Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 04 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• TT 10.TO-I LATINO STYLE Rampln' Ray Spiker (7) toak lOOcc: class an his Bridge stone, came back an same bik e to fin ish 2nd In 2S0cc event. Story and Photo s by No ra & Richard Ray Th e Olte: Sunday , March 10 The Obj ect: F un The Place: Mexicall, Mexico T T r acing was th e order of th e day i n the second event held this year by the Moto Club L atino. Things ot off to a good star t wi th the Mexican-dominated 50cc class . The only Amer ican rider in this group was Nora Ray , a gi r l f rom Gardena, Calif., who finished third in the first moto, b ut was f orced to retire af ter cr ashing i n the second one. With nine bi kes making up this class, the re were many good battles going on, but in th e end it was G . Sanchez ( Yam aha) and O. Lujan ( Honda) tied for first, wi th Leonardo Medi na ( Kawasaki) getting a well- earned third. In the run off, Sancbez outran Lujan to take first place honors. Spiker Nails ' Em The 100cc class was ju st the opposite, with all three trophiesgoi ngto Amer ican riders . Roy Spiker on hi s ultra-hot Bri dgestone was never cballenged for first place, but a r eal conte st went on for second. Mi~ Lamphere (Hodaka) f lna1ly emerged as the winne r of th e second place gol d, wi th Richard Ray (14odaka) fighting .off Enrique Martinez for third. . L . I\ledlna came pack on a larger Kawasaki to grab off first place in the l 75cc class . He didn' t do i t easily, though. Di ck Ray on his Hodaka was right on Medi na's tail in all three motos, with Enrique Martinez on the Yamaha not far behind the first we. Th e 250 and Open Classes again pro.v ided a gr eat share of the enter tainment Yater Raynolds, the eventual winne r in both classes , had to push his Kawasaki pr etty hard i n order to stay ahead of Roy Spi ker on his sam e Br i dges tone 100. Ever yone was amazed at the way that little bi ke coul d move. Ruben Avila on hi s 230 Ossa did some pre tty fan cey r i ding and ended up wi th a well-deserved third place in the 250 class . • Twa-fifty event fi nds Kawasakl·maunted Yater Raynalds leading Ray Spiker, Larry Phi llips and Ruben Avila through the dusty turns. Two For Raynolds Raynolds agaln f ought hard and came out the winner i n th e Open Class . R . Wllllams and his BSA pu t up a good fight, but broke down in one moto and could not mak e up enough points to win. Paul Ronson on a Velocette manag ed to beat out hard r iding Ruben Avila on hi s Ossa, for third. When the races wer e over, trophies fo r the day wer e presented. Since motocros s scoring was used, a trophy was also gi ven to the over all point l eader. This l ucky fellow turned out to be the Bri dgest one kid, Roy Spiker . All i n all, I t was a very exciting day . The races were ver y well organized and the track was i n good shape, so everyone had a l ot of fun and i s eager l y awaiting the next time. (R es ults on page 20) '16't, 1()iltaJiUtlf See ZJ61t & ;e~ March 10, 1968 Adel anlo TT Scrilllbies lOOcc AM Class 100 lst Gary Bevans Hodaka 100 5 SPEED .... .. Now the Open Class bays are underway, with Ricky W iams (13) rear·wheellng to an early lead. ill At r..r rlgllt wi th no number Is Yat er Raynal ds, eventual winner. HORSIN' AROUND AT HORSE RIDGE Story an d Photo by Larry Ulri ch .... March 11, 1968 Linlerock TT Scrilllbi es 100cc r~ov. Class lst Don Bevans Hodaka 100 "fLASH" Yamaha lakes1 of firsllO Places at Daytona. Come Meet the Exciters Over 100 New Motorcy cle s to ch oos e from Complete Parts & Service HODAKA-YAMAHA-BSA-HUSQVARNA Don & Ray's MOlorcycle Shop 1223 West Avenue I, L ancaster, Cal ifornia (805) 942-9624 CZ.maunted Arv in Ca. leads Larry Lang at Bend, Oregan 'Horse Ridge Hare Scrambles' In the 250cc event. Alter holding the advantage f or 10 of IS laps, Ca. was forced aut with mechanical woes and Ran Rogers went an to wi n, It was T- shirt weath er for the r unni ng of the Cascade M .C.' s Horse Ri dge Hare Scrambles I n Bend, Or egon on March 3. Mud r i ders fr om the WlIllame tte Valley could hardly believe all the dus t they encountered at the last winter event at the season i n sunny central Or egon. To avol d confu sion, each class was run separate ly. The 100cc race was scheduled for 10 laps over the 3- m lle deser t course, but during pr ac tice some riders were taking 15 minutes to make one circuit, so it was cut to 5 laps . Two men swapped the l ead. Russell Hisaw of Primevi lIe, Or e. l ed the fi r st lap, then Jim Robertson of Sweet Home , Ore. took over . But the eventual winner was young Hi saw on a Honda . The 250cc race was l ed by Bend motorcycle dealer Arvin Cox for 10 laps, when a br oken cond enser l ead put him out . Gr eeves- mounted Ron Rogers of Nampa , Idah o hel d fir st place fo r the remalni ng five laps to win . The Open Class event saw Di ck Jagow of Por tland jump into the l ead on his Matc hless single, with Mark Tennyson (H usqvarna) in hot pursuit . But Jagow stretched his advantage considerably ••, until r unning out of gas on the 15th Iap, The win then went to Te nny son, of Boi se, Idaho, l eaving Jagow to contemplate on his recent run of bad luck i n the central Or egon r egt on, ( Results on page 20)

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