P .O. Box 98, Gardena, Ca l l1.- Asco t--E ntries from AMA o r District Refer ee . Entries clos e J uly 6 . AUGUST 4 - PROFESSIONAL CHA. l PIONSHIP DIRT TRA CK. Grea t Y Southern Dev elopment, 1446 T ul ly Road. N. E.. Atl an ta , Ga.-Hampton Downs-Entries from AMA or Distric t Refe re e . Entri es close April 7. HIL L CLlMB NATI ONAL CHAMP IONSHIP Musk e gon MC, Muskegon, Mlch .Mt. Ga rfie l d-En tra nts no tifi ed by M IA. APRIL 28 - 90 MILE NATIONAL EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT CHAM P10NSHIP ENDURANCE R UN T ompkins, Co unt-Y MC, RFD 2 . Rou te 13 , Ne wfie ld , N.Y. - Entrie s from AMA or promoting cl ub. INOOOR SHOHT T RACK a t Po r tland, 'Or egon Exposition Ce nte r . Paved t r ac k, classes 0- 250c c , Class A & C. Ti me trials at s p .m ., Il rst hea t at 8:30 p.m, Reg ula r shor t t r ac k p ro g ram plus handicap e v e n t, fast time atte mpts , match races , etc . Wlll run eve ry F rida y night for rest of winter . MAY 5 -1l5'MILE NATIONAL CHAMP IONSHIP EN DURANCE RUN MidW est National E nduro Rid ers Assn. , c/ o Wm. Baird, Rt. 3. 1815 41b Ave., Ste rllng,III.-llliana Speedway , Schere rv ille, Ind.-Entries from AMA or promo ting club. MAY 19 -13 MILE NATIONAL CHAMP IONSHIP DIRT T RACK Rlchnond MC. Inc,; c/ o Eddie Boomhow er, 2226 Cham berlayne Ave., Richmond , Va.-Entries from AMA or District Referee. E ntlie s clos e April 28 . MAY 19 - HARE & HOUND NATIONAL CHAMP IONSW P salt Lake MC, Box 1711. salt Lak e CI I,y , Utah-Entries from AMA or promoting club. MAY 2& -12 MILE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP DIRT TRA CK Jack vanino, 611 N. W yomissing Ave,; Wyomissing, Pa.-Reading fairgrounds-Entries from AMA or District Referee . E ntries closes May 5. MAY 2& - 250 MILE NATIONAL CHAMP IONSHIP ENDURANCE RUN Enduro Riders Assn•• 792 Francis Ave,; Coll.nbus, Oh io 43209-Entrles from AMA or promollng club. JUNE 2 - 5 MILE NATIONAL CHAMP IONSHIP DIRT TRACK Detroit Area Associated Motorcycle Clubs, Detroit, Mich.-Race course Livonia, Mich. -Entries from AMA or District Referee. Entries close May 12. JUNE 1& -100 MILE NATIONAL CHAMP IONSHIP ROAD RACE New Eng-' land Motorcycle Dealers Assn., 20 Brew~ ster St•• Plymoulb , Mass.-Loudon, N.H. -Entries from AMA or Distri ct Referee. Entries close May 26. c. JUNE 23 - MINI.ATURE NATIONAL CHAMP IONSHIP ROAD RACE Pittsburgh Racing Assn., 718 Hope Hollow Rd., P ittsburgh, Pa.-Heldelberg RacewayEn lrles from AMA or District Referee. Entries close June 2. JULY 14-20 MILE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP DIRT 'T RACK Jack Leigh, c/ o Mort Becker /4118 S.E. Maiden St., Portland, Ore. En tri es from AMA or District Refer ee. Entrie s close Jun e 23• LIGHT WEIGHT T,T & SHORT T RACK RACE S at Trojar; Raceway, ACA s anc ti oned. Loc a te d corner Long Beach Fwy • and Fires ton e Blvd . Take Firestone to Garfi eld, go so uth on Garfield, west on South e rn to track en t r a nce . 100cc and 250c c classes In both TTand shor t track. Poi nts, trophies a nd mo ney. Star ts at 8 p .m , every F riday ni ght. EVERY SATURDAY ADELA NTO TT SCRAMBL ES TRA CK, practice at· Re dding' s 8/10-mlle course on Hwy. 395 near Adelanto, Calli. $1.00 per r ider , spectators $1.00 per carload. Call (213 )'861-5189 for more info. -r 1.10 r • EVERY OTHER·ISATURDAY ' is . ir' ROAD RAC E SCHOOL at Whiteman Air Park, 12030 Pierce sr., Paco lma (corner Pierce St . and san Fernando Rd. L. Street bike preferably, 9 a .m, start, $10 per s tudent. For Info call Bob Braverman at ( 213) 785- 2421. EVERY SATUR.DAY fUGHT TT RACI NG under the lights at Elsinore Rac e Track . Just off Hwy. 71, eas t of Perris, Calif. turnoff. Sportsman trophies fo r all c~ses. Spectators wel- come . 