Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 04 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Is It wor th the trip? YuP. The countryside is beautiful and the tra ck Is nea t. We conducted a little poll am ong heavy and lightwei ght r iders as to their opInIons and all liked it. It's fas t and you get a chance to get both left an d r ight feet down about equally. In the co mplaint de pa r tme nt is the fac t " It' s just not wide e nough," and "fix th e jump ." .We a dmit, It coul d be wider to hel p out when you , • ove rcook it in s ome of the turns an d from what we' ve been told, it will be . The jump needs a li ttle wor k; Expe r ts can get over an yth ing but a Novic e ca n get Into trouble on this one (yeah !), so we sugge s t a bit more ramp on the la nding side. Othe r wis e than that it was s ur e nea t to see a diffe r ent bit of territory a nd we really wish the owner s the best ofl uck In keeping this one going. We need It! Othe r notes for the day . ..steve Sco tt back out again in s crambles winning the 250cc class on a P urSang an d jus t a s we wer e leaving for the day he was blo wing off the 500 cla s s in the fir s t moto on his 360cc El BandidO..• Ronnt e Knowles who could be a numbe r one if he' d put his mind to it out again on a Goldie ta king second place be hind Steve; Ron is a guy who has natural talent but isn't one of those with an all-out desire for the poi nts so ther efore r ides for the r eal fun of it when he wants to••.twelve- year old Steve A~'OUND 8 )' M aureen Lee We had the ple asure of scram bli n' around on a brand new track Sunday, Ma rch 10, Adelanto . The 4- Aces M.e . threw their scrambles there and a s us ual hosted a smoothly run eve nt . But may we make a sugges tion to other cl ubs throwing ru ns the re? YOU'd better throw a good one 'c a use if you have ri ders endi ng up with a one- r ide s itua ti on you could ge t hung to one of the Joshua tr ees after people had driven all that way! D . ARIZONA PHOENIX BUDDY STU BBS- ARIZONA HooD. $erving aU 01AnI. Coll1llele Sloo. 01 everything lor HooD. Four factorytlall~ medl:arllcs. Open 9-6 Tues.Sal 2507 E. M · e :lo.. 11 R PIKlem l. 85008. T. 1: 1 d.. 6021 27,. 7677. C OR ALIF NIA ALHAMBRA STEEN Ine. 163S '. V.II" B . '213 1 28' 'S I,. H3SI Wholesale ano Retail Cenall F(j'kS am:! Rear SuSOf"rlo Sian, Rickman a ensse Kits. U agula Levers, Fillion All Cle ers. Taco Uln,-Blkes. Hodaka SS 0111BIi . s, an .e "I be H of SU PERGOODIESt" 8:]}-5 LIoo-Fl l., ome :11 8:30-2:00 "L aUHEIM RATES: CU LVER CITY s!!:: {~'} , , f HONDA OJLVER ClTY- Honda, BSA. Ho4ala. Salts. setvce, paris. 29 yeals ollllOlorcycle eq>el. 4421 Sf. pulve(1a. (I blk ott S.D. Fry. J91 ~ 2 17 Dally 9-6:30 ) Son. 12-4:00 soee, In Hodaka H ~Uo . . TEO EVANS Motorcycle Sales and ServICe.. Complete line 01 eccessenes for T f I U~ h. Yam..,a and BuII3CQ. r Steel and SiJM tumng Oul 5PeCl al ly. ()Pen dally 9 10 6, Sa to5. closedSun. & lion. ID47 I . 