Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 04 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.... .... Northwest Cycle Show A late report, but better than never. This year's Seattle show was better than ever! \l) "" a.. '" cc Ph o tos ~ Vic E bbutt <0 .... '" .... .~ ~ REMEMBER, YOU ALWAYS READ IT FIRST IN CYCLE NEWS, r--------------.. . ~ BRIDGESTONE Sales-Serrice B arney T illman' s SPOR T CENT ER -' ~ ~ ~ ..J "U s, 6027 Whi trier Bl vd. , E . Los An gel e s (213) 7 23-35 23 U 'I think the Beaelll 250cc is lIIe fastest 250cc In the Cluntry' (GordonJemlngs Editor Cyclellapzine) FOR DEALER INFORMATION IN SELECTED AREAS Write: Jesse C. Levine National Sales Manager COSMOPOLITAN MOTORS, INC. DepL A., 5521 Wayne Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 19144 Duke McCracken entered thi s 450 Honda Custom and recei ved two trophies fr om show promoter Bill McDonell • • CO) :::a ~ z -t Rick lIyers and his 1948 Harley chopper. Value: $3,700 so far. W inner of three show trophie s, Rick towed cycle from L.A. for show. ;; Z -t J"I"I n = Would you believe••• a solo kneeler? 3: o o :::a -t .I n -< n .J"I"I ~ ~ ~ :::a > J"I"I J"I"I Z , - CO) Z J"I"I J"I"I :::a Seattle Cossacks team thrilled show&Ders with stunts like thi s. J"I"I Mlnature si decar combination really runs. ~ a :::a 3: ~ >< 3: c: *" *" *" cnC:2: -Ic:> -<:;:gz r->c ITI~C r-z ::::jCl -< 3: ." J"I"I :::a a :::a 3: ~ z n J"I"I Road rider Joe lIaw won 'lIost Unusual" category by di splay ing his wrecked Harley and broken crash helmet...Joe Is living proof that people can survive crashes even If cycles can' t., ." Unusual three wheeler features Enfie ld single engi ne In Mustang frame, buil t by Gordon Croydon of Kaneohe, HawaII, now a student In Seattl .. MOlltesa - Hodaka - Ka wasaki WESTMINSTER SPORT CYCLE Moto rcyc les G Y R. Leuis U SACHS MOTORS CORPORATION f f!l/( hIU"'p' "' - '. ' _ & s.... o."t 187 fi09 • a-., ~.2fi66 1'Wf•. ~ . . ...., 0lIIlXN •••••• mo lsa-1051 7574 WestminsterAve. Westm inster, Cal. ------~-- I SUZUKI I I I ~I f W AXlh elm all Triumph -Suzuki Molors 1049 Wesl 51h Street Pomona, Calif. ( 714) 629-8642 --------- f f :::a o 3: J"I"I Z ~ -t o J"I"I Z ~ I

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