'IoG ... EVERY SUNDAY ADELANTO TT SCRAMBLE S at ReddIng'S 8/10-mlle on Hwy. 395 near Adelanto, Ca ltf', 0- 250cc practice at 8:30a.m., big bikes approx, 11:3 0 a.m, Admi s sion $1,2 5 each pe r son, $2.00 entry tee. Class C rubbe r. Ca ll (213) 861-5189 for furthe r Info . FRIDAY, APRIL 5th AMA P ROF ESSIONAL F LATTRAC K on the Ascot Park halt- mile di rt track, promo ted by J .C. Agajanlan. Practice at 7 p.m ., first race 8:1 5 p.m, Nov ., Am., Exp. Class C riders. Track lo cation 183rd & Vermont, Gardena, Callt., just otf the Harbor & Sa n Dieg o F wys. SATURDAY , APRIL 6th AMA PROFESSIONAL TT STEEP LE CHASE a t the As cot Pa r k twist, tu rn an d jump course , promo te d by J .C . Agajanian . P r a ctice at 7 p .m.; first race 8: 15 p . rn, Nov ., Am .; EXP. Class . C r ide r s. Track locati on 183r d & Vermont, Gardena, canr., just of! the Ha r bor & san Diego F wys , APRIL s through APRIL 14th T EE N-TIME USA - Motorc ycles and oth e r youngm inde d folderol at the Ana heim Conve nti on Ce nte r fr om 3 til m idnigh t Sat urdays. Pr o moted by Radio s tation KEZ Y In Or a nge County. Ca ll (714 ) 533-3 131 for more dope . SAT. APRIL 6 & SUN, APRIL 7th 14th ANNUAL NORTHWEST AMA 6 STAR TT CHAMPIONSHIP RACE presented by Owyhee M.C. at Boise , Idaho .All Novices must ti me In and qualify on Sa t. for Sunday 's event. All Am ateurs & Expe r ts will ti me In and qualify on Sunda y . $50 tor Exp . fast ti me, $50 Exp, Tr ophy Dash, $5.00 lap money fo r Experts . $1600 total purse. Gates ope n 9 a. m, Race to be held at Owyhee M.C . club gr ounds. Write for en try blanks to Owyhe e M.C., Box 733, Boi s e, Idaho 8370 1. SAT. & SUN., APRIL s & 7th CLASSIC AND ANTIQUE MOTORCYCLE RALLY In Vlsall a , Calif. P r es e nted by th e Cla s s ic & Antique Asso c., the Co ncour s de Elegance s how will be held at th e Visalia F a ir .Ma ll on Moon ey Blvd. Bike judg ing sai., Apr il 6 at 12 noon In the huge Indoor mall, ma y be set up 3nyti me betwee n 8-10 a.rn, sat. Al so trade meet an d r oped off parki ng area for use as ridi ng a nd display area fo r unllcen sed an d racing bik es. Dinne r a t local ba nque t r oom at 8 p .m , Sun. , Apr il 7 an 80m lle po ker r un through twis ty Sierra mo unta in foothllls. Fi rst Class ic & Antique Rally ever held on West Coa s t. For more Info conta c t F rank F. Co nl ey, se cv., 808 S. Church st .; Vis alia , Calif . 93277 . SUflDAY, APRIL 1th 8th ANNUAL SHAMROCK ENDURO, 125mller, Mojave Hospital Benefit. Start and finish at Old Ricardo' s , Ilmed from Red Rock Canyon, Hwy. 14, 20 miles north of Mojave, Calli. No gas or foodat start, muffler, waterproofing and license plate recommended. First Lt. Wt-HVYwe, leaves at 8:01 a.m. , 1st tr allbike leaves 10:01 a.m, Trallblkes go 50 miles, others go 125 mlles s o bring extra gas can I! you can't go 75 miles. Three riders . to a number, trallblkes r ide with own class onl y. Mall entry $4 .00 , deadline April 1st. Drawing Apr1l3, Sunland Park, 8:30 p.m, Mall entrie s to Tom Ce nte r , 773 5 Kyle , Tuj unga, Cal. 91042 . Post entry $5.00 . Tra ll bl kes can e nter as lightweigh ts and go all the way . EUROPEA N SCRAMBLES presented by Deser t Challenge r s M.C . at Deadman's Po int, canr. Three separate L-hour races, ap prox, 30 m iles . Trophies to 40% ot e ntries . $3 ,2 5 entry, noatflliati on required, pi e plates OK. All trall bi kes 10 a.m.; all s mall bik es 11: 15 a.m .; big bikes at 12:3 0 p .m, Campgrounds, pl cntx area, old we s ter n vi llage, r estaur ant, saloon, wes te rn band, co urse r e vis ed eve ry month, 100% visible to s pecta tors . Turn of! Hwy. 66 at Lucerne Vall ey cutotf, head east to Inte r s ection of Hwy. 18 In Apple Valley, Cal. an d you ' r e there. 