'aslungton L8 BIYCl. (2131 390-3<06. M ARTY ' S FO RElCIl lIOTO R5-M SALES-SERV ICE· PARTS EXP ERT SERVICE FOR WC & CARS 4235 ~ulveda B1vd.CtJ rY'ef City Diego Free wayo-Culm Blvd. off """ ""n.-F ro. 9-7 Sal 9-S ret, 391·S7I:. DOWNEY N ORM R ES OOWN EY H EEV onda, BSA. BUW Bul. Mo" . hOBERT M. LA W SALES & SVC. 239 N. A e,m Be Hod, Kawa. La/itst selechon 01 ne & used u'c n"' la. w B 1et. A l' nanelm l41 533-1309. ' W saecranze In attet- m'es anywhere. M Darts & se ,11 e od. rvice lIept. -W llad e e satesservce,' Triumph. Yamaha, C,eeves.. 101 anything 01 value 9536 E. Flleslo B1 : ne Yd.. l 211 1 86!Hl600. NR O MREEVES ANAH EIM. 224 N. Anah" mBI ,11. 11l41 S ~36 41 . Orange County's blues t m'c deatet. Honda, But, BSA, Hod, M Bela & Kawa, Comp lete parts & GAROEIA olo service. ARTESlA A TE R SIAC¥ CLE CENTE R Suz•• H sale5-5"•• 1I od. makes, speed tuning, 12539 E. Ca Ison Blvd., (2131 860-IJI4. IARSTOW Say 'H,' to Haok & Solo Suzuki ., ~. DESERT CYCLE CE NTER. 27 117 W M St• .Ba . ain rstow The friendliest . shop & only Cyc Ne dll. In Ba le ws rstow If yo name . ur was In last issue gel a lreecopy from us. M ltlru on. SaL! ..... -<; p.... T. I. 256-2489. IEL LFLOWER S ~ J H LEY A D AR ·O VI SON -16211 ~ L.k.....d Blvd., Bellflower. Tel. ME ':'1222. P3l.I1 Lass- large selec.ol new & used llIOtorcyc les.Wnle lor mail orliel parts new 00 IBog, ve A .. . C.",g. P.... (2131 346-l7IX1. 100', 01 used , BO BW1 LSHIRE H ONDA, 171191 Beach B1vd..Hun'"gton C.Io I. 92147. Tel. (71 41 842-5531. O,ao ge eotmty's newest Honda de aler. Sales. se rVIce and patts. Balk hnan 2- ()pen 7·7 Tues. thru Sat., Sunday c'" 1()-6. Clo MonlSays. M sed edI¥lIc needec:. 'IGLEIOOD parts. Cy1. reDtlls.. Tn•• Yam.. Hod.. Malo-Bet . a ONE STOP CYClE SHOPPIN G- aTY OF II DUSTIIY Hon.. Tn.. Gree. BMW Sales. Svc. !lirtS & Ins. Bill Krause Hon~T rn.h, 1257 S. Li Brea BIvcL, Inglewood, 678-S035.' The IllCOooL $100.. ' HOND HORSEPO R Engone buold-5600. COSTA MESA All~oro zeocl .-ea. Specl.... s izing in Rnad rider iceess.& parts for all 1llOd. Fully fQPd. svc. liept. WI th tact. train edrneells. O Tues.. pen (213) 423-0431 JUST SENe IN YO lIS TlriG "'Ilh chec lor S50 JOC lJR k we' lI dO Ule rest. H ARLEY·D AVIOSONOF PDUO N A-1241' . Holl BI, 11. Phone (213) 331'1616 Of (71 4) 622·S417. A ul!loro zed Hafler-Davldson dlr. 1 Pomona. ~u ll hne 01 pall s & 0/ acces. Quality serVI ce In a tully tlJllPI. serYlce dept. REDDING N ORBERG'S IolJTOR CEN TER. 2IlS6 E" ek. ' Y . Reo. l)ng. Ca 96001. 1 6) 24J.466D. Mon.-Fri. 8:11 10 lli. 91 5.:30. Sotl B lo 5:00 Yamaha 'otO :J) . lorcycles & Datsun Autos. Race Tun ing, Q.lstom pariS & ac cessories, lxlr · In&. m ining, milling heads. :A /C Insurance, availach abl e. ' ONE STOP CYCL E SHOP: REDONDO lEACH SOUTH BAY HONDA. 121 So PaCifiC Coast Hwy., 2 Redondo 8th. , 5e1l·serv lceparts dept., bank Iinan cmg. CROW L CYCLE SHOP, 10417 Pra El Hle Ave Ing ., lewood. OR 39573. M alell., Hod., Su Compl. parts & i. Svc. lor all m akes. Open 6 day 9-7. s O 9-9 Mon. pen LAnDALE LAWN DALE CYCLE- S uz. BSA. Veloce tle, Ducah. - Be deale r In tO nl - Spet 3445. SAN DIEGO GUY URQUH ART - Tuumph, Yamane-sates, Iuumen, Yam aha, InellJr . AII,:I & C uShman gans- l day mall order semce. 