1 1 POKER RUN by Navy City M.C . a t Vallejo, Calif. Annual event, AMA s ane . SignUP ti me 9:30-11 a.m, at Bettencourt' s M/C Shop , 42 0 Ma r in se., Vallejo, caur, Coffee and donu ts served at start, entry fee $1. 50 pe r person, 7 trophies. SCRAMBLES s po nsored by the South County M.C . of Gilroy at 7800 Cleniega Rd. , Hollister, Ca li f. AMA sanc.; r i ders or spectators $ 1. 50, children unde r 12 fr ee . Open to all classes . Pr a ctice 9 a.m., race at 12 noo n. Beautiful trophies. .. , 50-I\IlLE SCRAMBLES by sage- Hoppe r s M.C . at Encinitas , Cal . Practice 9 a.rn., ( Iders mee ting 9:45 a. m, First race 10 a.m s, Am. & Exp ., all e ngine s izes . Second race 12 noon, Nov .. all e ngi ne s izes. Limed from F wy. #5 an d Encinitas Blv d. National & Dis t . 38 sporting points. Facllltles, Inte r e sting cour s e, friendly club. $3.00 e ntry fee, no admittance charge. Che r ry pickers an d Iltterbugs wlll be walled. F or into call Bob Goodi ng (714) 753-2907. . HI HATS M.C . of Martinez, Calli. wishes to announce that they are forced to CANCEL all futur e events at Camp Stoneman, Pittsburg, Call!., Including the race scheduled for April 7. • PONDEROSA HA R E SCRAMBL ES by Greyhoun ds M.C. , 15 miles east of Lancaster , Calif. on Ave. J. 10 a.m, start, four.lO-mlle loops for all class es . Trophies to 50% of entries . 1968 Dlst. 37 desert numbers only. 1st ANNUAL 100- MIL E BONANZA HARE & HOUND p r esented by Ne vada Trail Blazers of Re no, Neva da . AMA sanc., first area Hare & Hound In yea r s. Course 100 mlles of roads, tralls an d sagebrush. Refr e s hm e nts and food avaIlable but bring your own gas and mark It well. Race starts 11 a.m, sharp. Entrants may check In or enter on sat., Aprll 6 at race headquarters, Ponderosa Hotel & Casi no, 515 S. Vi rgi nia se., Reno, Nevada. Pre entry $4.00, $5.00 day of race. Call Doug Harrison at 78 6-1906 In Reno, Nevada fo r more Info. ·Hwy. limed to course fr om U.S. 40 at U.S. 395 In downtown Reno. • 4th ANNUAL PO KER RUN presented by the Oxnard M.C. Starts at San Fernando H-D, 16113 Sherman Way, Van Nays , Cal. Signup 8 to 9:30 a.m, CoUee and donut s at start. Plenty of goo d food at finis h. Donation of $2 ,25 Inc ludes meal. Fi el d even ts an d plenty of trophies. 3- ft. Sweep stakes trophy. Fo r furth e r Info call (805) 487-4080 . •••••• SUBSCRIB·E TO CYCLE NEWS •••••• .~ : • • • • • • • • • • • D (VIA 2nd CLASS MAIL) $7.50 FOR 1 YEAR $12 FOR 2 YEARS D V 1st class mail for one year $18. 0 .ia Via Air Mail for one Year s26. 0 0 (pl ease check one of the abo.e ) This is a new subscription This is a renewal I enclose check or money order please bill me later 0 NAME = • • • ADDRESS· • 0 Of • • CITY 0 -. • STATE ZIP (due to postal regulations we must ha.e Zip codes on all subscrip tio ns) • • • =MAIL TO: CYCLE' NEWS, BOX 498, LONG BEACH, CALIF. 90801 : • ~ PLEASE ALLOW THREE WEEKS fOR NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS TO START. .............................................................•:

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