1 ColumMI St. , San Diego. 041 SAN JOSE vl~ r SA.'01 SR. & SALt JR eom;: :ele parts & all fOI H . -D IIlOCleIs. Fme Svt. dept. VIS itors eetceee. 5a.'ll Arena, !-t-O Products 2921 lJonterey Rd. San Jose. 22 23. ;-01 SANTA AlIA ROY·S M'e SHOP. 1 61 W tlfllnste Santa Ana, 14 eS r, bli -Orange Counly's oldest esta shed Honda dealer" Honoa, Trtumph. Kaw.lS3I1.1. ' 7141 ~ l-0 7 .:z. IRV S EAVER M'Cs-B SA. B'.1W, StlZUIl. I. Ve spa. C u* man uco s, 1.;02 N. M aIO, S anla Ana. Tel. ~ 2-a691. SEPULVEDA se. M SI ON H IS ILLSM C Sales& 8730 S epulveda. BSA & Duc. -W eslackthe SflafeslorWhal w se!L· 7 e 85-4289 . BUD EKINS M'Cs In Sherman Oaks. 14460 Ventura s. Blvd. Call 872·2110. -Buy hom Bud.- Trl. & Honda TEMPLE CITY H ONDA OF TEMPLE CI TY. 9228 E. Las Tunas. T.... pIe Clly. AT ]-5949. Hon. & Gr e 1 Norlheast alea. e . 0f c. on. Pa ga & sv 100. Show room ooen M -Sat 9-6. rts lore ShoD ")111"11 Tu"" ,~t. 9-6. TORRA NCE H OCKIES UOTORCYCUS - Sate, & ,'e., 22025 ~ Figueroa St., TOl'f3llCe.Haibor f'1IN _ f" ::n S 1.turnoff. 42. (21 328-12 BSA, GIl"' • _..~ , ~od., Also Llsed 3) bikes.atst pa SUtltl1y In !cwn W svc. what t.oe sell. rts . e Compl. m h. shop- EIP. lun & m . Il1'0 110.. Hours ac rng eell 10-7 ODen Sun•• closed M . on rUJU GA I CRESCENTA VALLEY SPORT CYCLES 71 39 Foo~,11 Bl vd•• TU Junga. C alli. 91042 352·5917. Yan Hod., . ., Kaw., Sales & S Speed eqpt., compl ete InSlJrance, vc. l 00-llnan clng. . WEST LOS ANGELES PETE JOSEPH H SE OF Y 'S OU Al4AHA - BSA. Il"Ef, Bu ltaco Yamaha sales, svc. & parts. No mwn pmnt. , OAC . Open~. thru Sal. 8:lI).i:)). -Where the stars tlJy thell 2-whee cars.- 11975 SanL1 M ica BIVlI., 1 l on mile Wesl 01 S. [ht eo F'wy. Colli GR 3-6717 lorpiCkup i"lrl _I·_rv ~ vrCe. HA PCQ MOTOR S -Hon., Hod. , Ka . Sales.- Sl/c-Partsw 1ns.·Rentals. Porling lor all 4--strokt bt, aoel Seats. J.O. Brown. 1 3041 Pa lomar W.y. Sao l. A C :;I. 92705 1 na, , 714) 633-1627. Custom It'flaHon all fibergla ~ompon en l s. ss FLOREN TlNE' SCUSTOM' El DlN G G Ole, hel,,~ , - as. pnma'Y cran kcase, gas & 011 lank r~ a ir, slee & alloy l weld. 3059 Vet"tkigo Rd... Los Angeles 90065. Phone 22 1-1579 or242-'J132. HERB L1TCH MACHIN e SHOP ' " Long Beach H ondal $peoallzrng In: ·Borrng"'SteeYlnr Valve G dm llO g-Seat Gunorng"'Valve Seats-Head Por!lng" Head & Cyll oer n Surtaclng"'Tht Only Genume l ltth GuideS & Co llars· n · So Cy red linder EXd'lanre O HonaaS-F.te Pick Up & De llvery"' Fast SerVIce• •13-1433, 5105 Atlantic. long B each. JACK O 'BRIEN PAlNT 1NG-Ctrs. lJnk & helmet pamt., flbe lglass work, CO~ I. wrede rebuild.. wheel latlnl & lor\( slfalg!l tnlng, lirehardenmg. Free p lo.~ & de :n l l. dlrs. 2834 Co lorado Ave•• Sanla M oruca 1 51-4317 ogen 6day 8-6. , M OTORCYCLE SERV CENTE R IWI........ w ICE . ...,. viceall m'cs. Com mach. shop lor custom work. 220 pl. Eo Hunlm glon O MonrOVIa. Open 6 t!.l'fs 8-6. Ne r., ll Felgus, Cary Gllll ltl 357·n7t

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